lithium experiences

Sydney, Australia
I tried my first dose of lithium orotate last night before going to bed, hoping it would help with sleep. Instead, I was half-awake all night long. :(I wonder if the pesticide absorbed in the brain and nerves causes so much oxidative stress that I don't react normally to antioxidants of any kind. They tend to add to the neurotoxicity. I was so hoping this would be a help- funny how after all these years you still keep on trying, even when there's a drawer full of supplements you can't take. I'm glad to hear that this has helped others. Please keep us up to date on your experiences!


Youve just described me exactly. Most things I try have a paradoxical reaction, so much so that I vowed a couple of months ago that I was going to stop ordering supplements in the hope that they would work.

Well I cracked, and I received a bottle of lithium orotate and l-theanine yesterday. I tried the l-theanine, which is supposed to lower glutamate and hence exitotoxicity, and all it did was make me feel more agitated and interfere with already disturbed sleep.

When things settle down, Ill give the lithium orotate ago. Maybe, just maybe, this time it will be different.

I could start my own store with the truck load of nearly full bottles of supplements that I have here.

Please let me know if you find something that helps you? The only thing that works for me is Rivotril (Klonopin) but Id really like to find a substitute for that, because it has a lot of downsides.

All the best,



Senior Member
Tried 5 mg lithium(120 mg lithium orotate), for a few more days and I got a persistent headache everyday . I had to take 2 Excedrin tabs to get some relief (Normally one tab does the job for me). I can tolerate a small dose of lithium though. I am confused, because lithium is supposed to help with headache, but it does the opposite for me.


Senior Member
I too get some very slight headache at first but it went away. I am on lithium orotate for couple of months now and it really helped with mood. But now I suffer from insomnia. Anybody else has the same problem? I also changed my other medcs recently, so it can be caused by something else, but for now I am not sure what role lithium plays in the problem. I went as high as 20mg but felt it was too much, so decreased to 5mg. The pills are hard to halve and I did not find any product which would be around 2,5mg.


Senior Member
I took 20mg lithium orotate in a day and I was feeling really in la la land. I went on my normal walk in the woods and halfway through I just sat down and did nothing for 30 minutes. Just felt like doing nothing.... These things take a while to work, so I would have to give it more time before I judged, but I really don't feel like dealing with the "out of it" side effect of an increased dosage right now.

Sticking with 10mg at night at present.

What is la la land, PokerPlayer? :eek:) I took 20mg and was too merry, laughing stupidly and was little bit jittery and too much alert like after drinking strong coffee.


Senior Member
Hi all

I would like to say that I am very happy with the results I obtained with Lithium.It has calming effect on me.I liked the effect. It is similar to effect of Seriphos but better as my mind is clearer. Noticed no side effects to this point. My supplement is Lithium by American Biologics.50 mcg Lithium.Just wished to share. I also wonder if this effect will wear off in time? Or will there be any side effects in long term?Thanks to all who have given me information on this subject.
best wishes


Senior Member
Hi all

I am looking for any research on effect of lithium on HPA axis. Would you share if you have any?Thanks.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Hi Cindi,

I too have been looking into the use of Lithium. Today I came upon an interesting article by George Eby on the use of Magnesium to treat Depression. He talks about his own experience with treatment resistant depression, his experience on Lithium and how he came to the conclusion that Lithium is a poor and dangerous substitute for Magnesium!

It's fine print needs magnifying, but it's worth a read.

meryl (PS I actually purchased some Lithium Orotate to try. I found it helpful but have been worried about toxicity)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
meryl (PS I actually purchased some Lithium Orotate to try. I found it helpful but have been worried about toxicity)

meryl.. is that available here without a script?

I could do with trialing something else in my PMS times as my hormones are still affecting me.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
meryl.. is that available here without a script?

I could do with trialing something else in my PMS times as my hormones are still affecting me.

I don't think so, tania. I bought Doctor's BEST, Best Lithium Orotate through iHerb in US.

However, I am now convinced a safer option is to increase Magnesium supplementation.



Senior Member
Hi Cindi,

I too have been looking into the use of Lithium. Today I came upon an interesting article by George Eby on the use of Magnesium to treat Depression. He talks about his own experience with treatment resistant depression, his experience on Lithium and how he came to the conclusion that Lithium is a poor and dangerous substitute for Magnesium!

It's fine print needs magnifying, but it's worth a read.

meryl (PS I actually purchased some Lithium Orotate to try. I found it helpful but have been worried about toxicity)

Thanks for the link. I gave a quick look at it today and I could not reach it at my second trial. I will try again later. At this point I can say that I have also tried magnesium (not at high dose)but effects of lithium and magnesium are different for me.I am very happy with Lithium so far. Best wishes.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
meryl.. is that available here without a script?

I could do with trialing something else in my PMS times as my hormones are still affecting me.

Tania, this lithium(supplement) form i believe is different to prescription lithium and supposedly less side effects to prescription version.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Tania, this lithium(supplement) form i believe is different to prescription lithium and supposedly less side effects to prescription version.

Thank you for answering that question :)

Im going to research it.. as I dont even know if lithium is something which occurs natural too in the body or not. (I didnt have any showing on my hair analyses which also looks for that).


oh Thanks Meryl too. I missed seeing your post replying to me before. now im confused.. If I read your post correctly.. you think I do need a prescription?? (or maybe im taking your post wrong)


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I just love the internet and being able to look up things within minutes :)

Trace amounts of lithium are present in all organisms. The element serves no apparent vital biological function, since animals and plants survive in good health without it. Nonvital functions have not been ruled out.

ohh looks like I have an issue with that then. The reference range on my hair analyses was between .001-.006 and I had none at all showing up, not a trace.

Im going to try to get some.. maybe it would help my anxiety i get at my PMS time.


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Thank you for answering that question :)

Im going to research it.. as I dont even know if lithium is something which occurs natural too in the body or not. (I didnt have any showing on my hair analyses which also looks for that).


oh Thanks Meryl too. I missed seeing your post replying to me before. now im confused.. If I read your post correctly.. you think I do need a prescription?? (or maybe im taking your post wrong)
Hi tania,

People on prescription Lithium have their blood levels monitored as there is a fine line between therapeutic levels and toxic levels.
Lithium is lithium is lithium...just because it can be bought from overseas without a prescription does not mean it has any less potential for being toxic.

All I'm saying is to consider it's potential toxicity, that's all.



Senior Member
the dosages of lithium that are prescribed are many many times larger than the 5 mg that are in supplements


Senior Member
Sth Australia
just reread this thread and like most or even all threads, it is so obvious that we are not all alike.
I know this doesn't sound like a great surprise but, we all react so differently to all different types of treatment/
This of course results in great feelings of frustration both g]for patients and the doctors who treat us.
Do we have thousands of diseases who just look similar or is it i]one disease but, our physical make up is such that not two of us are alike?

Maybe part of it is if we are deficient in it or not?
That's why things like hair anaysis testing is good.

I dont have anywhere near a normal level of it in my body, so low. (so Im thinking it may be more likely to be helpful for me). I think it helps bring more successes, to base treatment not just on certain symptoms but also on any abnormal findings we have


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Meryl seems to be a huge dose difference between the one used as an Nutritional supplement (5mg) and the one the psychs use (with that the lowest dose for the pharmy one I see is 150mg.. up to 600mg). So I'd think the 5mg would be completely safe.

I cant wait for an opportunity to try it :)


Senior Member
Interesting pages and information about magnesium, thanx, but it is very chaotic. Could you please write down what dose and in which form should we use? I was unable to find it or I am too foggy today.
I do not know what form of lithium anyone I know takes (I am only learning that forms and brands make a difference -- never thought about it before). But the people I know who take lithium say they never feel highs or lows...they just feel kindof blah all the time. I am low side of normal on lithium but I am afraid of it myself.

But you did not say you were low in lithium (at least in your first post). You said you were looking to get rid of glutamate toxicity. I have that problem too and estrogen cures it. I found studies to prove it and I posted them on the WrongDiagnosis site. (But I lost my memory stick so I don't have them to hand now and I made so many posts it's pretty hard to tracl one down). I think there is a lot more in your "etc" above because my experience of glutamate toxicity is that it almost killed me once. I went to a Chinese restaurant that served high msg meals and I was oblivious to this issue. It was more than racing and wired, it was inability to relax a single muscle - even chest and heart msucles - uncontrolleable shaking like low blood sugar but unresolved by eating, and basically a feelinng that I was going to explode and die on the spot every second of the 15 or more hours it took to pass. Shudder...! I take DHEA and it totally protects me from this as long as I replenish the DHEA before it leaves my system (it only stays in your system 20 hours).


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Interesting pages and information about magnesium, thanx, but it is very chaotic. Could you please write down what dose and in which form should we use? I was unable to find it or I am too foggy today.

Hi lala,
Referring to:
which I agree is hard to read...
George Eby says he started out on high doses of 3 x the RDA for elemental magnesium. As he improved, he lowered the dosage...but his symptoms returned, so he increased it again. He eventually stabilised...with his depression totally gone on: 4 x 200 mg elemental magnesium (as Magnesium glycinate) tablets per day.

I am currently trying 6 x 100 mg elemental magnesium per day which is recommended dose for PMS on the bottle of capsules I have (Nature's Own Amino Acid Chelated Magnesium 500 mg, equivalent to elemental magnesium 100mg). So I shall see!
(So far it is lifting my mood by 2pm afternoon...)

meryl PS as an aside, (and to return the discussion to Lithium) reading Wikipedia, the Japanese have found that small amounts of Lithium naturally occurring in drinking water reduced suicide rates. The Texans have found similar re reduction in violence.