People understand the danger and horror of the jackboot, the gulag, the gas chamber and the auto-da-fe
They understand the dangers of extreme religion and politcs
They do not understand as yet, the greatest and most terrible horror we've ever built, are the
The other things we have learned are terrors only by long, hard experience and atrocities, and many, MANY dumb assholes eagerly supported them even while monstrous acts occured around them:
- the British Empire waged war on China to force them to buy British opium to encourage addiction and thus profit and thus eventually the Boxer Rebllion that killed 20 million Chinese and on unto the heroin scourge today, (and as I said elsehwere, it was Britain who are partially responsible for Al-Qeda, the East India Company sold cannons to the Wahhabists in the 1700s, while rest of Islam was trying to bump those extremists off)
- People eagerly supported the extermination of the natice American population and it's military often took scalps from those they killed (fact, not that the British also didn't commit atrocities by the way, everyone's as bad as each other)
- folk supported "Stalin's" modernization of medieval-like Russia while millions starved in the Ukraine (he didn't "do" anything but act like a brutal thug, beyond just the commonly known death toll, a huge amount of accidents and disasters were down to him terrorizing or killing engineers etc who tried to warn of problems or fix things and thus "upset" him or antagonize his paranoia/megalomania)
- Germans thought good riddance to the socialists, trade unionists, Jews and others (a great many of course, did not think such, but if you said otherwise, hey, "Night & Fog" came for you)
- and everyone knew witches spread disease and curses so had to be burned out...
Sigh :/
Politics and religion co-exist and relate with their cultures. They feed off/affect each other, the community mores and acceptable conduct affect them.
For weal OR woe.
For example:
No tyrant, unless mad, wants ot wipe out his own people, oh sure, massacre those who oppose him, or to make examples, but killing the ones who make your power, wealth or armies is stupid.
Corporations though, only care about the next damn Quarterly Profits!!! Huge and critical difference between them and politcs/religion, they are NOT beholden to the "community" because the "communioty" is the bloody corporation!
The sons of bitches eagerly worked on contracts for the gas chambers, Zyklon B and early form of computerized data for the Holocaust (IBM!), and all kinds of horrors before and since then.
As folk are beginning to grasp, the corporations are
not limited by shareholders, often now, the shareholders are other corproations or
the execs themselves, so they do not give a damn, vote thmselves disgusting pay rises as others suffer and will send the Human Race to destruction in their insane lust for wealh and power without care.
They live in gated mansions, have bomb proof cars and armed guards drive them around, own your politicians, so what do they know or care for YOU and your family?
Think I'm kidding? See the banks...see phrama corps....see Monsanto and genetically modified crops
(GM food not a problem some say? BOLLOCKS, anyone with half a brain knew the simple risk: cross pollination by unknowns into our vital food supply, and it's happening already despite what those assclowns claimed).
I'm not some idiot, I know science and technological advancement are valid and essential, but these assclowns are so divorced from the result of their actions, they make the arrogant inhumanity of the Dukes of old seem positively benign!
And part of this, is are the "Weasels", they are the "enablers" the bullshit artists.
Remember "The Wizard of Oz"?
Just ignore the litte man behind the curtain!"
that is what the Weasels are doing, pulling the damn wool over everyones' eyes.
See "Junk Science" and vast number of other such pundits, paid-for-pressure-groups, lobbyists (who exploded 10 fold under Reagan's term and are the worst parasites on the US body-politik) and so on.
left or Right does not matter (thought he corproates ARE tied mostly to the Right due to pretending to be normal businesses), corporations are
not "Capitalism", they are sodding Oligarchies who try and create monopolies, huge difference!!
Adam Smith even warned about this crap, as did others.
Abraham Lincoln said:
We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end.
It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. . . .
It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.
As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.
God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."
This is
not about "normal" politics, folk have been fed propaganda deluxe by these bozos for decades that "
Corporations and money is God, Father & Mother" instead of tools for our betterment and limiting the bozos :/
Sure as hell wasn't Goldmann Sachs or Monsanto who wrote the US Bill of Rights or Magna Carta, fought at Caen, Monte Cassino or Iwo Jima
wasn't those bozos who invented penicillin, manned flight etc.
Some monsters are just so damn big, so damn pervasive, that their horror isn't obvious to most.
World War II death toll: 100 million
Death toll from tobacco up to 2000: 100 million. Estimated
1 billion by 2100.
Pray tell me, if some evil scumbags got war wage on 'em because they killed 3000, why don't we wage war on those who kill
millions, hm?
PROFIT, that's why.
The VIOXX Settlement
Merck Pays a Pittance for Mass Deaths
Q: Who killed more Americans al Qaeda crashing airplanes into the World Trade Center, or Merck pushing Vioxx?
A: Merck, by a factor of 18.
Grahams data indicate that 140,000 Americans suffered Vioxx-induced heart attacks and strokes; 55,000 died, and many more were permanently disabled