Is it ok to ask for suggestions for simple things I can do?


Senior Member
Sunday I understand and have been following the B12 thing when I can. Right now in the middle of a divorce where hubby wants to take everything and leave me with no resources, so I am trying to put together a brief summery of what CFS is and the symptoms, and the way it reduces ones ability to preform basic everyday tasks. Something to give the judge and the lawyers. Something that will also show what the kind of stress my husband is putting me through does to our bodies and our ability to cope.
I am almost done with it. Thank goodness! Then I can get serious about choosing and starting on one of the protocols, I am leaning towards RichVanK's protocol. Thatis if I have enough money after the divorce to buy the stuff I will need and to get some tests done.

Do you have any labs to show? CFS is not a very accepted problem in court cases, at least not in my experience. Really, CFS is just a category for undiagnosed neuroendocrine and immune problems. If you have some tests to show neuroendocrine depletion and immune problems and viral reactivations and viral load, then you have something they can not argue with. For instance, low cortisol levels, low neurotransmitters, low NK function, low mitochondria, reactivated herpes, things that might demonstrate to a judge real depletions that have resulted from the stress of the failed marriage perhaps?


Senior Member
Kurt Could you possibly give me the names of the test for these things? I as I have been reading on here, one thing I have learned is the average Dr does not know much about the testing other than the run of the mill type. I know there are many different labs that are preferred and also specific test's


Senior Member
Kurt Also another question. My daughter has not of yet shown signs of CFS, but she is plagued by a type of herpes that only effects the area around her mouth. Seems to have outbreaks when stressed or eating the wrong foods. Do you think this could be a pre CFS thing? In other words could there be a link? So would she also be getting the depletion of glutathione? Doesn't whey prodvide more glutathoine?