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Very interesting, Omar. How did you get in contact with these Chinese researchers? And which institutions do they work in? China CDC? Pasteur Institute of Shanghai
Am spending 3-4 hours on the internet trying to find stuff, am using Google translate sometimes to read Chinese language and there i found doctors names and i was able to find there web site in English and they replayed to me twice. they are in Pasteur Institute of Shanghai.
I can only think of two possible reasons why the Chinese researchers have not found the pathogen that causes the Chinese "HIV-like" disease
What doctors said that they think its an known infection, maybe it became more aggressive.
It might be bacterial and became super bug and might be new strain of viral infections "this is my opinion"
The other thing that i confusing me that as they are saying some of tissue or blood sample "am not sure" were send to UCSF in USA and i sent an email to the lab chief Dr. Charles Chiu and he confirmed the information and in the same time he wrote that there is no time frame for this research and if there are any new information they will update the web site and they stopped replaying !
What i read about this lab that its a big new lab with huge technology like deep sequencing but did they use it and were the samples blood or tissue and did the time or storage ruined those samples !! i cant understand this how nothing was found !!
Omar: Why don't you ask these researchers in China if they have tested for all 6 types of coxsackievirus B (CVB1 to CBV6) in the patients with the Chinese "HIV-like" disease
Were you tested for it and you got a positive result ?
They are not replaying now but i will mention this to them at least they could read it !
Adults generally have many of these Herpesviridae (herpes family viruses) in their bodies already, from catching these viruses in earlier life. In healthy adults, the immune system keeps these Herpesviridae in control and inactive. But if you catch another infection that weakens you immune system, these Herpesviridae can become active again. This is nothing unusua
I know that and i replayed with the same information to them.
I looked very closely at the symptoms of the Chinese "HIV-like" disease, and compared them to the symptoms normally found in ME/CFS. Although there are lots of similarities, there are several symptoms that commonly appear in the Chinese "HIV-like" disease that do not normally appear in ME/CFS. These symptoms are
That why i called CFS/ME a big umbrella cause under it there are so many cases that are not the same