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I finally fixed post-COVID fatigue

I got the coronavirus-19 a few months ago. I got post-COVID syndrome afterwards and it's been 2 months and the fatigue wasn't getting any better.

I tried Levothyroxine, caffeine, nicotine, l-carnitine l tartrate and ginkgo biloba without any improvements.

Finally, I tried Heptaminol + Cinnarazine today and this is helping me so much with the fatigue.

Heptaminol has a positive inotropic effect on the heart, so it makes the heart pump blood more potently/efficiently.

Cinnarazine has vasodilatory effect on the brain's blood vessels and I feel with Heptaminol it's helping mental fatigue quite a lot.

I hope this helps someone else out there!


Senior Member
From Wikipedia

Cinnarizine is also known to cause acute and chronic parkinsonism[17] due to its affinity for D2 receptors, which strongly counter-suggests its actual usefulness for improving neurohealth. Cinnarizine's antagonistic effects of D2 dopamine receptors in the striatum leads to symptoms of depression, tremor, muscle rigidity, tardive dyskinesia, and akathisia, which are characterized as Drug-Induced Parkinson's disease and is the second leading cause of Parkinson's.[17]


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
From Wikipedia

Cinnarizine is also known to cause acute and chronic parkinsonism[17] due to its affinity for D2 receptors, which strongly counter-suggests its actual usefulness for improving neurohealth. Cinnarizine's antagonistic effects of D2 dopamine receptors in the striatum leads to symptoms of depression, tremor, muscle rigidity, tardive dyskinesia, and akathisia, which are characterized as Drug-Induced Parkinson's disease and is the second leading cause of Parkinson's.[17]
Egads :xpem:
I've read of horror stories from neuroleptics and that list of side effects is scary.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Egads :xpem:
I've read of horror stories from neuroleptics and that list of side effects is scary.
Yeah, neuroleptics generally are on my "None for me thanks ...." list, but then so are almost all psychoactive drugs unless carefully prescribed by someone who really knows something about the way the brain works, beyond what the attractive young thing in the short tight skirt has told him about whichever drug her preferred pharma company is pushing that week ....

On the other hand, I have to revert to my 3rd Rule Of ME Dynamics: If it works for you, then everything else is just footnotes .... but always read the fine print ....


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
Yeah, neuroleptics generally are on my "None for me thanks ...." list, but then so are almost all psychoactive drugs unless carefully prescribed by someone who really knows something about the way the brain works, beyond what the attractive young thing in the short tight skirt has told him about whichever drug her preferred pharma company is pushing that week ....
Neuroleptic side effects can be permanent and have driven people to suicide because they can be untreatable and have been compared to torture (literally).
There is no way to know in advance who will experience severe side effects and who won't, it's a gamble where the stakes are higher than money


Senior Member
I find that allot of things give me improvment at first, but the improvement either completly vanishes or reduces to 10-20% of the initial after a week of few, it's kind of like tolerance build up... And this is common for some other patents too, so I would wait at least 1 mouth to see if it continues to help.
Hey guys, thanks for replying to my thread.

I've thought about it and I'm going to switch out Cinnarazine with Vinpocetine. Today is the 2nd day and I still feel great. I'll keep this thread updated with how the regimen is working for me.


Senior Member
I hope you continue to feel better. Please remember that post-viral fatigue is not ME/CFS. A fraction of those with PVFS will go on to have ME/CFS, which by definition requires symptoms to have been present for at least six months. Which isn't to say that an effective treatment for new onset symptoms consistent with ME/CFS, including PVFS, might not prevent the development of ME/CFS. Someday, I hope, we'll find out!
I hope you continue to feel better. Please remember that post-viral fatigue is not ME/CFS. A fraction of those with PVFS will go on to have ME/CFS, which by definition requires symptoms to have been present for at least six months. Which isn't to say that an effective treatment for new onset symptoms consistent with ME/CFS, including PVFS, might not prevent the development of ME/CFS. Someday, I hope, we'll find out!
I've had this fatigue for 2-3 months so far. It is not showing any sign of abating on its own.


Senior Member
I feel that Vinpocetine works as a placebo. I tried Modafinil today with Heptaminol and the difference is huge.

That would be a CNS stimulant (modafanil) and cardiac inotrope (increases cardiac contraction and coronary blood flow) that also elicits peripheral vasoconstriciton and is used to treat orthostatic hypotension (heptaminol). Sounds like an interesting and powerful combination.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I got the coronavirus-19 a few months ago. I got post-COVID syndrome afterwards and it's been 2 months and the fatigue wasn't getting any better.

I tried Levothyroxine, caffeine, nicotine, l-carnitine l tartrate and ginkgo biloba without any improvements.

Finally, I tried Heptaminol + Cinnarazine today and this is helping me so much with the fatigue.

Heptaminol has a positive inotropic effect on the heart, so it makes the heart pump blood more potently/efficiently.

Cinnarazine has vasodilatory effect on the brain's blood vessels and I feel with Heptaminol it's helping mental fatigue quite a lot.

I hope this helps someone else out there!

Did your doctor prescribe the heptaminol and cinnarazine?
So it's been 20 days since I started this regimen and it still works well for post-COVID syndrome. No more brainfog nor physical/mental fatigue. In fact, I actually feel better energy and mental clarity moreso than pre-COVID baseline. It's quite drastic.

I'm still taking Modafinil (200 mg) and Heptaminol (150 mg) daily. That said, the comedown from this regimen is worse than usual since the fatigue/brainfog return quite sharply. I find myself bed-ridden right away after it's out of my body.

I read that post-COVID syndrome lasts for 9 months for people. I'm really hoping it doesn't turn into full-blown CFS. Meanwhile, I'll keep taking this regimen and will keep you updated every month of my progress.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I'm really hoping it doesn't turn into full-blown CFS.
Well, if it does, at least you'll be in the right place :D :xeyes::xeyes::xeyes: ....

I seriously hope it doesn't, and I'll be holding a good thought for you to that end .... as a short interlude, it's tolerable, but as a world-without-end kind of thing, not so much ....
Meanwhile, I'll keep taking this regimen and will keep you updated every month of my progress.
I've inducted you into my Hall of Heroes, members who, like you, take unknown risks to go where no one's gone before and trial things the rest of us may be too cautious, or too afraid of losing any more ground in whatever fragile improvement we may have managed, too give a whirl to :woot::woot: :thumbsup: ....

Onward and upward :rocket::rocket::rocket:!!!!

PS .... Thanks for the updates to date, and the updates to come ..... very thoughty ....