in the 24 years ive been fighting this, ive only been helped at ER once and that was a fluke. A doctor from the HMO clinic next door was there and decided to look at me. When he found out they were sending me home he argued and yelled at the staff to get me help. He eventually became my regular doctor, but later was forced to quit the HMO and couldnt have him as doc anymore grr. Need more of those kind of docs.
At best, the ER will do a basic blood test, maybe an xray, then send me home. Once when i was extremely severe with seizures and head pain,they said they were sending me home. I asked the doc "what if im dying??", he shrugged and said "not right now". Once i was even accused of being a meth addict, and they got mad at me when i didnt admit it. sigh.
so ive given up on ER and for several years i did what zoe suggested to go to the seperate Urgent Care centers. They were much more helpful, and not so overcrowded.
Also as someone else had said, paramedics were always awesome and helpfull. Come to think of it, they usually diagnosed me with much greater skill than any of the docs did.
That said, if a new problem comes up that is severe, i still would suggest ER. But like the rest of you, i wont go unless its a last resort which is very sad.