Invest in ME now fundraising for a Rituximab trial!


Teesside, England UK
The Invest in ME/UCL Rituximab Clinical Trial
Research Fund

Invest in ME are pleased to announce that our initial research fund target objective of £350,000 has been reached.


August 2014
In the weeks following the Invest in ME Conference 2013 events in London the charity announced its intention to initiate a UK clinical trial of rituximab for ME in cooperation with UCL. After discussions with our advisor, professor Jonathan Edwards and the UCL research team under Dr Jo Cambridge, the charity organised a visit to Bergen by Professor Edwards to discuss with the Norwegian researchers Professor Mella and Dr Fluge. For the last year Invest in ME and our supporters have been raising awareness of the trial and raising funds.

Now, thanks to patients with ME and their families and friends - and with enormous and generous help from a foundation's pledge in memory of Roger Hendrie - the Invest in ME/UCL clinical trial project clinical has reached the initial target of £350,000.

This is a truly amazing effort for which so many can deservedly congratulate themselves.

We again thank our supporters who have done so much to change things (see earlier tribute to our supporters - an international event).

We continue our efforts to raise the further funds for a contingency research fund as the preliminary B-cell study which is now underway may result in changes to the trial.

We thank all those who are supporting this trial and we hope for continued support.

Invest in ME and its supporters have achieved this by themselves.

One event can change everything - one small charity one BIG Cause. news-Aug14 01.htm