Interested but wary about mucuna pruriens.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
So you liked my comprehensive list of dopaminergic drugs and supplements, huh!

My secret is supplement is desperation, desperation to improve health!

There was something I used to say when researchers really began to understand the depth and complexity of the information here on Phoenix Rising...

Ah, yes: "There's no motivation stronger than suffering."

Though, @Hip, generally speaking it's just that when I find an interesting thread, there you are with an encyclopedic font of information! Thanks for helping make this a valuable place for patients. :)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Good article by Mercola....

Story at-a-glance
  • Mucuna pruriens (M. pruriens), also known as velvet bean, kapikacchu and cowhage seed, is a vigorous climbing legume best known as a natural source of L-dopa, a dopamine precursor that affects your energy, motivation and well-being

  • Long recognized as a natural source of L-dopa, M. pruriens has been used to treat Parkinson’s disease, effectively reducing adverse events and impairment in voluntary movements as well as synthetic L-dopa drugs

  • The use of M. pruriens can be traced back thousands of years within the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, where it has been used as an aphrodisiac and nerve tonic, among other uses

  • Consult with your doctor or an Ayurvedic medicine practitioner before taking M. pruriens, especially if you are currently taking prescription medication for Parkinson’s disease, to ensure this natural remedy is
EDIT: Just placed my first order for mucuna pruriens. Will report back after I've had a chance to experiment with it for a while. -- Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder by Bulksupplements | Energy & Endurance (250 Grams)
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Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Good article by Mercola.... Could This Bean Give Your Brain a Boost and Help Battle Parkinson's?...

EDIT: Just placed my first order for mucuna pruriens. Will report back after I've had a chance to experiment with it for a while. -- Mucuna Pruriens Extract Powder by Bulksupplements | Energy & Endurance (250 Grams)

Thanks for posting this. It looks interesting. I, too bought a supply. Instead of the powder I opted for ‘Balance D’ by Neuroscience, in capsule form, at Amazon. ‘Looks to be closely the same. ‘Just got it and took a capsule on empty stomach. I’ll follow up on this shortly if noticeable effects.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Careful @Stretched! The pure mucuna was a bit much for me. I ended up using tyrosine plus selenium plus a bit more B vitamins instead. All are cofactors or precursors and encourage the creation of more dopamine rather than providing a replacement.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Careful @Stretched! The pure mucuna was a bit much for me. I ended up using tyrosine plus selenium plus a bit more B vitamins instead. All are cofactors or precursors and encourage the creation of more dopamine rather than providing a replacement.

How do mean? Did it overstimulate you, or other? Thanks for the heads up. BTW, I could feel my first dose yesterday; not sure of the affect??? What dosage amount did you try?
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Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
How do mean? Did it overstimulate you, or other? Thanks for the heads up. BTW, I could feel my first dose yesterday; not sure of the affect??? What does amount did you try?

I'm a low-but-slow diehard. I took a bit of powder and touched it to the tip of my tongue! All-over sweep of an unpleasant... something. I'm one of us who's super-sensitive and can usually tell if something's going to be helpful or harmful with a small amount.

OTOH, when I put tyrosine on my tongue, sometimes it seems neutral and other times I feel a tiny perk up nearly straightaway. I was worried it might increase serotonin (which historically has affected me very badly) but it does not seem to.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Thanks for posting this. It looks interesting. I, too bought a supply. Instead of the powder I opted for ‘Balance D’ by Neuroscience, in capsule form, at Amazon. ‘Looks to be closely the same. ‘Just got it and took a capsule on empty stomach. I’ll follow up on this shortly if noticeable effects.

Hi, @Stretched. I'd recommend starting with 1 capsule of the Balance D soon after you wake up. Two capsules give me insomnia, but I have a very sensitive system. The 1 capsule of Balance D and 1 capsule of Nordic Naturals DHA Extra work really well for my mood.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Hi, @Stretched. I'd recommend starting with 1 capsule of the Balance D soon after you wake up. Two capsules give me insomnia, but I have a very sensitive system. The 1 capsule of Balance D and 1 capsule of Nordic Naturals DHA Extra work really well for my mood.
That sounds like it makes sense. Thanks. In fact, I started that routine today. I do feel the affect which seems mood uplifting, if not stimulating. I think I like it; need some more time to ‘dig in’ with this routine.
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Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
I'm a low-but-slow diehard. I took a bit of powder and touched it to the tip of my tongue! All-over sweep of an unpleasant... something. I'm one of us who's super-sensitive and can usually tell if something's going to be helpful or harmful with a small amount.

OTOH, when I put tyrosine on my tongue, sometimes it seems neutral and other times I feel a tiny perk up nearly straightaway. I was worried it might increase serotonin (which historically has affected me very badly) but it does not seem to.

Interesting. BTW, I was on Zoloft for ~30 years and finally got off of it (very difficult) using 5 HTP. Now, I’m backing off it as I read it disturbs metabolism, but I’m a little ‘twitchy. Agreed, these supplements can be tricky! (I have several in depth reference texts on them which cover the waterfront, from Ayurvedic, traditional medicine and M.D. perspectives... . Interesting knowledge sources; and not inconsistent with one another!)


Senior Member
I take of an Indian Kapikachhu product - 1 cap every 3 days- for years without side-effects, since I already get all precursor nutrients from other supplements. In India available for just 110,- IRs (at about 70,- for a $).


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
I take of an Indian Kapikachhu product - 1 cap every 3 days- for years without side-effects, since I already get all precursor nutrients from other supplements. In India available for just 110,- IRs (at about 70,- for a $).
For what application are you using it? I notice you do marathons, which must have some systemic effects?


Senior Member
For what application are you using it? I notice you do marathons, which must have some systemic effects?

Huch, I'm very far from running even short distances.. (that was an other person who posted on my profile page)

In Ayurveda very rarely is one herb used in high doses for one application, but in combination and synergy of many other herbs. And depending on these other combinations, for different applications. It's a little bid like orthomolecular medicine, where one doesn't take high dose nutrients in isolation (the pharmaceutical model), but combined with all other nutrients involved in the same metabolic pathways. And often similar combinations for very different indications.

For example Himalaya company uses tiny doses of it - where the other herbs often take the edge off from each other - in the following combination products:

Where some are basically for potency and libido, others against aging, and as a nootropic. But if you insisted on 1 indication in my case for which I started with kapikacchu as an individual herb, then I would choose the most pressing, my male hormone deficiencies.
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Senior Member
@Hip It never ceases to amaze me how often when i go to my docs to research something it is your "always extensive info" that comes to the head of the class.
I hope this "THANK YOU" finds you in improved health since this OP!
An admirer XOC
Happy healing to all!