for me it's totally obvious that carbs are a huge problem.
For me, keto saved my life. I had full-score ME, slept 20h in 10 days and was unable to walk up stairs any more.
Details on how I got out.
Guess what, I like keto
faulty Pyruvate dehydrogenase
You may want to look into thiamine deficiency. (Simpler to correct than PDH defects... so chose the former

) Thiamine is crucial at that corner of the energy metabolism and if you go keto and get better it can be as simple as the fact that keto needs half the thiamine that normal metabolism needs.
But there is a catch: It is impossible to get enough B1 on keto. My solution: 2g of a special very high B1 and low carb nutritional yeast cover my needs fully. In many European countries: Dr Ritter Edelhefe.
Other catch: before trusting your doctor to know how to measure B1 deficits, read
here and
here. The incorrect measurements costed me many months...
Wow. Does that graphic mean you get up to 10 elemental sodium per day? Or almost double that as salt?
Important question. It is indeed the elemental sodium. 100g salt = 38.6g elemental sodium. That is, my average 10g of sodium per day correspond to a 26g of salt. I have two reasons to eat this much salt: Keto needs more salt. A lot. And I have POTS and salt increases blood volume. For example, many people with POTS are unable to run or walk because the blood goes into the legs and their head runs empty ➞ presyncopal. In me this is as simple to fix as drink water plus take salt before and thus borrow a bigger blood volume for the time of training.
To anyone interested in keto but getting sleep probs: take a teaspoon of salt + a Mg-tab in warm water immediately before bed. This makes me sleep like a log. But I found it important to dive into the pillows right after the drink.
If Mg gets you tummy probs, use transdermal Mg-Cl. I use that and it resorbs like a charm, as proven by 24h urinary Mg. I know only one product that does not damage skin: "Health and Wisdom" Mg-Cl on iherb.
Then, if you find all that salt on keto disgusting, there is a simple trick: go to an organic shop, buy 1 bag of each and every unrefined salt you find, try them all. There are unrefined salts that are so tasty that you eat them for taste, with happiness. The sicence says that the other elements in it are so minuscule that they contribute nothing to nutrition, but the tongue can sense them! Exception: I dont use that beautifully colored Himalaya salt, because it has tons of fluoride, which is toxic.
Then, many people get constipated on keto. While there is some
smart discussion that this is not at all because of keto itself but because of troublesome new foods that come with keto, there is a simple fix:
eat tons of olives. Likely mechanism: sugar alcohols. Olives again contribute to that so useful salt intake on keto. Other trick for
constipation: Grow fresh absynth herb and chew a small leave (you must love bitters for this. I mean, really LOVE

Choline helps, too. I use it transdermal to avoid probs
Potassium: Look into potassium in kohlrabi. It has lots. Don't cook it, or only blanch it or drink the cooking water.
Here a few more things
...I am glad if other people profit from my stumblings into all possible keto pitfalls...

Good luck and I hope for a smoother ride for you.