Hi markmc2000, Thanks for the appreciation, Im preparing a substantially larger post, which is going to have a lot more information in it, hopefully will be finished soon health and life permitting.
Hi all, The failure of patients, doctors, advocacy groups and the general public to know what ME is and what CFS is, is the reason why everybody is stuck in this nightmare and there is no hope of anybody getting any help or cures until it is sorted out, and everybody is aware of the truth and makes it known to the world.
You will notice that I didnt include the CDC and the UK government in the list of people who dont know what the difference is, for the simple reason they do know what the difference is!!!! And have been covering it up for decades.
One of the main reasons why a lot of people dont understand whats going on is they are unaware of almost all of the vast amount of historical, medical and scientific research that was done on ME when it was a recognized and well understood illness, when I say historical this doesnt mean it was done so long ago that it was done when medical science was in its infancy. Some of it dates from as late as 1990; a large amount of this research will be arriving in this forum in the near future!!!!
Because it was so extensively studied, and in a lot of cases epidemics happened in hospitals the doctors were able to study it from the first moment of onset. From this research the then world expert in this condition Dr Ramsey wrote his definition for it, and it is essential for everyone to know how, not only did MEs name get changed, but why the symptoms of ME suddenly changed just because the CDC and the Wessely School said they did!! For those that havent seen the Ramsey definition it can be found here
http://www.mecfsforums.com/wiki/Ramsay_definition it states that the symptoms of ME are
Symptoms at onset
They are similar to those described in the various recorded outbreaks. Thus it may be sudden and without apparent cause, as in cases where the first intimation of illness is an alarming attack of acute vertigo, but usually there is a history of infection of the upper respiratory tract or, occasionally, the gastrointestinal tract with nausea and/or vomiting.
Instead of an uneventful recovery the patient is dogged by:
Persistent and profound fatigue accompanied by a medley of symptoms such as
Muscle pain, cramps, or twitchings
Muscle tenderness and weakness
Paraesthesiae [numbness or tingling in the extremeties]
Frequency of micturition [urination]
Blurred vision and/or diplopia [double vision]
Hyperacusis [sensitivity to noise sometimes alternating with deafness or normal hearing]
Tinnitus [constant sound in the ears], and a
General sense of feeling awful.
Some patients report the occurrence of fainting attacks relieved by a small meal or just eating a biscuit; these attacks were the result of hypoglycaemia
All cases run a low-grade pyrexia (fever), seldom exceeding 100F (c. 38C) and usually subsiding within a week.
A very thorough examination of the central nervous system should be made and this should be accompanied by a careful estimation of muscle power, especially in the limbs and neck. A search for enlarged lymph nodes should never be omitted. If muscle power is found to be satisfactory, a re-examination should be made after exercise; a walk of half a mile is sufficient, as very few ME cases can make more.
Symptoms in chronic state
Once the syndrome is fully established the patient presents a multiplicity of symptoms which can most conveniently be described in three groups.
Muscle phenomena
[Fatiguability]: Muscle fatigability, whereby, even after a minor degree of physical effort, three, four or five days, or longer, elapse before full muscle power is restored and constitutes the sheet anchor of diagnosis. Without it I would be unwilling to diagnose a patient as suffering from ME, but it is most important to stress the fact that cases of ME or mild or even moderate severity may have normal muscle power in a remission. In such cases, tests for muscle power should be repeated after exercise.
[Pain:] In severe cases of ME, muscle spasms and twitchings are a prominent feature and give rise to swollen bands of tissue which are acutely tender. In less severe cases, muscle tenderness may not be so readily elicited but careful palpation of the trapezii and gastrocnemii (the muscle groups most commonly involved) with the tip of the forefinger should enable the examiner to detect minute foci or exquisite tenderness.
[Clumsiness:] In the aftermath of the disease patients frequently fumble with relatively simple manoevres such as turning a key in a lock or taking the cork of a bottle.
Circulatory impairment. Most cases of ME complain of
Cold extremities and
Hypersensitivity to climactic change . . .
Ashen-grey facial pallor, some twenty or thirty minutes before the Patient complains of feeling ill
Cerebral dysfunction
The cardinal features:
Impairment of memory
Impairment of powers of concentration and
Emotional lability
[Other] common deviations from normal cerebral function:
Failure to recall recent or past events,
Difficulty in completing a line of thought . . .
Becoming tongue-tied in the middle of a sentence, and a
Strong inclination to use wrong words, saying door when they mean table or hot when they mean cold . . .
Complete inability to comprehend a paragraph even after re-reading it
Bouts of uncontrollable weeping . . .
Alterations of sleep rhythm or vivid dreams, or both . . .
[Accompanying] features [that] can only be attributed to involvement of the Autonomic nervous system:
Frequency of micturition (urination)
Hyperacusis (hypersensitivity to noise)
Episodic sweating
Orthostatic tachycardia . . .
Variability and fluctuation of both symptoms and physical findings in the course of a day is a constant feature in the clinical picture of myalgic encephalomyelitis.
An alarming tendency to become chronic. [Added in the 2nd edition, 1988]
So how on earth did this well understood illness get its name changed to the demeaning and trivialising name Chronic fatigue syndrome? And have all its symptoms changed, so that six years after the Ramsey definition 2nd edition 1988, just because the Wessely School and the CDC said so it became this 1994 CDC definition link
1. clinically evaluated, unexplained persistent or relapsing chronic fatigue that is of new or definite onset (has not been lifelong); is not the result of ongoing exertion; is not substantially alleviated by rest; and results in substantial reduction in previous levels of occupational, educational, social, or personal activities
2. the concurrent occurrence of four or more of the following symptoms, all of which must have persisted or recurred during six or more consecutive months of illness and must not have predated the fatigue:
o self-reported impairment in short-term memory or concentration severe enough to cause substantial reduction in previous levels of occupational, educational, social, or personal activities
o sore throat that's frequent or recurring
o tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes
o muscle pain
o multi-joint pain without swelling or redness
o headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity
o unrefreshing sleep and
o post-exertional malaise (extreme, prolonged exhaustion and sickness following physical or mental activity) lasting more than 24 hours.
How come the sudden and acute onset has disappeared? It is one of the essential points in diagnosing ME if you have a gradual onset disease, its impossible that your problems can be caused by ME just as its impossible for them to be caused by any other sudden onset disease like Meningitis or Dengue fever. That doesnt mean that sudden onset guarantees the diagnosis of ME there are a lot of other possibilities that need to be ruled out! Dr Hyde doesnt just say you have the symptoms in the nightingale definition so therefore you have ME he extensively investigates his patients to make sure that all other possibilities have been ruled out. All the CFS definitions including the CCC completely ignore the Medical and Scientific facts about MEs sudden and acute onset!
Why did all the other symptoms disappear as well? Simple answer the CDC and the Wessely School invented a new illness to cover up the increasing outbreaks of ME that happened at the time, said that you dont have any failed test if you have it, and gave instructions not to extensively tests patients thereby insuring that no physical anomalies would get found! Which because of this, and the fact that the symptoms they have listed are basically those found in a large number of psychiatric illnesses!! They could now say that it was a psychiatric disease, thereby making people ineligible for insurance cover. The majority of the Wessely School and certain members of the CDC work for Insurance companies!! Information on these connections with insurance companies can be found here
And in the UK it was being done for this reason.
As Jonathan Rutherford, now Professor of Cultural Studies at Middlesex University, states in New Labour and the end of welfare: Professor Simon Wessely and Professor Michael Sharpe, were working on re classifying ME/CFS as a psychiatric disorder. A change in classification would trigger the twenty?four month pay out limit on psychological claims and would save the industry millions of dollars.
Members of the Wessely School are on public record making comments such as this
From MC Sharpe one of the writers of the Fukuda definition My own view has long been that the issues around CFS/ME are the same as those surrounding the acceptance and management of (patients) who suffer conditions that are not dignified by the presence of what we call disease(Ann Intern Med 2001:134:9:2:926?930).
And from Wessely, also one of the writers of the CDC Fukuda definition The description given by a leading (doctor) at the Mayo clinic remains accurate: the doctor will see that they are neurotic and will be disgusted by them
Here you will find exactly what an epidemic of ME is !
In this you will find the sudden and acute onset, that it was highly infectious, the symptoms of ME, the medical investigations that they did, and the fact that a large number of people where able to make a full recovery, because the doctors at the time admitted them to hospital and looked after them and very quickly worked out that the key to avoiding relapse and the condition becoming chronic was prolonged rest long after the initial symptoms had gone. And only a small number went on to have lifelong problems. This article along with large amounts of other information is freely available; there are also vast amounts of other historical information available for anyone who wishes to subscribe or pay for individual articles at sites such as the Lancet e.g BENIGN MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS IN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE
It is inexcusable for any organisation, group of researchers, scientists or doctors to say that they are doing work to help ME or CFS suffers and not know this information, the only reason for them not knowing this is either being too lazy to look for it, or deliberately hiding information, before the internet all this information has been readily available to anyone who wants it through the medical journals.
Does the CDC know about it? YES they even have Dr Gilliams investigation into the first recorded outbreak of ME in Los Angeles in 1934 in the references to their investigation of Lake Tahoe! And they have one of the best medical libraries in the world, which has all the medical journals in it! Does Wessely know about YES, he is also on public record mentioning old ME Research!
CFS begins with the Lake Tahoe epidemic although the CDC has tried to portray it as EBV, and Dr Reeves who wrote the 2005 CDC criteria is on record as saying it was just Mass Hysteria! It was an unmistakable outbreak of ME, the doctors there Cheney and Peterson new it wasnt EBV and new that it was something very strange and devastating, and they repeatedly called the CDC asking for help and were repeatedly ignored until eventually the CDC turned up. The idea that any doctor on the planet would ring the CDC because they thought they had a lot of EBV cases is absurd! Every doctor knows about EBV and that its a common place illness that doesnt have the symptoms that they observed at Lake Tahoe, and the idea that the CDC would go and investigate a lot of cases of EBV is equally absurd, 90% of the worlds population gets it at some stage in their lives!
The doctors their worked out that it had an incubation period of between 4-7 days, as has always been recorded with ME. It was well known at the time and for a long time before hand that EBV has an incubation period of 40 days! It is impossible that it was EBV, and the CDC would have known this. Dr Hyde has been and examined survivors of the Lake Tahoe epidemic and interviewed everyone involved and has confirmed it was ME.
Here you will find the CDC investigation at Lake Tahoe
http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/257/17/2297.full.pdf Written by the same Dr Holmes who was latter to write the first CFS criteria in 1988 and invent CFS. In it you will find that they didnt see, let alone examine any patients and instead interviewed people by phone asked them leading question like do you feel fatigued and they only focused on 15 patients!
They say that
Epstein-Barr virus serology could not reliably differentiate individual case-patients from the others, and the reproducibility of the tests within and among laboratories was poor!
The results suggest that EBV serology is inadequate for diagnosing these illnesses and that the illnesses may not be caused by EBV. However, they also suggest that some patients with these illnesses have an abnormality of infectious and/or immunologie origin.
The recent research focus on EBV as the etiologic agent of chronic fatigue syndromes appears to have been too restrictive. Other agents must be considered, including both known and as yet unidentified viruses. Because this syndrome has not yet been shown to be a single disease and is of undetermined etiology, the currently popular descriptive termschronic EBV disease and
chronic mononucleosisare inappropriately specific. We propose a more generalized termchronic mononucleosis-like syndromethat is descriptive of the syndrome, yet is open to a variety of potential etiologies.
In the meantime, the diagnosis of chronic mononucleosis-like syndrome (or whatever name is used) should be understood as provisional, not final. Physicians caring for patients who are thought to have this syndrome should continue to search for more definable and often treatable conditions that may be responsible for their patients' symptoms, including lymphomas and other malignancies; chronic heart, liver, kidney, lung, and endocrine diseases; anxiety and depression; immunodeficiency
states; chronic infectious diseases such as tuberculosis; autoimmune diseases; and other chronic inflammatory conditions.
They also imply that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is just a fatigue syndrome, and also say how ME has been in the past known by other names such as Akureyri disease, Iceland disease, Atypical Poliomyelitis, Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Epidemic Neuromyasthenia and the only way anyone could possibly know that ME has been known by those names in the pre internet days would have been to have read the articles in the medical journals which clearly show that it isnt a fatigue syndrome but is a highly infectious disease with a sudden and acute onset and symptoms of Central Nervous System damage, Hence names like Atypical Poliomyelitis because its symptoms are similar to Polio.
Basicaly what they did was show up, interviewed some patients by phone, grabbed some of the blood tests that had been done, and some of the patients tests results, (according to doctor Hyde who has interviewed the people involved at lake Tahoe The CDC doctors were more interested in playing golf,) and then disappeared back to the CDC! And apparently because Lake Tahoe relies on tourism and the ski business, and if word got out that there was an epidemic there it would close the place down costing people a lot of money, the local business owners got the congressmen to stop the CDC investigating further!
So based on the evidence that the CDC collected that even they admitted didnt show that EBV, CMV, Herpes type 1 and 2 and measles was the cause of the problem! They then invented chronic fatigue syndrome in the Holmes definition and said that they did!
http://www.ncf-net.org/patents/pdf/Holmes_Definition.pdf So CFS is based on no evidence conclusive evidence whatsoever and is a lie.
As I explained in my last post the Wessely School then teamed up with the CDC and the whole Post viral part disappeared. And its was portrayed as a mysterious illness that can only be seen as a psychiatric problem because they have said theres no failed tests. And the latter Criteria like the NICE and 2005 CDC criteria have just repeated this rubbish!
CFS, as is obvious from reading any of the Historical literature is not ME, and when you know about the history of the invention of CFS it is obvious that there is no disease called CFS, it didnt just appear because the CDC and the Wessely school said it did! It is a totally bogus disease category that has no medical or scientific reality whatsoever!! That was invented to hide the existence of ME and make the people involved lots of money!
CFS really is according to Dr Hyde
a. Missed cardiac disease,
b. Missed malignancy,
c. Missed vascular disease,
d. Missed brain lesion either of a vascular or space occupying lesion,
e. Missed test positive rheumatologic disease,
f. Missed test negative rheumatologic disease,
g. Missed endocrine disease,
h. Missed physiological disease,
i. Missed genetic disease,
j. Missed chronic infectious disease,
k. Missed pharmacological or immunization induced disease,
l. Missed social disease,
m. Missed drug use disease or habituation,
n. Missed dietary dysfunction diseases,
o. Missed psychiatric disease.
Why does he say this with such confidence? Because unlike almost of the entire worlds medical profession he extensively investigates his patient and this is what he finds is wrong with the ones that dont have ME and only 25% of his thousands of patients actually have ME.
Ive noticed that whenever these discussions come up there is a tendency for people who can see that either they, or people they know, dont fit in with the correct symptoms of ME like the sudden onset etc, that they seem to get quite offended, and feel that the people who know what ME is are trying to exclude them, what they dont seem to realize is that they are the lucky ones!
Because CFS is a invented and bogus disease that being used to cover up the existence of ME, anyone who doesnt have the symptoms of ME can only possibly have a missed disease, which if they can just realise this and then do everything in their power to find a doctor whose willing to investigate them properly they have a good chance of getting a cure or at least a treatment that will greatly improve their quality of life!!
At the moment there is no research being done on ME because at the moment all the research is being done on groups of people with all sorts of missed known disease due to their incompetent doctors not bothering to investigate them, and following the instructions from the CDC and Wessely School not to investigate them. This is why all these studies have since 1988 have always come up with very contradictory results, before 1988 a lot of progress was being made in research for ME which has all come to a stop because of the Lies that are being promoted about it. Until this situation is resolved people with ME have no chance whatsoever of getting any help!
Everybody needs to recognize these facts, and campaign for ME to be recognized and investigated for what it is, so the people with it can be helped!
And campaign for CFS to be abandoned as a diagnosis because it isnt one, and everybody who has falsely been given this diagnosis who doesnt have ME to be extensively investigated to find out whats actually wrong with them and then get them the treatment they deserve and a chance to have their lives back! And to stop anybody ever getting this farcical diagnosis ever again.
Its just common sense, everybody needs to have their correct diagnosis ME patients should be ME patients, Lupus Patients should be Lupus patient, Cancer patients should be Cancer patients, Addisons patient should be Addisons patient etc, etc not just all lumped together given a demeaning name and left to suffer for the rest of their lives and often die pointlessly!
If people cant realise these facts then nobody is ever going to get help! People and groups involved in helping ME and CFS sufferers saying that ME and CFS are the same thing or that there is a disease called ME/CFS which is just an inversion of the term CFS/ME used by Wessely to try and say that ME is CFS, are unwittingly promoting the lies of the CDC and Wessely school who invented this mess in the first place!
Although ME and all the undiagnosed suffers of known diseases given a CFS diagnosis should never have been put in the same boat together, they should stick together for the mean time to promote the truth and get everybody help! CFS needs to be exposed for what it is, nothing but a meaningless and demeaning name being given to people with a large collection of diseases.
Ive notice a few comments implying that the information on the HFME website is just opinions, this is not the case, unlike almost every other source of information on ME and CFS available, this site is just about the only one that has been extensively researched and the historical and medical facts about ME have been read, and the information on this site is based on facts, the reference list for this site can be found here
Almost all other web sites and information on ME and CFS are nothing more than the endless repeating of the lies of the CDC and the Wessely School and the false scientific information obtained by the constant research studies done on groups of people with all kinds of different conditions being stuck together as if they have the same illness. None of these sources of false information have ever bothered to research the truth and are locking people into a life time of suffering by convincing people that ME and CFS are the same thing and CFS is a real disease.
More correctly researched information on the subjects covered here can be found at
All the best everyone!