Is it a new disease or its CFS ?

We are all in the same page, I left my GF the one i choosed for my future because of this so i can feel you !

Anyhow we could help each other here bring more people and try to do something ! every time the umber get bigger the answer would be nearer or that what we all hope !

I think youare too optimistic Omar88. I am struggling with my disease for almost 7 years now, also thought the more we are the bigger chance is somebody would help or at least try to help. I used to post at different forums write many letters to medical research centers and agendas all of them were ignored.

The only possibility is somebody powerful and influential got infected, like sb from Obama's family to make the scientists start to investigate.


Senior Member
I think youare too optimistic Omar88. I am struggling with my disease for almost 7 years now, also thought the more we are the bigger chance is somebody would help or at least try to help. I used to post at different forums write many letters to medical research centers and agendas all of them were ignored.

The only possibility is somebody powerful and influential got infected, like sb from Obama's family to make the scientists start to investigate.
If i dont be optimstic i knw how would i feel and how much worse my life will be ! I Have more than 30 people world wide with the same illness in my list and most of us would do anything to help our selves , what we could do is more than collecting more cases ! I spent so much money up to now and i would be pay for research if others help with small amount of money and See doctors who are intrested and there are some, beside some treatment for other diseases might be helpful like GcMaf that i would give a try if nothing worked on as they say it kills infected cells and i might try other stuff but i wont wait ! Faith of better future is all we got brother so lots keep it !
In fact it is the only thing we can do. I used to try to follow the same path, I was one of the first in this forum with the symptoms, you can check my old posts written as madday. A also spent lot of money for the specialists and tests. My symptoms were very severe, during 4 months I couldn't work, hardly walk, and because of HUGE Brain Fog i couldn't think properly, and because of vision problems I couldn't see properly, because of extensive night and days sweats I couldn't participate in normal live. Nobody helped. Also tried to make a net of the people with the same symptoms.

After 4 years I was able to live quite normally and ignore the minor problems. Now I have kind of reactivation of the pathogen inside me.

Could you write me in details how and when it has started in your case and the chronological detailed list of yours symptoms and progress of your disease? You can check me at the username "madday" in hanchochu thread.

Have you met any doc who treats you seriously? I don't mean the expensive doctors from kind of private clinics who can pretend they try to help but the only thing they care is your money.

How old are you and where you from?

My symptoms were almost 100% the same to what people with Chinese HIV-Like virus describes, including short incubation time, first symptoms. Big difference is that I haven't passed it to anyone on the basics of normal daily habits, nor by kissing or drinking from the same glass. Anyway I think more than 70% of them says they got it by sexual intercourse. More les the same statistics is as for HIV patients.

It all started with weakness and constant mid high fever 37,5 and nothing could drop it, I had this kind of fever for a few years 3 or 4, but as starting from the second year it used to drop down to 35 in the late evenings and it was accompanied with the sweats, but it was a big relief for me anyway.

My girlfriend can't recover from flue like illness since 2 months, has developed weakness, often severe night sweats, she lost smell and has enormous pain in knee-joint. Still she says I am stupid and it has nothing common with my condition as I spoke to so many doctors and have made so many blood tests and all of them assured me I am completely healthy young man with not any reasons to worry about. I want to believe she is right but I can' somehow. It is true my symptoms were different at the beginning and much more severe so I have some hope it might be something different, and she would not develop the same severe syndrome as me.

What a nightmare!!!

Best Wishes to all!

P.S. What do you think to make a list of the doctors who misdiagnose us or ignored our problems? It is also their big responsibility the disease spreads and they put into this condition more and more new innocent people!

We could do it like this:
Establish a new tread "Ignorant Doctors"
Each of as would make just one post to describe its history and symptoms, and then by "editing" we could add new doctors whom we asked for help. And of course apart we can make a list of doctors who are eager to help and try to find out what is going on with us (if any).
I know it is kind of desperation act but the desperation is the only one thing which left.
My nightmare start on the 19th february 2012, while on a business trip to guangzhou, china, I was injected with contaminated blood. After reading posts here and on the internet, I believe it was those crazy infected people in china with HIV negative Aids. who did this, because my symptoms totally reflect this. They state that they wanted many people to get this so international countries would help. They did not think properly, as someone said, only if the famous and powerful is infected with this, that the international centers will take time to research this new disease. One week after this incident which took place on the 19th feb 2012, I developed an acute phase viral illness which included severe fever, night sweats, tachycardia, muscle mass loss, terrible head pains, dry mouth, confusion, gingivitis, body rash, ocular swelling, infection, inability to pass stool, nail yeast infection, I first belived that it was an HIV retroviral syndrome, repeated antibody tests at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months were found to be negative. PCR HIV also gave negative results. I was also tested for serology for HBV, CMV, HSC, HTLV I, HCV, VDRL, TPHA. which came out negative. During the acute phase there was strong neutrophilia, and leucocytopenia, with the total WBC count slowly increasing. I also showed elevated levels of liver enzyme, increased levels of triglycerite (X4 higher than normal), along with higher values for cholesterol. I was a perfectly fit and healthy young man, I am 32, I was even started to prepare get out, watch out my diet etc.. I also experienced strong chest pain Generalized lyphadenopathy was noted and echography showed they were reactive in nature. CT scan cleared out any possibilty of cancer. This virus is transmitted exactly like HIV, meaning bodily fluids and sexual or blood transfer Unforunately doctors did not analyse my blood in the acute phase because they kept using general testing, telling me I am crazy, but I am definitely infected and I know now that the only way to know what virus this is, is to get acute phase blood analysed, nothing else will be able to tell us. Lets make a new group, this virus is different from ME CFS, According to research I made, this virus has been probably around since gulf war one, and I believe these soldiers got it while being vaccinated before war, they were tested with this new bioweapon, made in the us labs probably, this is why no government is taking time to investigate this, cosider this, we are almost 7 Billions people on earth, I believe governments think that several millions less will not cause harm. I am sad to find this out. Millions are being spent to develop new weapons, kill people, yet so little is being spent to find cure to diseases, viruses. Check: Gulf war syndrome, weaponised mycoplasma,


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Gcmaf Australia thanks for the advice but i have read this in there website
" CFS, HIV, XMRV, Lyme (15% respond, most appear to have the VDR gene blocked and the viruses conceal themselves with biofilms)" maybe when it reach 5% or something i will give it a try,,

Interesting. 'VDR gene blocked', is a blocked VDR +/+ or also +/-?


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Anecdotally, geographic tongue is associated with mastocytosis. A biopsy of the tongue would be able to answer this question precisely on an individual basis.

Just saw this post after my 'significance' comment, did not realize could be another anecdotal (all my invisible illness symps seem to be anecdotal, lucky me....:mad:) indicator of mastocytosis. Need to research more, wondering if you can get better since this condition seems to come and go, t least in my opinion.
My experience / something I posted over on ehealthforum earlier in the week:

"First post. Been trying to resist for a while now but ...just can't any longer.

Posted on alternative forum 10 weeks ago (3 weeks post 'low / minimal risk' exposure):

3 weeks ago - whilst in Indonesia - had [minimal / low-risk] exposure'.

24 hours later -> onwards, I've had (unprotected) sex with my girlfriend numerous times. Several weeks have passed and I have since had *every* 'standard' single seroconversion symptom (fever / diarrhea / sore throat / hives / muscle ache / fatigue). I'm not sure if this is (hopefully) just due to over-research / guilt / anxiety BUT:

My girlfriend - who is completely unaware of the situation / therefore not even remotely anxious - has also had all of the above, PLUS blood in urine, bladder incontinence, mouth ulcers AND weight loss of >1kg in less than a week.

If not what-I-really-*really*-hope-this-isn't, what could it be...? Ideally just flu + UTI + hayfever(?) I had mono 8 years ago but surely I couldn't only just be passing that on now?

For the record: I had a full blood/urine/swab STI test at the 8 day mark (all came back completely negative), but after recent research I've discovered that would be far too early to be conclusive anyway, right(?)

Please advise / help. Have resisted posting this for 3 weeks now but it's at the point where I am literally CONSUMED by this worry and completely sick to my stomach. Many thanks in advance.

After being shut down by pretty much everyone 'you had no risk' 'it's just anxiety' etc etc etc: posted this on yet another forum 1 week later / 4 weeks post-exposure:

45 days ago - whilst traveling across Indonesia - I had what I believe to be a very high risk encounter.

After about a week or two of being back - and after multiple instances of unprotected sex with my girlfriend - we both began exhibiting symptoms.

First came the fever / diarrhea / sore throat / runny nose / itchy hives / muscle ache / numb lips / minor torso / facial rash and fatigue. These have been plaguing us daily right up until this very moment. We are both also often covered in bruises despite not doing anything even remotely physical / labor intensive during the day.

(The muscle ache / fatigue / bruising in my case is so severe I literally feel like I can barely walk, or lift my arms. This is regardless of eating well - when I do have an appetite - and always getting between 8-12 hours sleep each and every night.)

I've convinced myself several times this is / was all just due to over-research / guilt / anxiety but then that wouldn't explain my girlfriend's symptoms (who had absolutely no idea that there might be an issue / or what the symptoms might be).

She was the first to have oral ulcers and thrush - both oral and vaginal and has also had bladder incontinence, extreme weight loss (mine isn't quite as bad) and blood in her urine. Pins and needles is a frequent occurrence in our hands and feet - mine maybe once an hour or so / particularly after waking up - and my girlfriend 'four, maybe five times a day'.

We both had full STI and UTI blood & urine tests at the one week and four week mark and EVERYTHING has come back negative. Everything.

Today - 40 days since exposure - and the reason I'm finally resorting to posting this - is because things, in my mind, have become significantly worse. I woke up - as usual drenched in sweat - and noticed an extreme, dark-red looking rash has appeared up on one of my palms (the small ones I've seen on my chest are usually quite faint and disappear after a few hours).

Several hours later my girlfriend fainted and seizured - for almost a minute - right in front of me. Her eyes rolled back in her head and even when she did finally come round it took a good few minutes for her to even know where she was or what had happened. This has never, ever happened before. She insists she is fine - 'I'm just run down', with an innocent - wonderful - but breaking smile on her face.

I am absolutely positive / terrified this is early HIV Encephalitis - why else would NOTHING be showing up in any tests that could possibly explain ANY of this? Nothing. No STDs / UTIs / vitamin deficiencies / mono / bugs etc etc etc?

I've told them I feel our immune systems aren't the greatest right now (which would explain the antibody results) but the doctors just say that regardless, there's nothing they can do right now as the fact is: the tests *are* both / all still coming up negative. They haven't offered any other explanations or treatment. 'Come back in two weeks / at the 6 week mark'. Obviously I will but for now I just feel hopeless. Hopeless, desperate and suicidal with anxiety.

Right now my girlfriend is sleeping next to me - beautiful, my world - but pale, gaunt, a raised itchy rash on her neck and face, and white / cracked skin in the corners of her mouth.

Please. Are there any tests - other than the viral load (which they won't do) - that might show anything / finally get us - her - started on treatment? Please.

Posted two weeks after that / six weeks post-exposure:

Hi guys, just a quick update.

Six week test results came back:


'HIV 1/2 Antigen/Antibody: Not Detected (not sure on generation - trying to find out)
Heb B surface antigen: Not Detected
Hep C antibody: Not Detected

Haeomogloben 159 g/L (130-180)
Red cell count 5.4 x10^12/L (4.5-6.5)
Haematocrit 0.48 (0.40-0.54)
MCV 89 fL (80-100)
MCH 29 pg (27-32)
MCHC 332 g/L (310-360)
RDW 12.8 (10-15)
Platelets 218 x10^9/L (150-400)
White cell count5.5 x10^9/L (4.0-11.0)
Neurophils 3.1 x10^9/L (2.0-7.5)
Lymphocytes 1.8 x10^9/L (1.2-4.0)
Monocytes 0.5 x10^9/L (0.2-1.0)
Eosinophils <0.1 x10^9/L (0.0-0.5)
Basophils <0.1 x10^9/L (0.0-0.1)
IM screening test: Negative
Atypical mononuclear cells NOT seen. The erythrocytes and platelets appear normal in morphology.

Syphilis Serology
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR): Non reactive
Syphilis antibody (EIA): Non reactive

Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR
Specimin: First void urine
Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA: Not detected

Chlamydia trachomatic PCR
Specimin: First void urine
Chlamydia trachomatis DNA: Not detected'


Girlfriend's tests were a lot simpler (think they were just for HIV and HEP B/C) but also came back negative.

Had her post-seizure MRI last week too but it's going to be another 2 weeks (and another $300) before she gets consulted on the results(?!) Absolute joke.

But yes, anyway. I know 'six week results are 95%+ conclusive' / no-one here - or on any of the other boards - has ever seen a six week negative turn into a positive but...

Something is wrong with us. Something is still wrong with us. Today marks (almost) the 8 week post-potential-exposure / symptoms mark.

On top of everything mentioned in the last thread (symptoms both my girlfriend and I have been experiencing):

Sore throat
Mouth ulcers / thrush
Crippling fatigue
Muscle pain / aches
Swollen lymph nodes
Itchy Skin
*Blood in urine
*Mysterious kidney-bean sized lump underneath chin/top of neck
*vaginal thrush/discharge
(*girlfriend only)
Night sweats
Miscelleanous rashes
Pins and needles
Rash on right palm etc etc

Things have only become worse.

The ever-frequent hands & feet pins and needles has - on occasion - actually become painful. A few nights ago the pain actually woke me up: the normal tingling sensation in my fingers (can feel it now writing this) spread all the way up to my inner elbow and actually felt like a pins & needles ...cramping almost(?) Subsided after a few minutes.

Both (still) often covered in random itchy hives (had a very itchy cluster on my bottom a few days ago); frequent mouth ulcers (some painful, some not); diarrhea / stomach cramping / (still / persistant) sore throat / girlfriend has very itchy / dry lips / face(?); slight fungal infection (brown crust) on right thumb nail and right big-toe nail(?)

Left lymph node still feels like it's trying to escape out of the side of my neck.

Most worrying at the moment is the dizzyness / confusion / frequent feelings of sudden vertigo / panic though. Have both been getting sudden feelings of intense dizzyness - especially after eating and/or hot showers / standing up too fast etc etc. Very unusual / have never had anything like this before. Have never had anything like any of this before.

Short term memory is also particularly bad right now. Maybe it's just anxiety. Maybe it's all just anxiety. Normally very alert girlfriend keeps forgetting to lock the car doors / turn the gas off / loosing her train of thought mid-conversation etc etc; I have huge difficulty focusing on / remembering pretty much *anything*.

Speaking of (all of the above / plus, coupled with the intense fatigue): I quit my job yesterday / first day off today. Just couldn't cope.

(If this isn't what-I-really-hope-it-isn't (still can't say it); then I just know it's still going to be something really, really bad. When else - amongst *everything* else - are pins and needles ever contagious?!)

At the very least though, if - by some miracle - this ISN'T HIV related then ****, it's the biggest indicator that symptoms truly, cannot ever be relied upon. In an ideal world this will hopefully just be a miracle story where there was possible exposure / *every* possible symptom (in TWO people) / a complete loss of faith and then still a negative result.

Not sure what I'm hoping to achive by writing this thread just... ugh.

Plan for the next week or so is to just get ridiculous amount of sleep and go for another test at the 8 or 9 week mark.

Suggestions, advice...(?) Has anyone ever seen or heard of anything similar(?) Maybe worth mentioning we're both still really quite young and (at least, were) incredibly healthy / worry free.

(Hope these threads don't come across as too repetitive; I KNOW testing is the only reliable / worthwhile thing to do right now but... just need somewhere to organize my thoughts.)

Thanks in advance.

Update 9 weeks post-exposure:

Still symptomatic. All of the above - still - PLUS: back pain (both lower, middle and upper), stiff neck, eye floaters, heat intolerence, dry mouth, eye twitch, entire-face twitch (have just discovered if I fill my mouth with air / protrude my lips so-to-speak, my entire face literally twitches. Substantially. Visibly.).

Girlfriend - as Depressedman mentioned at the top of this page - is also several days late for her period. Hopefully it'll come soon but if not then I'm really going to panic.

This isn't just in my head. The fact that there are others - my girlfriend, you guys, your partners - also going through this just confirms that. What the **** happened to the original posters? What's going to happen to us? Are they dead(?) Am I dying?

If I am actually infected with this - this, something - and it's as contagious as it seems to be (EVERYONE around me seems to be getting sick right now. EVERYONE) then, ****, I truly don't think I want to live anymore. If I've single-handily done to this to my girlfriend. If she's not going to be able to live her life / have children because of this.

I created a website (.com after my username) because I'm SURE this is a serious issue and it needs attention but I'm so aosidjaklsjdtired I can't even focus on the coding. What is happening to me(?) What is happening to us(?) How do I make this stop(?)

Can anyone also confirm just how contagious this actually is, please? I've already stopped sharing food / drinks / kissing / hugging family / friends etc but do I actually need to isolate myself completely?

This is ruining my life. My life is actually over."

10th week 'post-exposure' update (here only):

Sore throat / fatigue / pins and needles etc etc etc continue. Now suffering from extreme back ache; literally feels like my right shoulder blade is actually burning. On fire. Constantly. Literally can't deal with this anymore. Going back to bed.
Its very important you keep your AND That of your girlfriend blood from this acute phase, I had the same infection as you, but no one told me to keep this blood, take 10-20 tubes from your blood. 10 Tubes in EDTA, have them freezed in cryotech or freezed in liquid nitrogen, 10 other tubes of blood in another tubes and have them freezed also

Then I can help you in identifying this infection, then only way to do this is to have this acute phase blood analysed by next generation sequencing, I have the virologist numbers already.

SO I REPEAT 20 TUBES OF YOUR BLOOD AND THAT OF YOUR GF NITROGEN FREEZED, do not wait, after the acute phase it is too late to identify the virus !!!

Let me know when you get this message

My experience / something I posted over on ehealthforum earlier in the week:

"First post. Been trying to resist for a while now but ...just can't any longer.

Posted on alternative forum 10 weeks ago (3 weeks post 'low / minimal risk' exposure):

After being shut down by pretty much everyone 'you had no risk' 'it's just anxiety' etc etc etc: posted this on yet another forum 1 week later / 4 weeks post-exposure:

Posted two weeks after that / six weeks post-exposure:

Update 9 weeks post-exposure:

10th week 'post-exposure' update (here only):

Sore throat / fatigue / pins and needles etc etc etc continue. Now suffering from extreme back ache; literally feels like my right shoulder blade is actually burning. On fire. Constantly. Literally can't deal with this anymore. Going back to bed.


Senior Member
I’ve been suffering my illness since 1969, after returning from the Vietnam, and now after suffering for 43 years, I did discover during a blood test that I had “mycoplasma” in my blood. During my time in Vietnam I was sprayed with Agent Orange, encountered all the dramas of war, and worked amongst the most potent and sophisticated electronic and electrical equipments and devices to be used during war.

For the past five years I have been suffering extreme mouth disorder that burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and become severe during the night causing restlessness. The top row of my teeth burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and is severe during the night. While I had amalgam fillings in my teeth the condition was extremely severe, and I was advised by a holistic dentist to remove the amalgam fillings as it was causing an “oral galvanic affect” in my mouth. After he explained it to me, it was identical to what I was suffering.

The oral galvanic effect is in fact the same process that you find in a battery, which is produced in the mouth when mixed metals are placed there, such as: fillings, crowns, or bridges, or a combination of them. These dental metals mix with saliva, which has an acidic pH, which create this effect. Measurable amounts of electrical voltage and current are produced, and create electromagnetic radiation and fields (EMR and EMF), which are detectable on an EEG or multimetre. (If we think back to our science lessons at school we will remember that an electro motive force across two metals immersed in an electrolyte will produce an electrical voltage and current that then produces EMR and EMF. (Sadly, today we are totally immersed in those electro motive forces (electrosmog) by the wireless, electronic and electrical technology; and from electrical power lines.)

Any electrical interference such as what is generated in the mouth with the galvanic effect has the ability, under the right conditions, to cause a myriad of complications both physically and psychologically, but most doctors will refute that.

I had my amalgam fillings, crowns, and root canals removed four years ago, and the extreme and severe symptoms reduced, but I still suffer the symptoms, because of neglect by the dentist, as he replace the fillings of my teeth and crowns with metal-based ceramic, which was metal conductive.

The top of my tongue still burns, tingles, and stings 24/7. The medicos referred to my symptoms as burning mouth syndrome (BMS), but they couldn’t tell me what was causing it, but like all syndromes they put it down to an environmental factor. Also, there were no biomarkers either to prove their diagnosis, nor the causation factor.

My other symptoms are similar to “Geographic Tongue”, as I suffer when I drink or eat hot or cold food or drinks (such as coffee, soft drinks, hot potatoes, and freezing ice cream), the upper roof of my mouth blisters from the heat or cold if I am not careful, and it also becomes irritated and sensitive from most substances, such as toothpaste. Also, I forgot to mention that my tongue, throat, inside of my mouth and lips swell up, which is frustrating as I continually bite myself on the lips, they bleed, and takes a long time to heal; and then when they just heal and I bite the same area again. It’s very frustrating, as the pain, burning or stinging sensation, drives a person up the wall, when it’s bad.

I love dry biscuits and I have to munch them up very carefully, because they lacerate the inside of my mouth, lips and tongue. I also love mint lollies that are extra strength, and they give me merry hell, and at times a headache similar to eating freezing ice cream. I haven’t found anything that will control it.

EDWARD, I suffer similar symptoms to you with walking, brain fog, and vision problems. I also had unusual high temperatures, and felt freezing cold in the middle of summer, and times I had to put two or three blankets on myself, and I would get the shakes like malaria. My temperature would get up to 39C.

All these trips to the doctors are to no avail, as nobody wants to know, and that has been going on with me for forty-three years.

My problems weren’t severe in the early days, when I was diagnosed ME (1984), and then CFS (1994), but after 1994 my symptoms began another course of symptoms and I became worse, I was then diagnosed FMS (2004). And even today, many of the modern doctors refute ME and CFS.

I can list all my details in chronological order as well as you can, and I’ve been on the merry-go-rounds of so-called compassionate doctors who want to help you, but strip your pockets of silver, for their quackery, and drugs, and all to no avail. I had one doctor who was ridiculously incompetent and when I complained to them about their incompetence, they just said: “Well you can always go somewhere else!”

The only area where I could get in contact with Chinese HIV-like virus was during the Vietnam War, and none of those habits of kissing, and intercourse was my norm of the day while I was there, but naturally the hygiene wasn’t good and did drink out of glasses in bars, etc., that could have been contaminated. Drinking some of the local beer was an experience, particularly if you drank it out of a glass, the debris that poured into your glass, made you stick to drinking out of bottles.

My sense of smell and taste, extreme pains in joints and muscles, flu-like type symptoms, heart palpitations, and I have had every conceivable blood test, x-rays, you name it and I’ve had it, and I am still a perfect specimen, and I am now 76 years of age, but I suffer intense pain, weakness, fatigue, restless nights, burning and tingling all over the body. The other thing that happens and no doctor can give me any confidence in them; I suffer blood ruptures under the skin for no apparent reason on my legs. I haven’t knocked it, but it’s like as though the blood boils and then ruptures, or I am suffering from radiation poisoning.

It’s all a nightmare to me as well, and I’ve found it the same as all doctors just ignore you and don’t want to know you at all. Their lack of understanding and knowledge is much to be desired, and they don’t want to rock the boat. They don’t want to be led into unknown waters, nor shake the trees.

I was much the same for all those years in our country with asbestos, I worked for the company and for decades they said that asbestos was safe and harmless, and the cigarette companies were the same, and now the electronic and electrical companies are doing the same with all their technology that is being splashed all over the frequency spectrum. No doubt this has replaced asbestos and passive cigarette smoking.

BERASER8, how did you get injected with this virus?

At times I feel as though I am suffering from radiation poisoning, as I’ve had a heck of lot of x-rays over the years, MRIs, Cat Scans, and PEDs. I am now wondering the medicos were incompetent in prescribing so many x-rays.

I have lost a lot of muscle, and I believe that was caused by drugs, and the headaches and dry mouth, confusion, swelling ankles and feet, burning and tingling all over the face, arms, legs, ankles and feet; and all tests I have had come back perfect.

I had always been an athletic person, until 1983 (46 years of age) when I hit the brick wall, and the pain barrier. It’s no doubt my service in Vietnam could have been the causation factor, much the same as Gulf War Syndrome, as we were filled up with every conceivable vaccine, which I believe were experimental, and we were guinea pigs. Earlier I had said that mycoplasma was noted in my direct blood test. GWS sufferers did encounter other pollutants, such as radioactive material from propellants for weaponry.

There are many syndromes put down to viruses when it is probably something that has been around for a long time and has been fobbed off by many and completely ignored. When you study all the syndromes the symptoms are similar.

It’s all a long battle, but nobody will listen, and they couldn’t care less.



Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
My sense of smell and taste, extreme pains in joints and muscles, flu-like type symptoms, heart palpitations, and I have had every conceivable blood test, x-rays, you name it and I’ve had it, and I am still a perfect specimen, and I am now 76 years of age, but I suffer intense pain, weakness, fatigue, restless nights, burning and tingling all over the body. The other thing that happens and no doctor can give me any confidence in them; I suffer blood ruptures under the skin for no apparent reason on my legs. I haven’t knocked it, but it’s like as though the blood boils and then ruptures, or I am suffering from radiation poisoning.

It’s all a nightmare to me as well, and I’ve found it the same as all doctors just ignore you and don’t want to know you at all. Their lack of understanding and knowledge is much to be desired, and they don’t want to rock the boat. They don’t want to be led into unknown waters, nor shake the trees.

I was much the same for all those years in our country with asbestos, I worked for the company and for decades they said that asbestos was safe and harmless, and the cigarette companies were the same, and now the electronic and electrical companies are doing the same with all their technology that is being splashed all over the frequency spectrum. No doubt this has replaced asbestos and passive cigarette smoking.

BERASER8, how did you get injected with this virus?

At times I feel as though I am suffering from radiation poisoning, as I’ve had a heck of lot of x-rays over the years, MRIs, Cat Scans, and PEDs. I am now wondering the medicos were incompetent in prescribing so many x-rays.

I have lost a lot of muscle, and I believe that was caused by drugs, and the headaches and dry mouth, confusion, swelling ankles and feet, burning and tingling all over the face, arms, legs, ankles and feet; and all tests I have had come back perfect.

I had always been an athletic person, until 1983 (46 years of age) when I hit the brick wall, and the pain barrier. It’s no doubt my service in Vietnam could have been the causation factor, much the same as Gulf War Syndrome, as we were filled up with every conceivable vaccine, which I believe were experimental, and we were guinea pigs. Earlier I had said that mycoplasma was noted in my direct blood test. GWS sufferers did encounter other pollutants, such as radioactive material from propellants for weaponry.

There are many syndromes put down to viruses when it is probably something that has been around for a long time and has been fobbed off by many and completely ignored. When you study all the syndromes the symptoms are similar.

It’s all a long battle, but nobody will listen, and they couldn’t care less.


Hi Wifi123,

I recently went to hospital because of weakness during a series of radioactive tests. They did not even seem to consider the obvious possibility that the radiation was making me sick!!!
I asked them if they would please not do more X-rays on me, as I had recent CT lungs & recent MRI & X-rays of upper spine. They ignored my pleas and carried on with their routine. A trainee X-ray technician botched one X-ray so they had to repeat it...
The radioactive food I had swallowed for the Gastric Motility Test, followed by a radioactive drink for the Colonic Motility Test made me weak, burned my colon & upset my doubt it burned all my gut.
My Allergist/Immunologist said I would not have been allergic to the substances. So the only thing clear to me is I was sensitive to the radiation!!! I have read that this sensitivity is a genetic susceptibility.

The very people supposed to be helped by these routine tests, are the most vulnerable to their side effects. You may like to read another thread where we were discussing radiation sickness.

I believe the military has been testing bioweapons on soldiers since long, I had an argument with a business contact, I wanted to call the police about him, he had his people block me and then someone obliviously sick had his blood transfered to me as a vicious attack.

How are u doing with the mycoplasma, do u know if soldiers with GWI, those who had been vaccinated with weaponised mycoplasma been cured? if so how?

People who develop these bioweapons should be put to death!!

I am desperate to find a cure,


I’ve been suffering my illness since 1969, after returning from the Vietnam, and now after suffering for 43 years, I did discover during a blood test that I had “mycoplasma” in my blood. During my time in Vietnam I was sprayed with Agent Orange, encountered all the dramas of war, and worked amongst the most potent and sophisticated electronic and electrical equipments and devices to be used during war.

For the past five years I have been suffering extreme mouth disorder that burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and become severe during the night causing restlessness. The top row of my teeth burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and is severe during the night. While I had amalgam fillings in my teeth the condition was extremely severe, and I was advised by a holistic dentist to remove the amalgam fillings as it was causing an “oral galvanic affect” in my mouth. After he explained it to me, it was identical to what I was suffering.

The oral galvanic effect is in fact the same process that you find in a battery, which is produced in the mouth when mixed metals are placed there, such as: fillings, crowns, or bridges, or a combination of them. These dental metals mix with saliva, which has an acidic pH, which create this effect. Measurable amounts of electrical voltage and current are produced, and create electromagnetic radiation and fields (EMR and EMF), which are detectable on an EEG or multimetre. (If we think back to our science lessons at school we will remember that an electro motive force across two metals immersed in an electrolyte will produce an electrical voltage and current that then produces EMR and EMF. (Sadly, today we are totally immersed in those electro motive forces (electrosmog) by the wireless, electronic and electrical technology; and from electrical power lines.)

Any electrical interference such as what is generated in the mouth with the galvanic effect has the ability, under the right conditions, to cause a myriad of complications both physically and psychologically, but most doctors will refute that.

I had my amalgam fillings, crowns, and root canals removed four years ago, and the extreme and severe symptoms reduced, but I still suffer the symptoms, because of neglect by the dentist, as he replace the fillings of my teeth and crowns with metal-based ceramic, which was metal conductive.

The top of my tongue still burns, tingles, and stings 24/7. The medicos referred to my symptoms as burning mouth syndrome (BMS), but they couldn’t tell me what was causing it, but like all syndromes they put it down to an environmental factor. Also, there were no biomarkers either to prove their diagnosis, nor the causation factor.

My other symptoms are similar to “Geographic Tongue”, as I suffer when I drink or eat hot or cold food or drinks (such as coffee, soft drinks, hot potatoes, and freezing ice cream), the upper roof of my mouth blisters from the heat or cold if I am not careful, and it also becomes irritated and sensitive from most substances, such as toothpaste. Also, I forgot to mention that my tongue, throat, inside of my mouth and lips swell up, which is frustrating as I continually bite myself on the lips, they bleed, and takes a long time to heal; and then when they just heal and I bite the same area again. It’s very frustrating, as the pain, burning or stinging sensation, drives a person up the wall, when it’s bad.

I love dry biscuits and I have to munch them up very carefully, because they lacerate the inside of my mouth, lips and tongue. I also love mint lollies that are extra strength, and they give me merry hell, and at times a headache similar to eating freezing ice cream. I haven’t found anything that will control it.

EDWARD, I suffer similar symptoms to you with walking, brain fog, and vision problems. I also had unusual high temperatures, and felt freezing cold in the middle of summer, and times I had to put two or three blankets on myself, and I would get the shakes like malaria. My temperature would get up to 39C.

All these trips to the doctors are to no avail, as nobody wants to know, and that has been going on with me for forty-three years.

My problems weren’t severe in the early days, when I was diagnosed ME (1984), and then CFS (1994), but after 1994 my symptoms began another course of symptoms and I became worse, I was then diagnosed FMS (2004). And even today, many of the modern doctors refute ME and CFS.

I can list all my details in chronological order as well as you can, and I’ve been on the merry-go-rounds of so-called compassionate doctors who want to help you, but strip your pockets of silver, for their quackery, and drugs, and all to no avail. I had one doctor who was ridiculously incompetent and when I complained to them about their incompetence, they just said: “Well you can always go somewhere else!”

The only area where I could get in contact with Chinese HIV-like virus was during the Vietnam War, and none of those habits of kissing, and intercourse was my norm of the day while I was there, but naturally the hygiene wasn’t good and did drink out of glasses in bars, etc., that could have been contaminated. Drinking some of the local beer was an experience, particularly if you drank it out of a glass, the debris that poured into your glass, made you stick to drinking out of bottles.

My sense of smell and taste, extreme pains in joints and muscles, flu-like type symptoms, heart palpitations, and I have had every conceivable blood test, x-rays, you name it and I’ve had it, and I am still a perfect specimen, and I am now 76 years of age, but I suffer intense pain, weakness, fatigue, restless nights, burning and tingling all over the body. The other thing that happens and no doctor can give me any confidence in them; I suffer blood ruptures under the skin for no apparent reason on my legs. I haven’t knocked it, but it’s like as though the blood boils and then ruptures, or I am suffering from radiation poisoning.

It’s all a nightmare to me as well, and I’ve found it the same as all doctors just ignore you and don’t want to know you at all. Their lack of understanding and knowledge is much to be desired, and they don’t want to rock the boat. They don’t want to be led into unknown waters, nor shake the trees.

I was much the same for all those years in our country with asbestos, I worked for the company and for decades they said that asbestos was safe and harmless, and the cigarette companies were the same, and now the electronic and electrical companies are doing the same with all their technology that is being splashed all over the frequency spectrum. No doubt this has replaced asbestos and passive cigarette smoking.

BERASER8, how did you get injected with this virus?

At times I feel as though I am suffering from radiation poisoning, as I’ve had a heck of lot of x-rays over the years, MRIs, Cat Scans, and PEDs. I am now wondering the medicos were incompetent in prescribing so many x-rays.

I have lost a lot of muscle, and I believe that was caused by drugs, and the headaches and dry mouth, confusion, swelling ankles and feet, burning and tingling all over the face, arms, legs, ankles and feet; and all tests I have had come back perfect.

I had always been an athletic person, until 1983 (46 years of age) when I hit the brick wall, and the pain barrier. It’s no doubt my service in Vietnam could have been the causation factor, much the same as Gulf War Syndrome, as we were filled up with every conceivable vaccine, which I believe were experimental, and we were guinea pigs. Earlier I had said that mycoplasma was noted in my direct blood test. GWS sufferers did encounter other pollutants, such as radioactive material from propellants for weaponry.

There are many syndromes put down to viruses when it is probably something that has been around for a long time and has been fobbed off by many and completely ignored. When you study all the syndromes the symptoms are similar.

It’s all a long battle, but nobody will listen, and they couldn’t care less.



Senior Member
Hi Meryl,

In 2004 I admitted into hospital for major surgery, and I had averaged two x-rays a day for seven days, and prior to surgery for many years because of all my aches and pains, etc., etc., they just kept on doing x-rays year in and year out for twenty years. Since 2004 I still had multitude of x-rays for lung, pancreas, liver, kidneys, and anything else that was left.

I now realise the incompetence of GPs in waving the magic wand of catscans, and MRIs.

If the x-ray radiation doesn’t get you then all the oil based dye they used before water-based dye was introduced will be certain. Have you heard “Arachnoiditis”, which is a neuropathic disease caused by inflammation of the arachnoid, one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord?

I’ve had botched radiologists reports time after time after time. I had a 25mm tumour in my pancreas, but they didn’t see it, and it was picked up by a more competent radiologist while they were doing an ultrasound of my heart and they checked the other organs and picked up a large shadow on my pancreas, which was the major surgery by a Whipple’s procedure in 2004.

It never ended there, because these heart pains is what I was complaining about for many years, involved a multitude of different x-rays, which all proved okay, but 12 months ago I had a quadruple heart bypass, and I still suffer the heart (tachycardia and brachcardia). It’s never-ending.

The be honest and controversial, I believe they would prefer us to roll up and die and get out of their hair, because I believe they know what is going on and they are fobbing us off.

Dr. Eric Topol, Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute and Editor-in-Chief of Medscape Genomic Medicine and, who speaks on the topic of x-ray radiation and how the medical profession isn’t doing the right things by their patients, and they are “overcooking” patients through extreme radiation, and I find it extreme in my country and is by far worse here than anywhere else in the world. (Another point of issue here is the dangers of microwave ovens that everyone believe are safe, also adds to what we have already received!)

We have runaway uses of nuclear scans, CT scans, and PET scanning, and we are not warned and no data is given on the dangers, and that also goes for wireless technology of today, as we who have had far too much x-ray radiation is now being radiated by every conceivable electronic and electrical equipment and devices made by man.

Been there the same as you swallow this and swallow that, and inject this and inject that, drink this and drink that, and when it’s all over we are non-the-wiser but getting sicker because the stuff they are pumping into us is a health risk, they know it, but they don’t tell you that. We are gullible and are like sheep being herded to the slaughter.

All sensitivity to any form of environmental pollution is caused by some form of neuro-toxin, and whatever the allergen is it will have an effect upon genes, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, and our health. There is a health risk continually these days as we radiate ourselves stupid with wireless technology, nobody see that that the radiation from such is no different to x-ray radiation, a lot lower in output, but does the same damage over a longer period of time.

It’s never-ending, all the wonderful names of things that they don’t know about. I remember viewing a medical study report of a simple test conduced sometime ago by a scientist. He placed two trays of tadpoles under a mobile phone tower. One tray was covered with screen wire and earthed (faraday cage), and the other tray was left unprotected. After a short time period, the scientist inspected the trays and discovered that the protected tray had a 75% success rate, and the unprotected tray had a 75% failure rate. So what does that tell you about radiation from wireless technology?

I suffer from a type of blood rupture on the lower extremities, which then turn into similar brown-stained lesions on legs and chest similar to urticaria pigmentosa, but not as severe as some people do.



Senior Member
In fact it is the only thing we can do. I used to try to follow the same path, I was one of the first in this forum with the symptoms, you can check my old posts written as madday. A also spent lot of money for the specialists and tests. My symptoms were very severe, during 4 months I couldn't work, hardly walk, and because of HUGE Brain Fog i couldn't think properly, and because of vision problems I couldn't see properly, because of extensive night and days sweats I couldn't participate in normal live. Nobody helped. Also tried to make a net of the people with the same symptoms.

After 4 years I was able to live quite normally and ignore the minor problems. Now I have kind of reactivation of the pathogen inside me.

Could you write me in details how and when it has started in your case and the chronological detailed list of yours symptoms and progress of your disease? You can check me at the username "madday" in hanchochu thread.

Have you met any doc who treats you seriously? I don't mean the expensive doctors from kind of private clinics who can pretend they try to help but the only thing they care is your money.

How old are you and where you from?.

Am sorry to hear what you were in but there a window of hope to see that you got better and am sure you would get better soon :)

What am thinking is to list doctors who would help not who didnt cause that would not help us with anything !! there are thousand of doctors who just read what are in the books and nothing more and they would ignore you cause they wouldnt bother to search for something new but there are some others that they would find out case is interesting and we should search for those :)

I didnt pass my virus to any one yet or that what i hope ! I kissed a girl and she had lymph node in her neck for a while but when i called her lately to ask her about that she said it was because her teeth surgery and some infection she got from it, she is totally healthy and she is a medicine student so i think its not that easy to transmit and it might be just sexually or by blood, am not really sure !


Senior Member
My nightmare start on the 19th february 2012, while on a business trip to guangzhou, china, I was injected with contaminated blood. After reading posts here and on the internet, I believe it was those crazy infected people in china with HIV negative Aids. who did this, because my symptoms totally reflect this. They state that they wanted many people to get this so international countries would help. They did not think properly, as someone said, only if the famous and powerful is infected with this, that the international centers will take time to research this new disease. One week after this incident which took place on the 19th feb 2012, I developed an acute phase viral illness which included severe fever, night sweats, tachycardia, muscle mass loss, terrible head pains, dry mouth, confusion, gingivitis, body rash, ocular swelling, infection, inability to pass stool, nail yeast infection, I first belived that it was an HIV retroviral syndrome, repeated antibody tests at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months were found to be negative. PCR HIV also gave negative results. I was also tested for serology for HBV, CMV, HSC, HTLV I, HCV, VDRL, TPHA. which came out negative. During the acute phase there was strong neutrophilia, and leucocytopenia, with the total WBC count slowly increasing. I also showed elevated levels of liver enzyme, increased levels of triglycerite (X4 higher than normal), along with higher values for cholesterol. I was a perfectly fit and healthy young man, I am 32, I was even started to prepare get out, watch out my diet etc.. I also experienced strong chest pain Generalized lyphadenopathy was noted and echography showed they were reactive in nature. CT scan cleared out any possibilty of cancer. This virus is transmitted exactly like HIV, meaning bodily fluids and sexual or blood transfer Unforunately doctors did not analyse my blood in the acute phase because they kept using general testing, telling me I am crazy, but I am definitely infected and I know now that the only way to know what virus this is, is to get acute phase blood analysed, nothing else will be able to tell us. Lets make a new group, this virus is different from ME CFS, According to research I made, this virus has been probably around since gulf war one, and I believe these soldiers got it while being vaccinated before war, they were tested with this new bioweapon, made in the us labs probably, this is why no government is taking time to investigate this, cosider this, we are almost 7 Billions people on earth, I believe governments think that several millions less will not cause harm. I am sad to find this out. Millions are being spent to develop new weapons, kill people, yet so little is being spent to find cure to diseases, viruses. Check: Gulf war syndrome, weaponised mycoplasma,

Am sorry to hear your story !

Yeah the Chinese people wanted to infect people with this virus hoping some other countries would help and it seems that you got that way !

Countries are spending money for weapons hundred times more than health because of war and gun lobbies who i would like to call them mafia and as you said couple million of people less wont hurt as earth got enough number of people as they think !!

Good people and good doctors are there and what we are doing now would help us, some CFS treatments may help us cause we are in the same category of past or acute viral infection and that why we are here beside some CFS/ME patients are like us but they dont know,,,

Mycoplasma would be a test that you could run but in my opinion am thinking of a virus more than a microbe something like HIV or what ever is playing a role in AIDS disease that was changed or manufactured for a reason or another ! maybe as a vaccine that didnt work for HIV and maybe to its the new disease that would make people afraid from having sex as HIV didnt work well because its hard to transmit !


Senior Member
I believe the military has been testing bioweapons on soldiers since long, I had an argument with a business contact, I wanted to call the police about him, he had his people block me and then someone obliviously sick had his blood transfered to me as a vicious attack.

How are u doing with the mycoplasma, do u know if soldiers with GWI, those who had been vaccinated with weaponised mycoplasma been cured? if so how?

People who develop these bioweapons should be put to death!!

I am desperate to find a cure,

We will never know, but even though much has been discovered through FOI, and unclassified releases of government documents, we all know that bioweapons have around for a very long time.

There is a weapon called a non-lethal weapon and a declassified document can be viewed at:

Just punch into GOOGLE search engine "active denial" and the photos of the weapon will most probably appear on the automatic search. Then check out "active denial nonlethal weapon".

The declassifed document states (note the faulty pasting of the document is deliberate by them that makes it hard to read: "
T. hesere sults

identifya ndv alidates omea spectos f maturingn onlethatle chnologietsh atm ayl ikely be

encounteredo r useda s nonlethale ffectorsi n the future includins:

. Laser and other light phenomena.

. Radioftequencdyir ectede nergy.

. Awal bioeffects.

Thes tudyo felectromagnetficie ldsa ndt heiri nfluenceo n biologicasl ystemsis

incraaiingr apidly.M ucho fthis wo* is takingp laceb ecausoef healthc oncemsF. or

examplei,n creasecdo ncemh asa risenr egardingth ee ffectso foperatore xposureto the

electromagnetfiice ldsa ssociatewdi th short-waved iathermyd evicesh, ighp ower

microwaveo vensr, ada!s ystemsm, agneticre sonanciem agingu nits,e tc.I n addition,

muchc oncemh asa risena boute xtremelylo w frequenc(y6 0H z powerf requency)

eleakica ndm agneticfi eldst hato riginatefi om high-voltagkea nsmissiolnin es,i ndust[ial

equipmenat,n dr esidentiaal ppliancesB.o th occupationaaln dr esidentiallo [g-term

exposurhea veb eent he focuso fepidemiologicaslt udiesT. hes tudiesh aves uggested

possiblea dverse ffectso n humanh ealth( e.9.,c ancerr,c productione,t c.).L aboratory

researcihs still beingp ursuedto identifyp ossiblem echanismosf interactionH. owever,

other than thermalh eatingf or microwavef requenciest,h erei s no yet agreed-upon

mechanismof action"