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Immunocal to raise glutathione

So I trying to continue my protocol ( hard cause the swedish border in not impressed with supplements they have not seen before) and i found some information on immunocal, a supplement supposed to help raise glutathione by giving bonded cystein to cells. is it possible to use this with the protocol? or should we stay away form all other ways of raising glutathione ( NAC etc) untill our block is lifted.

has anyone tried immunocal?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi alexa, Immunocal was one of the hottest debate topics a little over a decade ago. Many thousands have tried it, including me. Many did improve, some did not, some got worse, the usual mix.

I can't speak to its involvement with methylation protocols, though I suspect that it would not be considered favorably.

In my own case it was mainly Immunocal that got me back to university long enough for me to get my biochemistry degree. However by my third year I started getting nasty side effects - prolonged allover burning sensations that just keep getting worse. As soon as I stopped Immunocal these sensations went away, but my energy began to decline too. Now this may just have been a dosage issue, or something weird could have been going on, but it does serve to show that even for those who benefit from Immunocal there can be a downside.



Senior Member
So I trying to continue my protocol ( hard cause the swedish border in not impressed with supplements they have not seen before) and i found some information on immunocal, a supplement supposed to help raise glutathione by giving bonded cystein to cells. is it possible to use this with the protocol? or should we stay away form all other ways of raising glutathione ( NAC etc) untill our block is lifted.

has anyone tried immunocal?

Hi, Alexa.

As Alex has noted, the response to Immunocal has varied. For people who tolerate it well, I think it can be a good source of balanced protein as well as a supplier of cystine. Note that I wrote cystine, not cysteine. In spite of advertising material that may be contrary to this, Immunocal is a whey protein isolate. As such, it is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and the whey has been subjected to pasteurization and acid treatment, which denatures proteins and oxidizes cysteine to cystine. The liver absorbs cysteine well, but not cystine, which must be absorbed and processed primarily by the kidneys. Since the liver is normally the main producer of glutathione in the body, and cysteine is usually the rate-limiting amino acid for the synthesis of glutathione, the glutathione production can be helped more by the use of nondenatured whey protein products. Some of them are ImmunePro, RenewPro, True Whey, and the Whey to Health. There may be others. The key words to look for are nondenatured, whey protein concentrate, immunoglobulins, and lactoferrin.

I should note that Freddd, on these forums, has reported that any supplements that have provided glutathione or the substrates for making glutathione have set him back seriously. However, this is not the experience of everyone, and I think it depends on genomic inheritance.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi, Alexa.

As Alex has noted, the response to Immunocal has varied. For people who tolerate it well, I think it can be a good source of balanced protein as well as a supplier of cystine. Note that I wrote cystine, not cysteine. In spite of advertising material that may be contrary to this, Immunocal is a whey protein isolate. As such, it is a byproduct of cheese manufacturing, and the whey has been subjected to pasteurization and acid treatment, which denatures proteins and oxidizes cysteine to cystine. The liver absorbs cysteine well, but not cystine, which must be absorbed and processed primarily by the kidneys. Since the liver is normally the main producer of glutathione in the body, and cysteine is usually the rate-limiting amino acid for the synthesis of glutathione, the glutathione production can be helped more by the use of nondenatured whey protein products. Some of them are ImmunePro, RenewPro, True Whey, and the Whey to Health. There may be others. The key words to look for are nondenatured, whey protein concentrate, immunoglobulins, and lactoferrin.

I should note that Freddd, on these forums, has reported that any supplements that have provided glutathione or the substrates for making glutathione have set him back seriously. However, this is not the experience of everyone, and I think it depends on genomic inheritance.

Best regards,


I should note that Freddd, on these forums, has reported that any supplements that have provided glutathione or the substrates for making glutathione have set him back seriously. However, this is not the experience of everyone, and I think it depends on genomic inheritance.

It should be noted that there were 10 persons who tried various combinations of glutathione precursors or IV glutathione. The 10 persons varied considerably and at least one came by his b12 deficiency via being vegan. 100% of these participants responded in a similar way and I was one of them. Now it is possible that we share certain traits and as this was before paradoxical folate deficiency was found we don't know whether that was a connecting thread. However, the one thing all 10 had in common was that each and every one of them had been having success with the active b12 protocol including mb12, adb12 and Metafolin. Every one of them had changes indicative of quickly induced severe folate deficiency and a less quick and less severe set of b12 deficiency symptoms. All relieved the deficiencies with additional Metafolin, adb12 and mb12. The symptoms when they occurred in other people are called "Glutathione Detox Response (reaction, syndrome)" or something similar and "NAC Detox Response (reaction, syndrome)" or something similar. They are actually quite common. As being able to detect that it is happening generally requires that the person's program has reversed at least folate deficiency. If they haven't reversd folate deficiency or b12 deficiency there is nothing at all that they will experience except possilble benifits as the deficiency symptoms don't change.