I often fantasize about getting 2 things:
A bathtub large enough so I can lay down completely flat - I'd fill it with just enough warm water and Epsom Salts so that I could float weightlessly without having pressure on any part of my body. (I have a weird bathroom that's big enough to do this if it's a square tub and I laid diagonally, and it's in the middle of the house with no windows so I'd basically have my own sensory deprivation chamber like those popping up for people to float in the dark/silence (but are SO expensive to use)) Ahhh, that would be bliss.
The second thing I really want would be an adjustable bed base (like a hospital bed but more adjustable) so I could put my upper body and legs in a perfectly relaxed position. I tried one of these at a sleep store and the sales rep adjusted it to the "optimal" angles for the human body. I laid there a minute and then he adjusted it back to completely flat like a regular bed and I literally busted out laughing because it felt like he was stretching me out on a Medieval Rack! I'm not kidding. I can't lay on my back and now I know why. That was several years ago and I've dreamt of getting an adjustable bed base ever since...