Idaho doctor recs? (or just anywhere close by)

Anyone else here from Idaho or have any Idaho doctor recommendations? I am seeing a functional medicine doctor who is great (just stated helminthic therapy with her), but she has not recommend any things else besides diet, supplement, lifestyle changes etc. Also unfortunately naturopaths cannot write prescriptions in Idaho :( Not sure if I should be pursing the antiviral or another route in addition but need to find a good doc!


Senior Member
Is your functional medicine doctor a naturopath or MD? A functional medicine doctor is typically considered to be an MD. I've never heard of a naturopath describing him/herself as a "functional medicine doctor," considering all naturopaths sort of do that. If it's an MD, then you should try bringing info to him/her and convince him/her of possible treatments & direction you would like to try / go.
Is your functional medicine doctor a naturopath or MD? A functional medicine doctor is typically considered to be an MD. I've never heard of a naturopath describing him/herself as a "functional medicine doctor," considering all naturopaths sort of do that. If it's an MD, then you should try bringing info to him/her and convince him/her of possible treatments & direction you would like to try / go.
@junkcrap50 she is a naturopath, I didn't realize I also said functional medicine doc above. But yeah I guess I really just wanted to know if anyone had any experience with a good me/cfs specific doc in Idaho. I think Bateman Horne is the closest place but I know they don't take new patients at the time. I have been working with my naturopath, MD, and some other people (nutritionist and another doc) to sort of get everyone on the same page but I have learned its a bit of a process. Making progress but slowly.
Also in Idaho, I wish I had that same information! Struggling for 5 years to find any medical professional that is any bit knowledgeable about ME/CFS and so far I cannot seem to locate anyone. I will be trying to contact the West Clinic in Pocatello next week but I have a feeling they will have the same symptom treating protocols that you are being treated with. While I do support holistic medicine, I am after something more.
@amyw, I actually just started going to West Clinic about three weeks ago! No noticeable changes yet, wouldn't that be great though, but I am going to stick with it for a while. I would be happy to talk to you more about my experience there if you would like :)
Yes I am interested to see if it is something I want to pursue! I have not contacted them but I assume they are taking new patients? We live near Boise so it would be a 4 hour drive each way. I don't mind that part unless they will need to see me every week. I would need to prepare for that if so. Also I am in support of the holistic treatment protocols but there are wellness clinics here that provide the same treatments. The don't take insurance either so that is discouraging. Some have a waiting list but generally the its the same lifestyle, nutrition and stress management treatments. I am looking for more specific treatment. I hope I am not coming across like I don't want to try the other approaches because I have, and I do, its just that its been 5 years now and I am not seeing any sort of improvement in my health. Quite the opposite really. Pain is beginning in new joints, increased cognitive disabilities, and more frequent flare-ups. I feel like I am in a constant search for help but I am just trying to find something a bit closer to home.
Not sure if you have been tested for any autonomic dysfunction? Not sure if there are any pots specialists in Idaho, but something to possibly look in to. But treating that if you have it can help symptoms.
@amyw, I totally get where you are coming from. After trying so many different things and not having them work I think that its natural that we go into trying new treatments with a lot of skepticism. But yeah overall my experience at West Clinic has been positive so far. They offer all sorts of alternative therapies (acupuncture, chiropractic works, detox things, pain treatments, etc) but I am only going there to get their IV treatments. I had an initial consult with them (where we discussed what would be the best treatments for me, and as a note they will try to get you to commit to all the different therapies but I just decided to go with the IVs). So I do go from where I live to Pocatello every week now (about a 2.5-3 hour drive one way). I spend two nights in an air bnb and get two treatments done then go home. So it is a BIG commitment/effort. But I reached a point with my illness a bit ago where I was really ready to commit to doing something really different/more intensive in addition to everything else I am doing. Each IV treatment usually lasts about 2-3ish hours and consist of meyers cocktails, high dose vitamin C (w/ minerals), electrolytes, amino acids, dilute HCL and hydrocloric acid (I know sounds weird) and a few more that I am forgetting. You don't do all of these each time but they typically rotate between two different IV's each time. I have had IV's before but these ones are lot higher dosages. Unfortunately they do not take insurance so it is very expensive :( So overall its a big commitment time/energy/financially, and I think you have to been be in the right mind set/place to be ready to commit to it (also knowing that it might not help, obviously).
Not sure if you have been tested for any autonomic dysfunction? Not sure if there are any pots specialists in Idaho, but something to possibly look in to. But treating that if you have it can help symptoms.
I have not been tested. I will talk to my doctor and have her look into that for me. Thank you!
@amyw, I totally get where you are coming from. After trying so many different things and not having them work I think that its natural that we go into trying new treatments with a lot of skepticism. But yeah overall my experience at West Clinic has been positive so far. They offer all sorts of alternative therapies (acupuncture, chiropractic works, detox things, pain treatments, etc) but I am only going there to get their IV treatments. I had an initial consult with them (where we discussed what would be the best treatments for me, and as a note they will try to get you to commit to all the different therapies but I just decided to go with the IVs). So I do go from where I live to Pocatello every week now (about a 2.5-3 hour drive one way). I spend two nights in an air bnb and get two treatments done then go home. So it is a BIG commitment/effort. But I reached a point with my illness a bit ago where I was really ready to commit to doing something really different/more intensive in addition to everything else I am doing. Each IV treatment usually lasts about 2-3ish hours and consist of meyers cocktails, high dose vitamin C (w/ minerals), electrolytes, amino acids, dilute HCL and hydrocloric acid (I know sounds weird) and a few more that I am forgetting. You don't do all of these each time but they typically rotate between two different IV's each time. I have had IV's before but these ones are lot higher dosages. Unfortunately they do not take insurance so it is very expensive :( So overall its a big commitment time/energy/financially, and I think you have to been be in the right mind set/place to be ready to commit to it (also knowing that it might not help, obviously).
Thank you. That was very helpful and I will give that some serious consideration. The financial commitment to this disease has been significant. I would also have to convince my husband to let me go! My driving ability as well as my vision have also deteriorated and he is hesitant to let me go on any long drives. I am very interested to hear how your energy level has changed, and also if the treatment helps with brain fog.
I have reached the same place in my search for treatment. I want something that would possible provide me some tangible consistent results, and longer breaks between flare ups. I'm so tired of being tired!!