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In home sleep study

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
I am thinking about doing a sleep study at home renting this equipment. Supposedly it's the same as doing a sleep study in a lab but much cheaper and at the privacy and normalcy of your own home. But I am thinking that even if I did this test, I am not sure if it would help me much. For example, if this device diagnoses that I'm not reaching or getting enough stage 3/4 sleep, how would I be able to correct that? And then to make sure it is corrected I would have to rent this device again and maybe again numerous times. But if this machine diagnosed me with sleep apnea (which I doubt I have) then I could get that treated. Anyone here ever rent an in home sleep study machine? And has anyone ever found a sleep study (whether in a lab or at home) worth it?


senior member
Concord, NH
I am thinking about doing a sleep study at home renting this equipment. Supposedly it's the same as doing a sleep study in a lab but much cheaper and at the privacy and normalcy of your own home. But I am thinking that even if I did this test, I am not sure if it would help me much. For example, if this device diagnoses that I'm not reaching or getting enough stage 3/4 sleep, how would I be able to correct that? And then to make sure it is corrected

I would have to rent this device again and maybe again numerous times. But if this machine diagnosed me with sleep apnea (which I doubt I have) then I could get that treated. Anyone here ever rent an in home sleep study machine? And has anyone ever found a sleep study (whether in a lab or at home) worth it?

I brought home an at home system via my Drs office. I did not have to "rent" it. If you have OSA you might be able to get Oxygen added on, and perhaps that would help? That is what I do, not sure it does much, but probably doesn't hurt!

How is your sleep? Get and stay asleep well? Tried any prescriptions for sleep? What? I found a med (Remeron, via Dr) in 2009 that helped quit a bit, I didn't wake up all the time like I had not sleep,, more refreshed! Not great, but better!


tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
I brought home an at home system via my Drs office. I did not have to "rent" it. If you have OSA you might be able to get Oxygen added on, and perhaps that would help? That is what I do, not sure it does much, but probably doesn't hurt!

How is your sleep? Get and stay asleep well? Tried any prescriptions for sleep? What? I found a med (Remeron, via Dr) in 2009 that helped quit a bit, I didn't wake up all the time like I had not sleep,, more refreshed! Not great, but better!

I don't wake up refreshed after sleep. When I fall asleep, a few hours later i can notice I am somewhat awake even though my eyes are closed but then I fall asleep again. This usually happens at least once during the night. And I don't think I reach stage 3 and/or stage 4 sleep, but I am not sure. How would I know besides doing a sleep study? I will look into getting Remeron. You think I can get Remeron without a prescription using one of the online pharmacies that many PR members use?
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Senior Member
I had an in-home sleep study through my medical group. It turned out that I do have sleep apnea (which I thought was a remote chance). I've been on APAP for over a year, but have developed a sub-set of apneas called "Centrals" (where one stops breathing w/o obstructions) that standard APAP machines don't control well. These CA events have been hammering me lately.

In a few weeks, I will have my first a study at a sleep center. We are blessed with full insurance coverage. In my case, I'm hoping a more sophisticated type of machine (called an ASV) that's designed to treat Central apneas will do the trick. During times of good therapy with my APAP it has helped.

Having sleep apnea on top of CFS (if you have it) isn't a good thing. Believe me, I know what's it's like to have unrefreshing sleep. If you can swing the test, it's a good idea to understand what you are dealing with.

Best wishes to you!


perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Interesting link, @tyson oberle. I didn't know home studies could also do EEG. I think that proper placement of electrodes could be challenging, though, but it sounds like they have good instructions and support.


senior member
Concord, NH
I don't wake up refreshed after sleep. When I fall asleep, a few hours later i can notice I am somewhat awake even though my eyes are closed but then I fall asleep again. This usually happens at least once during the night. And I don't think I reach stage 3 and/or stage 4 sleep, but I am not sure. How would I know besides doing a sleep study? I will look into getting Remeron.

You think I can get Remeron without a prescription using one of the online pharmacies that many PR members use?

Perhaps, but I would try to get it via typical channels. Resort to the Internet if you have to. Some people have luck with Trazadone and amitryptiline. I was on Trazadone before, quit working for me. Doxepin did not work for me at all.



Senior Member
Southeast U.S.
I've had numerous sleep studies but always through a doctor who specializes in sleep issues.
I had mild sleep apnea and was treated with use of an oral appliance.
I had no complex issues. I lost 10 pounds and lost sleep apnea! (This is not uncommon.)

Often a machine is used--common name C-PAP--

One consideration may be that an insurance company wouldn't accept test results if your sleep study is done
as you are describing.
Based on my experiences, I would say look into all angles.

This didn't make me well but I did have some relief.
Hope all goes well for you-


Senior Member
Southeast U.S.
A thought--don't some of the sports watches have apps or programs (?) or whatever as part of their deal?
I mean as part of their design?

I heard my son and friends discussing their sleep. Now that they're in their 40's conversation has changed :)

I am sure everybody here knows more than I do about what's available but it would be a way to start---get an idea if you are sleeping!

tyson oberle

Senior Member
tampa, florida
A thought--don't some of the sports watches have apps or programs (?) or whatever as part of their deal?
I mean as part of their design?

I heard my son and friends discussing their sleep. Now that they're in their 40's conversation has changed :)

I am sure everybody here knows more than I do about what's available but it would be a way to start---get an idea if you are sleeping!
I don't know about sport watches, but you might find this interesting to monitor sleep: www.ouraring.com
It's a ring you wear. I ordered one and waiting for it to arrive. There's actually a thread about it here on PR: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/oura-ring-sleep-monitoring.50867/