The last weeks or so has been more hypotension and fevers, though the time of day for both seems to be shifting. Sometimes overnight, or in the morning, instead of just in the afternoons and evenings.
We went to Brussels for my appointment today. After waiting for 90 minutes, we chatted with the doctor for about 15 minutes, and since I'm still having some Herxheimer symptoms (and maybe because I still have sinus issues), I'm taking the doxycyline and clarithromycin for another 2 months. So that will be 7 months of antibiotics when that's done.
I got prescriptions renewed, and got some lab results from blood taken two months ago as well. On the basic blood stuff, eosinophils are a little elevated, and liver enzymes are higher than they were 5 months ago, but still nicely in range. For the inflammatory and Lyme-related markers, I have some stuff elevated now which was normal before - possibly due to my immune system being screwed after 20 years of untreated infection. I'll try to post those results tomorrow.
The drive down there and back went pretty well, even if they delay at the office meant we were driving home during rush hour. Fortunately the congested traffic was always going in a different direction

I'm also getting used to the 2 hour drive, and breaking it down into 30 minute segments which makes it seem to go faster ... Brussels to Antwerp, Antwerp to Breda, Breda to Utrecht, and then Utrecht to Amersfoort - home!
I'm traveling to the US in about a month, so will be on antibiotics at that time and probably hypotensive. We're going to try to extend the time that we get to keep the freebie wheelchair. It's scheduled to be returned on January 3rd, and might not be possible to extend - basically you either need a short-term wheelchair and get in from one source, or you need a permanent wheelchair which comes from a completely different source. But maybe they'll be okay with just giving me an extra couple weeks, or start a new 6 month "temporary" period.
Anyhow, that means we definitely need to arrange wheelchair transport through the airports, and possibly taking it on the airplane as well. Most flights can take one or two folding wheelchairs in the cabin, and that way we don't have to screw around with random passengers spontaneously deciding they want to ride in the wheelchair I reserved at the destination airport, leaving me sitting on the ground while waiting for another one to arrive
I'm still looking forward to the trip though. We'll just be staying on a small island with just a couple towns, so it should be pretty quiet and non-busy. And my mommy will be cooking lots of healthy food