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Lightning Process to be Evaluated in Research Study on Children

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
AYME's involvement with the SMILE study

Not for forwarding or republishing elsewhere

Because I have been focussing on the forthcoming ICD-11 Revision September/October iCAMP meeting and Alpha Draft, this last few days, I have only just started going through the LP pilot study documents that were published towards the end of last week, on the University of Bristol website.

There are 29 documents in all which can also be downloaded in PDF format from ME agenda site:

SMILE – Specialist Medical Intervention and Lightning Evaluation documents (Lightning Process pilot study – children [now aged 12 to 18] with CFS and ME)

ME agenda Shortlink: http://wp.me/p5foE-37x

University of Bristol website:


Some brief notes:

The acronym "SMILE" is cringeworthy.

From Page 6 of the NHS REC Application Form Reference: 10/H0206/32: [Document 29 on ME agenda site]


The Phil Parker Lightning Process is a trademarked intervention that is used for a variety of conditions including CFS/ME. In 2009, over 250 children attended groups to access the Lightning process as an intervention for paediatric CFS/ME. The Lightning Process has been developed from osteopathy, life coaching and Neurolinguistic programming (NLP). The intervention includes three group sessions on consecutive days. Families currently pay approximately 620 to attend the Lightning Process course.

There are currently no reported studies investigating the effectiveness or side effects of the Lightning Process in children.* As with all interventions, proper evaluation is necessary if it is to be brought into mainstream practice.

*Ed: Nor any rigorous RCTs in adults, either.

From the NHS REC Application Form Reference: 10/H0206/32: [Document 29 on ME agenda site]

Application dated 24 June 2010



Give details of involvement, or if none please justify the absence of involvement.

The need for doing a study properly evaluating the Lightning Process came from patients and service users.

Representatives from the Association of Young people with ME (AYME) have read, and suggested changes to the protocol and methodology. Service users publicized the research project and are keen to disseminate the findings.

Healthy teenagers have scrutinized the patient information sheets and consent forms. The Chief Executive of AYME will be on the External Advisory Group.


From Page 7 of the Final Protocol Document: [Document 3 on ME agenda site]

Final Protocol dated July 2010


Study management

The study will be monitored by a Trial Monitoring Group which will meet every 4 to 6 weeks. The trial Monitoring Group will consist of: Dr Esther Crawley (PI), a member of the BRTC as well as applicants on the grant.

An External Advisory Group will also meet: prior to the study starting, by phone conference 6 monthly and at the end of the study. This will be an independent group and will include experts in CFS/ME, including a representative from the Association of Young people with ME (AYME) and the Lightning Process.

It's not yet known who the "CFS/ME experts" are who comprise the External Advisory Group. I shall be requesting that their names are identified when I put in another request for the information and documents I had requested in May, but which have not been provided within the documents now published on the U of Bristol website (which includes the funding application forms and associated documentation).

So AYME had been invited to scrutinize the methods and protocol and Mary Jane Willows (CEO, AYME) has a seat on the study's External Advisory Group.

And while patient organisations, advocates and parents of YPWME were trying to establish just what is going to be done to these children under the auspices of the NHS Bath and U of Bristol, and while Dr Crawley (lead researcher) was failing to respond to communications, AYME were sitting on knowledge of the study design and methods and providing input.

In May, AYME had published an article on the study in its restricted circulation Link Newsletter. Note that at that point, it had already been announced by the research team's press release, by local media coverage and on the sites of some LP practitioners, that the age range for the study would be 8 to 18. The REC Application, dated 24 June 10, and the Final Protocol, dated July 10, specify under Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria an age range of 12 to 18 years.

Note that in the AYME Link article [1], Dr Crawley is reported as stating:

"Lots of people are using LP. It's important to know whether it is helping or not. It is also important to know if there are significant side effects."

But under "2. Select one category from the list below" on Page 1 of the REC Application application it gives the study category as:

Study administering questionnaires/interviews for quantitative analysis, or using mixed quantitative/qualitative methodology

even though for half of the projected 90 odd cohort, a course of Lightning Process, administered over three days is to be applied as an intervention (the LP + specialist medical care arm).

And from the REC Application:


...children attending either arm may not benefit from the interventions. This is true for specialist medical treatment as well the specialist medical care plus the Lightning Process. Both interventions include a burden attending outpatient appointments or group sessions respectively. In addition, there is the added burden of qualitative interviews to examine the view points of participants and their families before and after the interventions.


The course is 3 sessions on 3 consecutive days. Each session is 3 hours 45 minutes long. Group sessions include 4 to 5 young people between 12 – 18 years of age who live within the region covered by the CFS/ME service. During the group, children and young people will have a theory session and a practical session. The theory session will include taught elements on the stress response, how the mindbody interacts and how thought processes can be helpful and negative. The language used by young people will be discussed and in some cases challenged. Young people will be encouraged to think about what they may be able to take responsibility for and change. The taught sessions are followed by a group discussion.

The practical session is used to put some of the skills learnt into practise. Young people identify a goal they wish to achieve (such as standing for longer) and are then given alternative ways to think about and prepare for this. This involves using different cognitive (thinking) strategies before and whilst the goal is attempted. Young people are also asked to identify a goal in which they can practise the strategies in the afternoon or evening. This goal will usually be short but could be an activity that is up to 30 minutes long. The LP Practitioner will then arrange two follow up phone calls



A22. What are the potential risks and burdens for research participants and how will you minimise them?

For all studies, describe any potential adverse effects, pain, discomfort, distress, intrusion, inconvenience or changes to lifestyle. Only describe risks or burdens that could occur as a result of participation in the research. Say what steps would be taken to minimise risks and burdens as far as possible.

We do not believe there are any risks of being part of this study. There is however a burden for study participants.

Some parents will be interviewed on three occasions. Children and young people will be interviewed once. We have tried to reduce this by ensuring that interviews are conducted at a place and time that is convenient for parents and the young person (usually in the home). In addition, feedback from parents from a previous study suggested that interviews were welcome as parents are keen to discuss their experiences of this illness.

There is an additional burden of extra inventories for children (5 minutes more at each assessment) and one extra time point. We have tried hard to minimise the questions asked and included follow up at the time they normally receive follow up as part of service evaluation. Inventories are self completed at home and completion can therefore be spread out over several days if necessary.

We have excluded young people who are severely affected from this study as we feel the burden of this study would be excessive for them. We will only recruit young people who will be able to manage this extra burden.

So, no potential risks to study participants have been identified by Dr Crawley in the REC Application Form, only the potential "burden" of interviews, questionnaire completion and inventories. So the potential for PEM, short or long term exacerbation of symptoms, relapse etc has been played right down, to the extent that it is not mentioned at all.

A copy of the Lightning Process Assessment Form where "...they are asked to identify their goals and describe what they learnt from reading the book [about the Lightning Process]" has been included in the documents provided: [Document 14 on ME agenda site] but I have not had time to go through this yet.

Note also that the "cost effectiveness" of LP is also to be evaluated as part of the study.


Open PDF here: View attachment lipcassfrmv2july&#4.pdf


[No URL for this]

[1] AYME Link, Issue 37, May 2010

First steps in researching Lightning Process

AYME's medical advisor, Dr Esther Crawley, will lead a research team at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (often called the Min) in Bath, looking into interventions and treatment options for ME. This is thanks to successful funding of 164,000 from the Linbury Trust and the Ashden Trust.

This is an interesting piece of research as it will be looking into whether it is possible to research two different approaches which both aim to treat ME in children: Phil Parker's Lighting Process (LP) and specialist medical care - which is generally found in the specialist ME clinics.

At this stage, Dr Crawley's team will carry out a pilot project to investigate if it is possible to recruit to a randomized, controlled trial looking at both approaches. It will only show whether a larger scale piece of research is a viable project.

This will be the first study of its kind in this area. If successful at this stage, the team hopes to establish a basis for a larger multicentre research project.

Dr Crawley's specialist Paediatric ME/CFS service at the Min is the largest regional paediatric service in the UK and also provides services nationally. The team currently provides assessment and treatment for over 200 children from across the UK and Western Europe each year. Approximately ten per cent of the children referred into the service are housebound and assessed at home.

The Phil Parker Lightning Process (R) is an intervention that is used for a variety of conditions including ME/CFS and has been developed from osteopathy, coaching and neuro-linguistic programming. It is a three-day training programme run by registered practitioners and designed to teach individuals a new set of techniques for improving life and health.

The research study will begin in September 2010 and will involve in-depth interviews with the patients and their parents, with the primary outcome measure being school attendance after six-months. It is hoped that over 90 children and their families will be involved in the study. They will be recruited after assessment by the specialist team at the Min.

If the full research goes ahead Lightening [sic] Process will be under scrutiny for the first time, meaning that what happens during the process can be studied and evaluated and compared to other sorts of ME treatment. The study is only a small percentage of the total grant funding raised this year by the Bath/Bristol team for ME/CFS research and is being done because young people and adults asked for it to be done.

Research is also being done on aetiology. The team have also just put in for a huge grant to look at genetics.

Dr Crawley told CHEERS: "There is so much research in lots of different areas. Research on treatment is important. At the moment, we are not comparing treatments but seeing if we can recruit into a trial to see if we could investigate treatments in the future.

"Lots of people are using LP. It's important to know whether it is helping or not. It is also important to know if there are significant side effects."

Dr Crawley added: "As well as all of this, we will also use this study to start looking at which outcomes are the best for children. At the moment, no research has looked at those and it is important to find out from young people how best to measure outcome."


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Note that the LP Application Forms being used by some LP practitoners include the following:


Please read these statements, and if you agree with them please select yes, we will not accept you onto the training program unless all the statements are agreed to. Our experience suggests you should only take the training if you agree to these statements

1. I understand that the Lightning Process is a training program. Yes: / No:

2. I understand that learning the Lightning Process does not guarantee me any results. Yes: / No:

3. I accept full responsibility for the effects of applying or not applying this training program to my life. Yes: / No:

4. I recognise that the mind and body can powerfully influence each other. Yes: / No:

5. I am prepared to look at and challenge my beliefs about my condition/illness, my health and myself. Yes: / No:

6. I am totally prepared to do the sometimes-challenging work, of starting to think very differently,
that is required to get myself back on track. Yes: / No:


The equivalent section of the "Assessment Form" for the children and young people undertaking the Bath/Bristol pilot study is:




What I expect from you:

That you are ready and committed to do the work required by the course.

What you can expect from me, your trainer: I am completely committed to your success. I may ask you to change any behaviours that could prevent you getting the success you deserve. Even though it may not always be what you want to hear, I will give you no-nonsense, honest and essential feedback.

1. Have you read the book/listened to the audio book/had the book read to you? (delete as appropriate)
2. Do you believe you can get better? Yes/No/Maybe
3. Do you feel you can influence your own health? Yes/No/Maybe
4. Are you willing to attend and participate in the discussions, training and coaching sessions? Yes/No/Maybe
5. Do you feel doubtful, cynical about the LP or just want to give it a go to see what happens?Yes/No/Maybe
6. Do you feel that you are ready to take the course? Yes/No/Maybe


This is the Application Form used by Alastair Gibson (Withinspiration) and downloadable from his website:



From the REC Application Form


A63. Other key investigators/collaborators. Please include all grant co−applicants, protocol co−authors and other key members of the Chief Investigators team, including nondoctoral student researchers.


Title Forename/Initials Surname Mr Alastair Gibson

Post Lightning Process Practitioner

Qualifications ABNLP, BMHRD, EFT

Employer Self Employed


Title Forename/Initials Surname Ms Fiona Finch

Post Director

Qualifications MSc, Dip COT

Employer Phil Parker Group


Title Forename/Initials Surname Mr Phil Parker

Post Designer and Developer of the Lightning Process

Qualifications D.O,Dip E.Hyp.Pysc CMPNLP

Employer Director



That's three Lightning Process related individuals on the Chief Investigators team.

Snow Leopard

South Australia
We all know why they're testing it in children - because if they tested it in adults first, they'd get mostly neutral or negative outcomes in terms of activity levels, hours worked/employment status etc.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
NSPCC To Investigate Complaints Regarding SMILE/Lightning Process Medical Research on Children with M.E.


There are threads on the Wall of the NSPCC's Facebook site:


Under the Tab "NSPCC + Others"

Scroll down to Yesterday at 12:21pm (that is, Monday, 20 September)

To clarify, I have not participated in these threads, myself, nor have I had any contact with the NSPCC so am unable to add any further information or updates.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch

The threads are not on the main Wall.

You will need to select the Tab for

"NSPCC + Others"

Then scroll down to Monday at 12:21pm (that is, Monday, 20 September)

there are a number of threads below that date with some responses from the NSPCC.

I understand that a phone call has confirmed that they have said that they will be looking into it.

I understand that AYME's President, Esther Rantzen, is a Trustee of the NSPCC.

Hope you will be able to find them now. They start with this one:


Barbara Kell NSPCC Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.
Make sure you guys are doing your job properly. LP trials on children is cruelty.



Senior Member
What steps are they going to take to evaluate if the children get worse?

It might be useful to have links and references to the bug patient surveys which show an adverse response to LP. I will not have time today, but I will post them as soon as I get a chance.

It is terrible the way they ignore everything they don't agree with. "Evidence based", huh.

The whole thing is making me feel sick.

I have no argument with cognitive treatments as such, my grandson is severely school phobic and is being treated very well by the children's mental health services. (He actually managed to a normal class yesterday.) But what he did not need was blame, he was already disgusted with himself. They have helped him to see it as an illness he can learn to control by making adjustments and at every setback they assure him it is only to be expected and that there is no rush, little steps, little successes. They realise he is desperate to be normal, to be with his friends, but he just can't do it.

Contrast that with the LP approach, with its emphasis on "it's your fault if this is not working". It is totally unsuitable for children who actually have mental health problems never mind a physical illness.

Miracles cures that only work of you are holy enough, believe enough, work hard enough, are the province of quack merchants. Even in religion, miracles are something that God does independent of the recipient.




The threads are not on the main Wall.

You will need to select the Tab for

"NSPCC + Others"

Then scroll down to Monday at 12:21pm (that is, Monday, 20 September)

there are a number of threads below that date with some responses from the NSPCC.

I understand that a phone call has confirmed that they have said that they will be looking into it.

I understand that AYME's President, Esther Rantzen, is a Trustee of the NSPCC.

Hope you will be able to find them now. They start with this one:


Barbara Kell NSPCC Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.
Make sure you guys are doing your job properly. LP trials on children is cruelty.


thank you, I've emailed them

I hope Esther Rantzen, who pushes LP in the media every chance she gets, will not be involved in their looking into this

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
What steps are they going to take to evaluate if the children get worse?

It might be useful to have links and references to the bug patient surveys which show an adverse response to LP. I will not have time today, but I will post them as soon as I get a chance.

The links have already been posted in this thread but here they are again:

Patient Survey 2008, Action for M.E. and AYME:
http://www.afme.org.uk/res/img/resources/Survey Summary Report 2008.pdf

Patient Survey May 2010, ME Association:


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The Phil Parker Lightning Process site announces they will shortly be "launching a public opinion survey designed to raise awareness about current research into the physical nature of this disease" - a "Campaign to increase awareness of ME/CFS as a physical illness" with the promise of more information to follow.


Snow Leopard

South Australia
The Phil Parker Lightning Process site announces they will shortly be "launching a public opinion survey designed to raise awareness about current research into the physical nature of this disease" - a "Campaign to increase awareness of ME/CFS as a physical illness" with the promise of more information to follow.

Sounds like a poisoned apple.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
The LP site is now linking to the SMILE documents on the U of Bristol website:


from this page:


Stuff about "PER" on this page:


How does it work for ME/CFS?

Many people ask how is it possible for the Lightning Process training programme to help you influence your bodys health when you have ME/CFS? The bodys Physical Emergency Response holds the key.

Physical Emergency Response (PER)


Phoenix Rising Founder
I don't understand what they mean when using the words 'suggests' and 'unlikely'...
Do they mean that there is, or ever was, a possibility that ME is a mood disorder?

I mean, what world are Action for ME living in? Certainly not the same world that their members have been living in for the past few decades with this decapacitating, debilitating biomedical disease. This really seems to display a massive amount of disrespect to their members, unless I am interpreting their statement wrongly.

Honestly using 'suggests' is just 'scientific-speak'; that's how researcher typically characterize their findings - they usually say X and Y 'suggests' Z. THey are basically saying anxiety and whatever are not key components of this disorder.


Lightning Process: further statement from ME Association and Young ME Sufferers Trust
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 09:08

"On 4 August 2010 The ME Association and The Young ME Sufferers Trust (Tymes Trust) issued a joint statement that expressed a number of concerns about the proposal to carry out a feasibility study, involving children and adolescents with ME/CFS, into the use of the Lightning Process.

We also sent a copy of this statement to the Department of Health with a request that it should be forwarded to the ethics committee that will be examining this proposal. This is because we believe the ethics committee should be aware of widespread concerns being expressed by people with ME/CFS about the trial. Our statement also contained information about an adjudication from the Advertising Standards Authority and interventions by several trading standards officials - both in relation to therapeutic claims being made for the Lightning Process which we believe the ethics committees must be aware of when reviewing this proposal

The Department of Health have refused to forward this information to the ethics committee on the grounds that

"We expect research ethics committees to consider all the relevant evidence, but they have to be seen do so objectively and impartially and to arrive at their decisions independently if they are to command public confidence and the credibility of all the stakeholders concerned. For this reason, it would be inappropriate, as well as potentially counterproductive, expressly to bring your joint statement to the attention of the research ethics committee reviewing the proposal for this project.."

We profoundly disagree with the DoH's reasoning, which we consider carries serious implications for the integrity of the scientific process. Whether or not an ethics committee membership is confidential, it should still be possible for essential evidence to be supplied to them. How else can the public be assured that an ethics committee has all the relevant evidence to consider before reaching its decision?

The two charities are unable to forward this statement direct because the identity and location of the relevant ethics committee is not in the public domain

We are now considering what further action to take."

their original statement is here:

"Study involving children and the Lightning Process is unethical, says joint charity statement "


Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch
Statement from the ME Association 23 September 2010

Statement from the ME Association:

Thursday 23 September 2010

Further to the Statement issued by The ME Association and The Young ME Sufferers Trust about the proposed study of the Lighting Process in children.

The two charities followed up this Statement with a joint letter to the Chair of the Ethics Committee charged with approval or rejection of the study.

A copy of the Statement was enclosed.

A reply has not yet been received.

Original joint statement dated Wednesday 4 August 2010:


Follow up joint statement:dated Wednesday 1 September 2010:



I hope that the ME Association intends to publish this letter to the REC.

The ME Board of Trustees had been provided with the name and contact details for the Chair of South West REC 2, at the end of August, following my receipt of an FOI response from Jonathan Cramp, FOI Manager, NHS South West on 27 August, in which the information that the pilot study application for ethics approval was being reviewed by South West REC 2 had been provided.

Dx Revision Watch

Suzy Chapman Owner of Dx Revision Watch