IiME have just issued the following statement and the MEA are not listed as supporters of this trial:
We made it clear from the start that we welcomed support, funding and pledges from anyone seriously interested in progressing the IiME/UCL project and that we would inform those who supported us of the status with current information as we proceeded.
We made contact with some charities.
Those organisations that have supported us are seen on our support page on the UK rituximab trial web site here - http://www.ukrituximabtrial.org/IIMEUKRT Funders.htm
The preliminary study has now gone through our external peer review process and is almost through the final stages of UCL administration processes. We shall report more on the project in a later newsletter.
Our fundraising continues as usual for our planned rituximab trial.
Thanks to all our supporters for the great work that has been accomplished.