In Memory of Bevan Jeffery (beaverfury)

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Omg....I am so upset. What a loss. I spoke with him via email and and with posts. Look at his photo...he is gorgeous. I am so sad. : (

I am crying...What a beautiful painting. He was so talented. Gosh. This is just the pits.

His poor family. Gosh, this is so awful.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I'm heart broken to hear this news. I can't bring myself to like the notification of this latest news. He was my age (just a year or so older) and one of the aussies at this website I've spoken to at times. Its so much harder (more devastating) to loose a girlfriend or boyfriend when one has this illness as ones life is already cut back so much.

What makes me even more heartbroken not just cause he was nice guy but also cause he was improving... I really wish he'd been able to hold onto the hope.

RIP Bevan
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Senior Member
Sth Australia
The family, I am told, is keeping private. One member of another forum is in contact with them and I am in contact with her. We will send condolences as soon as we have contact information.

I'm wondering if PR could set up one of those cards that everyone can put a message on to send on to his family through someone?. He was someone many of us interacted with a lot here.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Just saw this today. I must admit I'm not taking it well as I've been feeling seriously depressed for the last few weeks and losing one of us here, well...
sending you a ***hug** if you are accepting of them ..
Sending you a hug too, Snow Leopard. And to everyone else who is affected by this news. (If hugs are acceptable from a cranky old Bob!)


Hello Everyone,
I have been following this thread since the Beaver passed away.
I wanted to post a reply many times but have not quite felt up to it until now.

Bevan was an important person in my life and it is devastating to not have him here anymore.
He was intelligent, inspiring, insightful as well as artistic and articulate and my my best mate.
I used to be his girlfriend for five years and when we separated I didn't want to lose him from my life so I pestered him with friendship for a wonderful, further eight years.

I thought recently that if I was to marry in the next few years (as my partner has just been granted a visa to stay) Bevan would be my best man. He was also a wonderful uncle to his brother's three children and godfather to my nieces Ruby & Mazlyn.

I was there for him in the tough times but he was also always there for me.
He loved catching up for a good coffee, fine food (especially marron), a walk in the forest or a swim at a beautiful location called Fonty's pool or even the odd beer when he had the energy to, but he always paid for it the next day with fatigue & pain in recovery.

Bevan was a brilliant artist (although it always bothered him with frustration to do more, be better) & he loved life drawing. I'm so glad that whenever he forgot to get me a birthday/Christmas present he would give me a painting - my farmhouse looks like an art gallery.

He was a fine friend to visit with great life advice, made a good cup of tea and always fed me if I was hungry
- eggs a la`Bevaan!
He was a true gentle man and I cannot comprehend life without him, but will just have to.

Thank you to all of you in the PR family for your condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed forever and I'm so glad that you had the opportunity to converse with him and get to know him under these trying circumstances & suffering that you are all persevering with and understand. You were there for him when I couldn't be and when I didn't have the resources to support him in his search for treatments and cure. He spoke of you many times and was delighted when he started a thread and was part of many conversations.

All I can really say is that his death was his choice & I must find some way to support him in this, even though I dearly want him back. There were so many facets that compounded upon him to bring him to this decision.

Life goes on without Bevan, but not any easier. I miss him, everyday - his beautiful, fun character & insights and his true friendship. He was one in a billion.

I already feel memories of him slipping away & he's not here to remind me the funny, witty things he used to say. Its just so hard living on without such a precious person in my life.
Anyway, I will not go on about it, as we have all lost him or others just like him. I just wish I could have helped him flip all the crap cards off that life dealt to him.

There is a hole in my heart in the shape of Bevan that will ache forever, no one will ever fit it again, but maybe it will become a dull ache, with lovely memories of a beautiful soul. I really hope he found 'music in paradise'.

I can only wish that one day we will meet up again..hmm...he said he'd save a place for me wherever he was heading...
best wishes to you all,
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