Thank you for your reply.
I wonder how many of us fit into this very strictly adhered definition of ME as described by Dr. Hyde.
I for example never had a spect scan done, therefore I don't know if there was injury to my CNS. I do have neurological symptoms but no confirmation that my CNS is damaged.
He also mentions Raynaud's Phenomenon where there is a change in color of the skin of the extremities when cold. - I don't have that.
He mentions there must be a vascular change with a decrease of blood volume. - never tested for that.
He talks about the fact that there must be cardiac irregularity. I just had an appointment with my cardiologist and everything is fine.
He said NO FATIGUE needs to be present, just the normal fatigue of being chronically sick.
He also yalks about POTS. - I think I have that
He talks about severe headaches. This I know I have.
He also talks about neck pain which I don't have.
He seems to say that you have to meet ALL his criteria to get a diagnosis of ME..
Why do you say that CFS is a made up disease? Every disease was discovered at some point then defined and named.
I agree that it's a crummy name but I would venture to say that very few of us can say that they meet ALL the criteria that Dr. Hyde describes.
nods crummy name too.. no one deserves to have their illness called that when so many other symptoms are present too. I say the name itself was made up.. something which CDC as far as Im aware just choose to call a ME outbreak and then water down the ME criteria till many other illnesses were also included (thing is it got so watered down that now even some ME cases dont fit and those ones cant then even get a CFS diagnoses). The Tahoe outbreak was not a newly discovered disease..but rather a missed (misdiagnosed) disease.
CFS is a mess of various illnesses lumped under one banner. The Lake Tahoe outbreak was a ME outbreak... (so it not being diagnosed as that, and given a different name was wrong).
There probably is under the banner of CFS, other unknown illnesses not yet to be discovered too. I think it is a generally known fact that many different things are coming under the banner of CFS. Its known patients arent all the same in their symptoms (hence why different subgroups are talked about etc)
Most of those at sites like this... probably dont have CFS but rather do have ME. How would one know for sure one dont have many of the ME abnormalities if certain tests arent done?? . Unfortunately most doctors are slack and do not do the tests which show up the ME abnormalities.
Is it that people want to disassociate to the name of CFS and it connotations that they want to form a new group "who are really sick" and call themselves ME?
I cant figure out why people think when a person is saying they believe the name CFS isnt correct for peoples illnesses, why then it is thought the person is also thinking about some being really sick and others not being really sick. All the people are obviously quite sick even if their symptom complexes are different.
Many of us who are very against ME being called CFS have that view cause we think it is wrong to be lumping different illnesses together, this affects research and so many other areas (having ME/CFS lumped together also hinders doctors being educated on the ME abnormalities and testing for them and also treating these.. Im a ME patient and get poorly treated for that as my specialists have been CFS ones so they dont understand what abnormalities are found in ME.. hence things like POTS went completely unlooked for an untreated).
Also research is affected when these illnesses arent separated eg CFS and ME research should get separate funding opportunties and studied separately. .
Do you think that the patients that Mr. Mikovitz studied were pure ME patients? She calls them CFS patients.
Some researchers/specialists have been forced to use the term CFS even thou they are probably studying more so ME patients, due to ME not being recognised in their countries.
I am gravely ill. Had sudden viral onset. I am exhausted most of the time. I have constant unbearable headaches. I have major sleep problems. I have many cognitive problems. I suffer from MCS. I suffer from POTS and PEM. According to the ME definition that I just read, I don not fit that "disease". I fit the "syndrome" of cfs that WAS MADE UP?
I have a major viral load in my system - EBV, HHV6, CMV and many others. My specialist diagnosed me as having CFS but, you are saying that CFS does not exist?
I don't get it.
Did you see a specialist who can tell the difference between ME and general CFS cases?
Ive seen 5-6 so called ME/CFS specialists but it turned out they only knew about CFS with none of them knowing about ME.. My CFS specialist even made a comment that a couple of my symptoms werent consistant to ME/CFS and those symptoms must mean i had something else going on... what he didnt realise is those symptoms I had which he were refering to.. as actually well known ME ones talked about by ones who studied ME epidemics!!!. As I said.. he's a CFS specialsit so dont know much about ME, so things in my case have confused him. This CFS specialists being not too familiar with ME, causes many of us not not be getting the treatments we need and may be endangering us.
What Dr Brian Hyde desribes, his defination, fits the illness I have far far better then the CFS definitions out there.
I wonder how many of us fit into this very strictly adhered definition of ME as described by Dr. Hyde.
I for example never had a spect scan done, therefore I don't know if there was injury to my CNS. I do have neurological symptoms but no confirmation that my CNS is damaged.
He also mentions Raynaud's Phenomenon where there is a change in color of the skin of the extremities when cold. - I don't have that.
He mentions there must be a vascular change with a decrease of blood volume. - never tested for that.
He talks about the fact that there must be cardiac irregularity. I just had an appointment with my cardiologist and everything is fine.
He said NO FATIGUE needs to be present, just the normal fatigue of being chronically sick.
He also yalks about POTS. - I think I have that
He talks about severe headaches. This I know I have.
He also talks about neck pain which I don't have.
Ive no idea how many of us would fit into Hydes defintion? (its been said that only one out of every 6 cases of CFs is probably ME hence why the different rates per pop given depending on what definition is being used)
My spect was normal but I suspect the ones reading it may of not known the ME abnormalities to look for so maybe there was stuff there which wasnt reported on. I show ME abnormalities in my EEGs but wasnt told as they were "non specific findings" so didnt find out i had abnormalities till I requested a copy of my test results.
I have had Raynauds, I have something on my foot which could be vascultitis?? (common in ME)
I have cardiac irregularity..but heart clinic says im fine, they missed it as it is an orthostatic issue and they didnt tilt table test. Maybe POTS too could be seen (and may of been by Hyde?) as a kind of cardiac irregularly.
I used to get the neck pain.. .. fatigue in my case isnt a huge thing. (hence how a ME patient who is now more POTsy so cant do enough to cause the fatigue well.. may not even fit the CFS definitions which keep being made up.. how many of those out now? The situation is crazy.
They are trying to use CFS to describe too many different illnesses in the one big group of illneses so there is so many definintions out there trying to cover it all.. It isnt about anyone being sicker then another group..but it is wrong for differnet illnesses to be lumped together as it affects patients and studies etc. ME is a certain illness.. an neurological diseease which also appears to be infectious, which has been around way before the 80s. It is a disease which does appear in outbreaks etc etc (does that truely sound like what the average CFs patient has, or does it sound like different disease entirely? I worry about infecting others.
The blending ME/CFS together is only some higher up attempt (gov?or insurance companies?) at trying to make ME vanish more. Not only that.. it also hides any other illnesses being diagnosed as CFS, be it disovered ones or undiscovered ones, it hides them in the pack too... It does no one a favour.