If you don't mind me asking, was the incontinence CFS related? I believe mine is but I haven't found many with the same symptoms.
I don't mind you asking, but I'm afraid I don't have a clear-cut answer!
My ME/CFS began with an explosion of neurological symptoms, including total loss of bladder control (which was terrifying to me).
This slowly improved on its own and evolved into "urinary urge incontinence" (aka: sudden and severe urgency, with occasional leakage).
I did a solid year of "physical therapy" at a local continence clinic, which was hugely helpful.
The "urinary urge incontinence" still flares up from time to time, usually when my other symptoms are flaring, too.
The nurses at the continence clinic were convinced I had MS, but that had (sort-of) been ruled out, so my doctor attributed this symptom to Dysautonomia/Autonomic Dysfunction, which I had been diagnosed with by an Autonomic Specialist and testing.
Hope this response is at least somewhat helpful to you!