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Ketamine Update

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I wanted to give everyone an update. Ketamine nose spray for pain....I took it and it worked for like 10 minutes after taking it and that was it...the miracle drug I have read it to be was not that way for me!! A rhyme!

Anyway, just giving all us pain folks an update.


Senior Member
Good, you know the nose knows gets the pain-killers straight to the brain. Like snorting a martini, our favorite past drink.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I love Martini's! Not too dirty. : )

I also love mojitos and tequila...another favorite past drink!

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
It stopped working everyone. It worked for 8 days and then it stopped. Done. Not working anymore and had to stop it, per doc's orders and back on Fentanyl. I can't believe this is my life...full of pain. Sleepless, awfulness. I am in bed just laying here...sick.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Have you talked to your doc about using stuff every other day or every 2 days so you don't have a problem with tolerance? That's what I do with pretty much every thing I take.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@minkeygirl -yes, he knows, but he also knows that right now...it stopped working and for whatever reason my pain went nuts and I started having muscle spasms that are uncontrollable on it. So, I am to stop it.

I am very sick, Minkey. I so appreciate everyone's advice on here and many get it. There are days where I can't take anything due to MCS. I am too sick to take things. Medicines, drugs, hormones all make me worse. I may try the Ketamine again, but right now I am so sick of this rollercoaster. I can't take it anymore. I would prefer nothing. I am tired of things making me so sick and me paying for days. Not a day, but days..I have physical intolerable pain and if there was a gun here, I would use it.

My system is okay with water. That's about it.


Senior Member
@Misfit Toy I am so sorry that you are in so much pain and wish there was something I could do to help. Is the Fentanyl patch working at all? Is there anything from the past that alleviated the pain at all when it was this bad?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Ginger, it's never been this bad. I don't understand. I used to take this amino acid shot for $300 a month. It was for food allergies. That helped somewhat, but I stopped having interest on it. So it helped with pain, but i never wanted to do anything and I was a guinea pig on it.


It stopped working everyone. It worked for 8 days and then it stopped. Done. Not working anymore and had to stop it, per doc's orders and back on Fentanyl. I can't believe this is my life...full of pain. Sleepless, awfulness. I am in bed just laying here...sick.
I'm soooo sorry. Please hang in there - while we MR/CFS'ers may not always be able to contribute a lot in the "real" world, you contribute a lot and are valuable here!!!!

I hope for you a night filled with peaceful slumber and dreams of a healthy, happy you.:sleep:


Senior Member
Ginger, it's never been this bad. I don't understand. I used to take this amino acid shot for $300 a month. It was for food allergies. That helped somewhat, but I stopped having interest on it. So it helped with pain, but i never wanted to do anything and I was a guinea pig on it.

@Misfit Toy You mentioned in another thread that you were going to see a specialist for your hand today and I was wondering if that happened? Also wondering if the amino acid shot could help if done less frequently? I agree with @SDSue that you contribute a lot around here and we neeeeeeeeeed you here very much. Hopefully you are sleeping now and will feel better tomorrow. :hug: :hug: :hug: Extra hugs just in case.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
@Gingergrrl ...I go in the AM. 10 am which sucks. Anyway, I am not sure about the amino acid shot. I could have it less. I may have no choice. What I love about being off of it is when I have a good day, it's much better than it was when I was on them.

I just found a whole thread about them on Pro Health and replied.

I also gained 10 pounds on them.

I am not a religious person, but if anyone here is religious, please pray for me. I am at the bottom. I really am severely ill and need as much help as anyone can muster...if nothing else, in positive vibes sent my way.

If life is to be like this for the next 40 years of my life, I will have to check out. I can't do this. I just can't. I have been strong enough....I need some peace.