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Liver Detox with CBS Mutation


Senior Member
I have MTHFR with a ++CBS mutation. I also have Gilbert Syndrome so my bilirubin is high. I have thyroid disease and am having a terrible time with T3 conversion. Most of it occurs in the liver which makes it even worse. I've read I'm not supposed to take Milk Thistle since it is sulfur based. Is there anything else I can take that is effective and safe for a CBS mutation?


Senior Member
The CBS variants either have a mild beneficial effect, or no effect at all. Thus it isn't something you need to worry about.
Thanks Valentijn. I have read in quite a few places that sulfur based supplements cause issues in people with CBS mutations. I will say that NAC makes me feel terrible.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I have CBS snps, and don't handle sulfur in foods or supps. You might get some direction from this thread.
I've had excellent results over these last years using coffee enemas to support liver, adrenals. I compiled a blog, linked in my signature. Good luck.


Senior Member
I have read in quite a few places that sulfur based supplements cause issues in people with CBS mutations. I will say that NAC makes me feel terrible.

That is the claim but there is no scientific basis for it. Actually it flows from a complete misreading of research by Yasko.

There can be many reasons for sensitivity to sulphur compounds, including NAC, but they have nothing to do with CBS.

The gene variants are common - it is hardly surprising that some people with them also have problems with sulphur (especially in a community like ours which is characterised by metabolic disturbance) - but there is no causal relationship.


Senior Member
Thank you for your replies. This gives me some direction. I will give it a try and see how I feel.


Senior Member
Thanks Valentijn. I have read in quite a few places that sulfur based supplements cause issues in people with CBS mutations.
Those "places" are wrong. There is no scientific evidence that those SNPs cause any problems at all.

I will say that NAC makes me feel terrible.
This is not related to CBS SNPs.