You see that is interesting because all of my "diagnosis" over the years revolve around one thing or another that can be connected to that as well:The itching has since been diagnosed as Mast cell activation and I have a newer sofa - don't think it is that! mainly well controlled now unless I try a new drug.
This mystery condition has been diagnoses as mites, allergies, drug withdrawal (I dabbled with some harder substances over the years but the itching has occurred with and without that as a factor), anxiety, psychosomatic, and just recently Folliculitis which I was prescribed antibiotics for, Doxycycline.
When I went to the pharmacy they noted my adverse reaction to Clindamycin and so I've been days now waiting for the Dermotologist to get back to me. It turns out these antibiotics are very different and I "shouldn't" have a reaction to it, which in the case of Clindamycin was hives all over a fever and the flushing of ALL my good bacteria in my body.
Come to think of it, the itchy might even be traceable back to the time I was prescribed Clindamycin for some dental work I had done... I have taken Xanax, Clariton, Benadryl, and all kinds of things to mask these symptoms just so I can sleep at night. They all work but don't work.
Eventually, usually, the itching just stops one day, typically after I buzz my body hair short, which is weird but the only thing that seems to work in the end. It could be partly that my hair touches my skin and I am having a reaction to that, but then that means I am allergic to my own hair??? It's a little far-fetched to me but at this point I almost will believe anything if it helps me cure it.
I do believe that this condition is evironmental to some degree. I know when the weather changes I get it. I also think it has something to do with allergies and food intake. I can't pinpoint what exactly affects it BUT there is something. I am going for a full allergy test soon as well as to see a gastroenterologist because I notice irregularity and odd digestive tract sensations at times. My right eye twitches almost constantly now as if in reaction to the itchiness, my eyes feel constantly itchy.
The "buggy feeling" sometimes manifests as the feeling that a bug has jumped into my ears and nose as well but nothing is ever there. I am hopeful that this prescription is what does the trick. I know I am not imagining this. I know that it is not a side effect of "anxiety" because at times I am NOT anxious at all and I get it. My apartment is VERY clean and there is not reason for this as far as anyone can tell.
It's mostly at bedtime or when I sit on our couch or at the computer. If I am out of the house and busy I don't feel it as much, somewhat but I think that is the red marks that it leaves. I have marks on my back, neck and buttocks and that is where is it primarily happening.
Scalp, face, eyebrows, ears, nose, forehead, collar area, chest, pretty much head to toe in a random maddening pattern.
People don't understand why I am tired and irritable but they would if they felt this like I do! No one else seems to ever have this either. Not my boyfriend who sits and sleeps in the same space as I do. I just know I am not crazy! Thanks to everyone here who shared their stories. It can't be all in our heads if there are so many of us!
One of the interesting things the speaker/researcher said, was SFPN can be caused by antibiotic drugs given for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI).
I too find powders make for a worse situation! If I use a fifth of the recommended amount and do a second rinse it's not so bad but otherwise the Tide pods seem OK for me. I really should look into other types of soaps maybe but they are so expensive most of the time.
Several dittos there!This last time has been the worst I have ever felt. It feels as if bugs are biting me very hard, moving air activates the sensation, heat and sweating makes my skin burn. I feel as if little microscopic knives are being stabbed into my skin at other times.
This mystery condition has been diagnoses as mites, allergies, drug withdrawal (I dabbled with some harder substances over the years but the itching has occurred with and without that as a factor), anxiety, psychosomatic, and just recently Folliculitis which I was prescribed antibiotics for, Doxycycline. When I went to the pharmacy they noted my adverse reaction to Clindamycin and so I've been days now waiting for the Dermotologist to get back to me. It turns out these antibiotics are very different and I "shouldn't" have a reaction to it, which in the case of Clindamycin was hives all over a fever and the flushing of ALL my good bacteria in my body. Come to think of it, the itchy might even be traceable back to the time I was prescribed Clindamycin for some dental work I had done... I have taken Xanax, Clariton, Benadryl, and all kinds of things to mask these symptoms just so I can sleep at night. They all work but don't work. Eventually, usually, the itching just stops one day, typically after I buzz my body hair short, which is weird but the only thing that seems to work in the end. It could be partly that my hair touches my skin and I am having a reaction to that, but then that means I am allergic to my own hair??? It's a little far-fetched to me but at this point I almost will believe anything if it helps me cure it.
I do believe that this condition is evironmental to some degree. I know when the weather changes I get it. I also think it has something to do with allergies and food intake. I can't pinpoint what exactly affects it BUT there is something. I am going for a full allergy test soon as well as to see a gastroenterologist because I notice irregularity and odd digestive tract sensations at times. My right eye twitches almost constantly now as if in reaction to the itchiness, my eyes feel constantly itchy. The "buggy feeling" sometimes manifests as the feeling that a bug has jumped into my ears and nose as well but nothing is ever there.
@Geo - I find I have a lot in common with the masto and MCAS folks, but the crucial thing is I also have chornic bacterial infections that are most likely causing the MCAS - meds for the MCAS help the itching but don't solev the underlying M.E unfortunately.
I used to itch from shaving my legs. I think it's pretty common.Several dittos there!
I sometimes get the feeling of something like an insect stinging or biting me, but only occasionally. As you describe, it is like something very small stabbing me, and makes me exclaim "OW!" and hastily uncover the place where it happened, but there is nothing to be seen - no insect and no mark on the skin.
I too have sometimes thought that I was allergic to my own hair, but in my case it seems to be mainly the base or root of the hair that causes me problems. I used to shave body hair (but don't need to now as it hardly grows at all, and/or falls out), and get itchy after shaving. Also, after cutting my hair, I find contact with the hair I have cut off very irritating.
I also get a feeling of something moving in my ear sometimes. I think it is just skin or dried ear wax peeling off. But once, when I was a young teenager, I was sure I had an insect moving in my ear. It was quite scary. I was holidaying on a farm, overlooking the farmyard where there were swarms of insects at times. The feeling lasted quite a long time - hours? Then eventually it stopped, and I presumed that the insect had died.
When I get twitching eyes, I think that it is actually a neuromuscular problem due to mineral/electrolyte deficiency arising from solute diuresis.
I found out that b6 was making my itching worse probably by speeding up the CBS enzyme and creating sulfites.I had severe itching as well, but it vanished when I started taking lower doses B12. Not sure if it was related, but higher doses B12 can cause itching.
Are you on any meds? I was on pain killers for a while and didn't realize they were causing me to itch.
Also I have over the years developed a severe flea allergy. If I get a bite I will feel itchy all over, not just where the bite is.
If I have itching that is a reaction to something on my skin, I've had great results with a new product called Rash Block which is made out of silver. This is for a localized itch, wouldn't work full body. Also, some people have great success with manuka honey for itchy rashes.