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I think insomnia is largely related to gut - solution tips?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi Martin,

Ah! Well melatonin is good for getting to sleep but without valerian I'd wake up sooner. As I said you can take more than 400mg a day I haven't a clue what the safe dose is for that stuff.

Online it says don't take it for more than 28 days. Valerian root has been used for what several thousand years? Wonder if anyone's ever figured out the maximum dose or maximum duration.

I take 800mg a day anyway and haven't noticed any side effects.

According to this https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...ChAWegQIHxAB&usg=AOvVaw0p9-_PSUYZfxR0Tb_PZwcr it seems safe to take 1.2g a day. But possibly not regularly.

Unlike melatonin no dose dependent tolerance is noted in the literature.

And it seems long term use has never been deemed unsafe - according to Google!! But can cause side effects in a lot of people.

I think I'll have to up my dose! 🤣 I don't need to in seriousness but I never thought to Google the duration and dosages before so thanks for asking about things to take! 😁


Senior Member
I was unable to attain restful sleep for seven years running, until I started ingesting tart cherry juice/powder at night.. 2-3 hours prior to sleep. I experienced positive sleep results and less fatigue upon waking, almost immediately.
Ooooo....I am definitely going to try this since insolmnia is a big problem for me! Thanks, @Howard


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
@MartinK I also have long-standing severe insomnia. I just started Doxepin a few days ago and it is working so far. 3 mg was too much for me but 1.5 mg seems to be okay. Not the answer, but at this point I'd do anything to sleep!

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Hey, thank you all - very interesting opinion @Rufous McKinney @Judee with ammonia levels!

so I ventured forth to ask the question: chinese traditional herbs addressing ammonia and it looks like I stumbled upon something possibly helpful and interesting......

I'll be wading thru that- it might take a while.


this paper is focused on a liver issue causing brain inflammation....EXCERPT below-

"Currently, none of the existing theories provide conclusive explanations on the symptoms that link liver dysfunction to nervous system disorders and clinical manifestations. Generally, it has been accepted that high blood ammonia, which is not properly metabolized in and removed from liver because of the hepatic dysfunction, is closely associated with dysregulation of central nervous system (CNS). The elevation of neurotoxins such as ammonia in blood and CNS impairs the related neurotransmitter system and leads to the functional disorder of CNS. Such a complicated pathology of HE implies the possibility of systematic involvement of multiple organs in orchestrating the development of HE. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a systems strategy with interdisciplinary studies to understand how dysregulated metabolites disturb the organ-organ (liver-brain) interactions and eventually to uncover the mechanisms of HE at a systems level."

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
From the discussion above of Heptatic Encephalopathy ( a specific liver illness we likely don't have- but we have SOMETHING similar affecting our livers....)

Here at the end of the paper it connects to the gut:

The brain and liver are key targets for damage induced by dysregulated metabolites often associated with gut-generated signals. Thus the gut-liver-brain axis is crucial for coordinating homeostasis and health. Therefore, interdisciplinary studies of how dysregulated metabolites disturb the gut-liver-brain interactions will uncover novel mechanisms of HE, which are essential for understanding the pathogenesis at a systemic level. Such knowledge is the basis for development of effectively preventive and therapeutic strategies in most-at-risk populations.

the paper mentions how we can get all these symptoms in the orifices....from this heat dampness issue in the liver and I have all those issues quite intently.....eyes, tongue, mouth sinus (add throat)


Senior Member
Would you all share brands and dosages? Just to give me a place to start? I've tried a lot of the things shared here, and had given up experimenting, but now I'm interested in L-ornithine and tart cherry powder.


Senior Member
Hi all, two new experiences here with recommended supplements

Valerian root, Cherry powder, L-theanine, Oleamide, Phospatydilserine - NOTHING WORK in normal/recommended doses. None of this seems to affect my sleep, so I'll give it another chance and start experimenting with higher doses.
I also try L-ornithine with Aspartate for ammonia levels in gut. No visible effects but I will take it longer. It may take some time to finally lower ammonia? @Rufous McKinney

@Judee how looks your dosage of enzymes? I also trying it... but I can't evaluate it yet.

@maddietod hey, I buy mainly from Iherb, but also from our brands in Czech Republic. I would look at the prestige of the manufacturer and the purity of the product.

Positive experience which has improved my desperate situation in Pregabalin.
I found Pregabalin (150mg) shortens my PEM after a short sleep, but at the same time it helps me fall asleep. That's great! Unfortunately I can't use it every evening, because tolerance develops extremely quickly and then the drug loses its effect.
Does anyone have any idea what the effect of Pregabalin may point to? Is it all about GABA? But GABA supplements don't work for me but Pregabalin yes.
This drug does something positive for me ... I want to research it, because what it does in my body helps me fall asleep.

btw. I'll try Avena sativa soon.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
@Judee how looks your dosage of enzymes? I also trying it... but I can't evaluate it yet.

I'm not taking them now but have in the past. The ones with betaine and/or hcl always make stomach acid back up into my esophagus and throat so I can't use them.