My son and I take over-the-counter Lithium Orotate occasionally as needed for a day or two for our bipolar disorder. We just need it every few months or so, not often. We take one pill - "5 mg. (from 125 mcg. lithium orotate)" as it says on the pill bottle.
I take it when my thoughts are racing or grouchy. He takes it when he starts to go into a manic breakdown agitation. It snaps us both out of it same day. Lifts our mood to normal.
I've noticed that since taking Lithium Orotate occasionally as needed, I laugh at inane comedy movies and shows that I thought were stupid before. A pleasant improvement in my mood that lasts in between doses.
I don't take anything with Aspartate in the name on a regular basis, because it means it's an exitotoxin and will make me feel manic jittery in a bad way in both mind and body.
Only take Lithium Orotate.
Not Lithium Aspartate or Lithium Arginate.
I just remembered, I take a Multi-Amino Acid supplement once a week for my brain fog when I need to 'wake up' a bit for shopping. It has aspartic acid and arginine in it, both are exitotoxins. Once a week works, but if I took it every day I suspect I'd get too hyped up.
I get my Lithium Orotate from Vitacost site online.
A high dose of Magnesium Oxide snapped me right out of a 3 month long herbal-induced depression once - 1,000 mg. at bedtime. I just use the cheap magnesium oxide and it works for me.
I tried daily Magnesium Aspartate recently and got jittery and manic from it being an exitotoxin. I won't regularly take anything with aspartate in the name of it anymore, now that I know what to watch out for with that.
I use Kelp pills for iodine for a thyroid level boost. My friend had a severe reaction to it, that fight or flight feeling, after just one dose, and the reaction lasted for weeks, so can't take it for her hypothyroid.
Anything that gives me a bad reaction I stay off of forevermore. Except if it's a herx reaction, I just back off of it to let my system clear then can take it again sometimes successfully.
There was one supplement that I tried years later that now helps instead of hurts, but I forget which one it is now. So a re-try can work sometimes.
Once-a-day multi-vitamin and mineral pills always make me sick all over, just can't take them.