Let's Celebrate WPI's New Home at the University of Nevada!


Senior Member
PLEASE HELP US Celebrate WPI's New Home at U of Nevada!

On Saturday, August 21, 2010 the University of Nevada's Center for Molecular Medicine will officially open its doors. It will house portions of the microbiology, pharmacology, pathology and physiology and cell biology departments and serve as the headquarters for the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease. The public is invited to be a part of this momentous occasion between 10:00am to 12:00pm. http://wpinstitute.org/news/docs/cmm_opening.pdf

The event will be videotaped and placed on You Tube and the Whittemore Peterson Institute is trying to arrange a video tour of the facilities so that we will all feel a part of this celebration. Many of us are unable to travel to Reno, however, we can still take part by emailing a congratulatory message to the Whittemore Peterson Institute at afwhittemore@gmail.com. Annette would like to include those of us who can't be there in the ceremony and is looking at printing out our messages and putting them in a book for all to see.

Another way we can send a message of support to the Whittemore Peterson Institute is by giving a much needed donation. If this is within your means you can do this is several ways:

■You can make a secure online donation at http://wpinstitute.org/news/docs/cmm_opening.pdf
■You can make a secure online donation through XMRV Global Action cause at http://www.causes.com/causes/421525Just scroll down to "fundraising" and click the "donation" button. This method has an option that allows you to make monthly donations as well.
■Or mail your gift directly to the Whittemore Peterson Institute at: 6600 N. Wingfield Parkway, Sparks, NV 89436

"I wish more of you could be here that day, to see it all in person. I feel as though it belongs to the world.
Take care,



Annette has given us a special email address for our congrats afwhittemore@gmail.com. She would like to include those of us who can't be there in the ceremony and is looking at printing out our messages and putting them in a book for all to see.

I'm so excited! I hope they manage the video tour too.

Message sent and donation in.

ps there's a typo in the mail-in address - should be 6600


work in progress
N. California
Thanks to you both, Frickly and SB, for putting this thread up.

I am hoping more people take notice of it and email Annette. I sure will!


Senior Member
Thanks Dreambirdie! I hope everyone will take a minute to send a special message to the WPI! This is our time to show our support and thanks for all they have done for persons with ME/CFS and other neuroimmune disease!


work in progress
N. California
Hi Frickly--

I was happy to send Annette an email of congratulations. She and all the WPI folks really do deserve it.

To get more attention for this thread, I suggest you consider re-titling it PLEASE HELP US Celebrate WPI's New Home at U of Nevada.

I think asking for help in the thread title might help you to get it. I didn't even notice this thread until SB sent me a PM about it with a link.


Senior Member
This got lost in the maze of threads and I wanted to give it a bump. I hope everyone will take a minute to send a word to the Whittemore Peterson Institute. What they have accomplished, in such a short time, is miraculous. Lets show our appreciation and join in the celebration!

Dr. Yes

Shame on You
I was asked to contribute something to a special album for comments to the WPI. I thought really hard about it, and I couldn't think of any better way to celebrate than with a verse of "Louie Louie" with lyrics just for this occasion. But the wonderful, sweet person who asked for my comment looked it over and said: "What's Louie Louie?"


This caused me to have a major crash.

It is with a heavy heart, yet desperate hope, that I sing:


Or better yet..










ahimsa_pdx on twitter
Great idea!

:hug: Thanks, Frickly, for starting this thread and providing all the necessary information. :hug:

I hope they do end up putting up some kind of video tour online one of these days.

PS to Dr. Yes - I loved the video with "misheard lyrics" for Louie, Louie!


work in progress
N. California
Hey Dr Yes---

What a blast it was to hear that there is a WIG and a GOAT in Louie Louie.
It makes me nostalgic for the days of the COFIB, and all the yodeling that once was.



All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
On Saturday, August 21, 2010 the University of Nevada's Center for Molecular Medicine will officially open its doors. It will house portions of the microbiology, pharmacology, pathology and physiology and cell biology departments and serve as the headquarters for the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease. The public is invited to be a part of this momentous occasion between 10:00am to 12:00pm. http://wpinstitute.org/news/docs/cmm_opening.pdf

Many of us are unable to travel to Reno, however, we can still take part by emailing a congratulatory message to the Whittemore Peterson Institute at afwhittemore@gmail.com. Annette would like to include those of us who can't be there in the ceremony and is looking at printing out our messages and putting them in a book for all to see.

A great way to participate without leaving home!

I sent a note; I may just send another.


Senior Member
What will the CDC make of the WPI's opening to the public?

A brand new multi million dollar research and treatment centre for neuro immune disease on University grounds no less. And specialising in an infectious retrovirus they say they cannot find in patients who are 'resistant' to treatment with CBT and exercise.

The tiny WPI are showing up a vast American government agency as incompetant and corrupt. What a turn up for the books in the history of science and medicine this has turned out to be!

Looks like WPI just handed the CDC their early retirement letter as professional scientists who specialise in and manage disease control. It wouldn't surprise me within five years the WPI will have multiple drug trials running, meanwhile the CDC are doing nothing as usual.

The NIH and FDA better release the Alter paper associating XMRV to CFS in it's original form or they will look a laughing stock too. Having said that, killing a section of the world's population with XMRV by telling them have 'CFS' and refusing funding for research for nearly three decades is no laughing matter.

The WPI are liberating patients by pointing the finger directly at an infectious agent. I hope the CAA will link up with the WPI and become united as once voice. Many congratulations to Annette Whittemore and friends for her brilliant idea in saving American lives. For Nevadan CFS patients especially, 21st August will be a wonderful day.


Señor Mumbler
I sent off my congratulations. Donation to follow on Sat.

I need my Otis Day avatar back.

@Dr. Y - What fun would Louie Louie be if we actually knew the words? Great stuff.

@DB - That's some wig. Can you dance with that thing on? Toga, Toga, Toga!

We got a goat (didn't the CDC study one?) now,


work in progress
N. California
I sent off my congratulations. Donation to follow on Sat.

@DB - That's some wig. Can you dance with that thing on? Toga, Toga, Toga!

We got a goat (didn't the CDC study one?) now,

Thanks Otis! And YAY for WPI!

btw, On second glance, I think that wig is actually a giraffe... though it did come up on the goat wig google search, so I am still unsure. :confused: And yes, I can dance (in my mind at least) with any goat or giraffe wig whatsoever. :Retro wink::Retro smile::Retro smile: