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Is oral methylcobalamin in B-Complex unuseful ?


Senior Member

I would like to know if methylcobalamin that is included in B-Complex is totally unuseful since is assumed orally
If one persone hadn't MTHFR mutations, could maybe take only B-Complex like general health prevention or methylcobalamin in this form is unuseful also for these people ?



Senior Member
Oral methylcobalamin should be useful if you are low in B12 or require extra B12.
I take Methyl and Adenosyl B12 and it has raised my serum B12 levels by far, but more importantly it has helped with healing the nervous system.

Sure, there can be people who have poor digestion (I have this problem too) and should probably take sublingual tablets to avoid the digestive tract and improve absorption.

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PR activist
Well, studies show that oral and sublingual b12 are equally absorbed, at least in healthy people. If your digestion is screwed, sublingual is likely better.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Well, studies show that oral and sublingual b12 are equally absorbed, at least in healthy people. If your digestion is screwed, sublingual is likely better.

Hi Adreno,

There is no way that they are absorbed equally. Oral b12 is absorbed, beyond 10-20 mcg if IF and all are working properly at about 1 percent more or less. That has held for more than 70 years. It can be easily demonstrated that mucosally absorbed MeCbl and AdoCbl is absorbed up to about 33%, if held long enough (2 hours) via urine colorimetry. The oral absorption is over roughly 24 hours.

I have never seen a study speaking other than 1-2 % for oral. I have never seen a study of sublingual absorption over 45-120 minutes.