I’ve been suffering my illness since 1969, after returning from the Vietnam, and now after suffering for 43 years, I did discover during a blood test that I had “mycoplasma” in my blood. During my time in Vietnam I was sprayed with Agent Orange, encountered all the dramas of war, and worked amongst the most potent and sophisticated electronic and electrical equipments and devices to be used during war.
For the past five years I have been suffering extreme mouth disorder that burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and become severe during the night causing restlessness. The top row of my teeth burns, tingles, and aches 24/7, and is severe during the night. While I had amalgam fillings in my teeth the condition was extremely severe, and I was advised by a holistic dentist to remove the amalgam fillings as it was causing an “oral galvanic affect” in my mouth. After he explained it to me, it was identical to what I was suffering.
The oral galvanic effect is in fact the same process that you find in a battery, which is produced in the mouth when mixed metals are placed there, such as: fillings, crowns, or bridges, or a combination of them. These dental metals mix with saliva, which has an acidic pH, which create this effect. Measurable amounts of electrical voltage and current are produced, and create electromagnetic radiation and fields (EMR and EMF), which are detectable on an EEG or multimetre. (If we think back to our science lessons at school we will remember that an electro motive force across two metals immersed in an electrolyte will produce an electrical voltage and current that then produces EMR and EMF. (Sadly, today we are totally immersed in those electro motive forces (electrosmog) by the wireless, electronic and electrical technology; and from electrical power lines.)
Any electrical interference such as what is generated in the mouth with the galvanic effect has the ability, under the right conditions, to cause a myriad of complications both physically and psychologically, but most doctors will refute that.
I had my amalgam fillings, crowns, and root canals removed four years ago, and the extreme and severe symptoms reduced, but I still suffer the symptoms, because of neglect by the dentist, as he replace the fillings of my teeth and crowns with metal-based ceramic, which was metal conductive.
The top of my tongue still burns, tingles, and stings 24/7. The medicos referred to my symptoms as burning mouth syndrome (BMS), but they couldn’t tell me what was causing it, but like all syndromes they put it down to an environmental factor. Also, there were no biomarkers either to prove their diagnosis, nor the causation factor.
My other symptoms are similar to “Geographic Tongue”, as I suffer when I drink or eat hot or cold food or drinks (such as coffee, soft drinks, hot potatoes, and freezing ice cream), the upper roof of my mouth blisters from the heat or cold if I am not careful, and it also becomes irritated and sensitive from most substances, such as toothpaste. Also, I forgot to mention that my tongue, throat, inside of my mouth and lips swell up, which is frustrating as I continually bite myself on the lips, they bleed, and takes a long time to heal; and then when they just heal and I bite the same area again. It’s very frustrating, as the pain, burning or stinging sensation, drives a person up the wall, when it’s bad.
I love dry biscuits and I have to munch them up very carefully, because they lacerate the inside of my mouth, lips and tongue. I also love mint lollies that are extra strength, and they give me merry hell, and at times a headache similar to eating freezing ice cream. I haven’t found anything that will control it.
EDWARD, I suffer similar symptoms to you with walking, brain fog, and vision problems. I also had unusual high temperatures, and felt freezing cold in the middle of summer, and times I had to put two or three blankets on myself, and I would get the shakes like malaria. My temperature would get up to 39C.
All these trips to the doctors are to no avail, as nobody wants to know, and that has been going on with me for forty-three years.
My problems weren’t severe in the early days, when I was diagnosed ME (1984), and then CFS (1994), but after 1994 my symptoms began another course of symptoms and I became worse, I was then diagnosed FMS (2004). And even today, many of the modern doctors refute ME and CFS.
I can list all my details in chronological order as well as you can, and I’ve been on the merry-go-rounds of so-called compassionate doctors who want to help you, but strip your pockets of silver, for their quackery, and drugs, and all to no avail. I had one doctor who was ridiculously incompetent and when I complained to them about their incompetence, they just said: “Well you can always go somewhere else!”
The only area where I could get in contact with Chinese HIV-like virus was during the Vietnam War, and none of those habits of kissing, and intercourse was my norm of the day while I was there, but naturally the hygiene wasn’t good and did drink out of glasses in bars, etc., that could have been contaminated. Drinking some of the local beer was an experience, particularly if you drank it out of a glass, the debris that poured into your glass, made you stick to drinking out of bottles.
My sense of smell and taste, extreme pains in joints and muscles, flu-like type symptoms, heart palpitations, and I have had every conceivable blood test, x-rays, you name it and I’ve had it, and I am still a perfect specimen, and I am now 76 years of age, but I suffer intense pain, weakness, fatigue, restless nights, burning and tingling all over the body. The other thing that happens and no doctor can give me any confidence in them; I suffer blood ruptures under the skin for no apparent reason on my legs. I haven’t knocked it, but it’s like as though the blood boils and then ruptures, or I am suffering from radiation poisoning.
It’s all a nightmare to me as well, and I’ve found it the same as all doctors just ignore you and don’t want to know you at all. Their lack of understanding and knowledge is much to be desired, and they don’t want to rock the boat. They don’t want to be led into unknown waters, nor shake the trees.
I was much the same for all those years in our country with asbestos, I worked for the company and for decades they said that asbestos was safe and harmless, and the cigarette companies were the same, and now the electronic and electrical companies are doing the same with all their technology that is being splashed all over the frequency spectrum. No doubt this has replaced asbestos and passive cigarette smoking.
BERASER8, how did you get injected with this virus?
At times I feel as though I am suffering from radiation poisoning, as I’ve had a heck of lot of x-rays over the years, MRIs, Cat Scans, and PEDs. I am now wondering the medicos were incompetent in prescribing so many x-rays.
I have lost a lot of muscle, and I believe that was caused by drugs, and the headaches and dry mouth, confusion, swelling ankles and feet, burning and tingling all over the face, arms, legs, ankles and feet; and all tests I have had come back perfect.
I had always been an athletic person, until 1983 (46 years of age) when I hit the brick wall, and the pain barrier. It’s no doubt my service in Vietnam could have been the causation factor, much the same as Gulf War Syndrome, as we were filled up with every conceivable vaccine, which I believe were experimental, and we were guinea pigs. Earlier I had said that mycoplasma was noted in my direct blood test. GWS sufferers did encounter other pollutants, such as radioactive material from propellants for weaponry.
There are many syndromes put down to viruses when it is probably something that has been around for a long time and has been fobbed off by many and completely ignored. When you study all the syndromes the symptoms are similar.
It’s all a long battle, but nobody will listen, and they couldn’t care less.