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Is treating CBS first necessary?


Senior Member
I think that my CBS up-regulations are really causing a lot of issues for me. I am not sure if that maybe interfering with my progress in the MTHFR protocols. I know Yasko is big on this but I haven't seen Freddd mention it or Rich in his protocols either. Is this something that sort of works it way out when you get the methylb12's and methylfolates up to optimal levels?


Senior Member
Not as far as I know You need to treat the CBS mutation before treating MTHFR Fredds protocol does not deal deal with SNP's he has a whole different approach as did Rich. I was on Rich's protocol for 3 yrs and although it kept me from being bedridden the whole reason for doing genetic testing is so you can uncover the mutations and treat them
If you dont want to treat the specific mutations you can go straight to trying either Freds or Rich's protocol .
Have you specifically treated your CBS yet? It will hamper you from making progeess with MTHFR treatment.
Many do not take any b12 or methylfolate while they address CBS , some take small amounts. Scoot over to the Genetic/SNP forum


Senior Member
Thank you Junie, I didn't know they had one of those here. I have tried to eliminate sulfur and also tried to work in some minerals i'm not sure if there is anything else we can do to calm down the CBS. I'll go over there I appreciate your feedback. Have you been treating CBS?


Senior Member
Bdeep86 Yes I have using sulphate strips to check urine. Taking molybdenum and manganese. Some also use yucca sprinkled on high protein foods or some prefer butyrate. Some are using charcoal to mop up ammonia Some are also using ALC or l-carnatine fumerate
I think Rich mentioned CBS mutation requires p-5-p. I am taking P5P but I dont think people who have COMT mutation are supposed to take it. Some have mentioned that they had better luck with ornithine than yucca
I'm kind of new to this world of snp's so double check my facts on the Genetic forum. I saw your post on the MTHFR yahoo group. They know a lot about this stuff so hopefully you can get more in depth info from the more scientifically minded!


Senior Member
I appreciate your feedback Junie! I feel like i'm close to putting some things together.


Senior Member
Bdeep86 You might want to start a new thread on the subject of CBS in the Genes,SNP's Genetic section of PR you may get more response. You can find it on the main page where the topics are listed