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I don't notice a difference with the ad B12


Senior Member
Apprently zinc lowers cortisol. I always take zinc in the evening, when cortisol is supposed to be lower. I have no idea if that has to do with anything, but thought I would add that info.

I have noticed more depression since starting my methylation protocol in general, too. In fact, I had to start strattera again (had been off for a while). Is this from the adb12?


Senior Member
Liz, this is good to know since my cortisol is already low. I read that anything above 25 mg can effect the levels. I think I will start over and increase at a slower rate. Hope this doesn't take much time in recovering from this incident.

As far as depression, mine had disappeared over night after starting. I was so thrilled. It came back about a week ago as I started adding in more supplements and has slowly gotten worse. Like Fred has said, it is all about finding the right balance.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Liz, this is good to know since my cortisol is already low. I read that anything above 25 mg can effect the levels. I think I will start over and increase at a slower rate. Hope this doesn't take much time in recovering from this incident.

As far as depression, mine had disappeared over night after starting. I was so thrilled. It came back about a week ago as I started adding in more supplements and has slowly gotten worse. Like Fred has said, it is all about finding the right balance.

Hi Shelly,

In thinking about this more, I remember some folks having mood changes like depression, from lack of enough potassium. This generally takes afew days to come on.


Senior Member
Fred, it is funny you brought this up. This morning, I had to run an erand. I took my regular round of supplements with extra potassium minus zinc today. But while taking my shower, my weakness that has plagued me for the last week or so, got progressively worse within a matter of minutes. My heart started to race and my legs felt like they were going to melt beneath me. Not even my beta blocker could stop my heart from racing. That's when I grabbed the potassium and took a few pills. Within an hour, it stopped. It was scary. But now I know what low potassium feels like. As of right now, I feel better than I have in a few days. I hope this is the clue to what has been going on. I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks Fred,


Senior Member
Hi everyone
I figured out that the folic acid in the adb12 has been decreasing the effectiveness of my methylation treatment in general and the adb12 effects. Yesterday I did an experiment and took a much higher dose of actice folate, 4,800 mcg, and today I feel powerful effects, although I do not feel good. I feel quite a lot of nausea and a splitting headache. Is this a detox reaction? Or is this too much methylfolate?


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi everyone
I figured out that the folic acid in the adb12 has been decreasing the effectiveness of my methylation treatment in general and the adb12 effects. Yesterday I did an experiment and took a much higher dose of actice folate, 4,800 mcg, and today I feel powerful effects, although I do not feel good. I feel quite a lot of nausea and a splitting headache. Is this a detox reaction? Or is this too much methylfolate?

Hi Liz,

I feel quite a lot of nausea and a splitting headache. Is this a detox reaction?

I would suggest trying some potassium. The methylfolate can be causing a major uptick in cell formation, doubly so if it was being suppressed by paradoxical folate deficiency. This can cause serum potassium to plummet which can cause nausea and headaches. Also, sudden increase in methylfolate getting into the CNS/CSF can cause an increase in neurotransmitters and a change in balance. Upsets in balance can cause all sorts of effects, most temporary. The body needs a chance to adapt and get things leveled out which usually happens pretty quickly with Metafolin. When adding or increasing adb12, mb12, Metafolin and a few other things there can be very quick onset of dropping potassium which causes problems and can even be fatal if allowed to continue. There are a lot of potential symptoms though most people only have a few of the many possible ones as their first appearing symptoms. This drop in potassium often causes symptoms that are misidentified as "detox" which can be a dangerous misidentification.


Senior Member
Thanks for the reply, Freddd
I do notice I am less depressed after two days without folic acid from the adb12 supp., so I think the folic acid was indeed messing with the methylation protocol.
At any rate, I appreciate the advice about the potassium. I read that in a different thread and I have been taking some. I am actually taking a low dose of florinef for POTS and I wonder if I should thinking about getting off of it, because it also lowers potassium.
My POTS is a little worse right now, though, so it's all confusing. Can one get POTS from low potassium, too?

How much potassium should I take per day?
Also, is there a ratio of folate to Mb12 that you recommend? I am going to try around 2400 folate tomorrow and I am currently on 20 mg of Mb12. I have no idea what the relationship between amounts should be between them.
What are the normal start up detox symptoms?
Thanks for all of your help


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Thanks for the reply, Freddd
I do notice I am less depressed after two days without folic acid from the adb12 supp., so I think the folic acid was indeed messing with the methylation protocol.
At any rate, I appreciate the advice about the potassium. I read that in a different thread and I have been taking some. I am actually taking a low dose of florinef for POTS and I wonder if I should thinking about getting off of it, because it also lowers potassium.
My POTS is a little worse right now, though, so it's all confusing. Can one get POTS from low potassium, too?

How much potassium should I take per day?
Also, is there a ratio of folate to Mb12 that you recommend? I am going to try around 2400 folate tomorrow and I am currently on 20 mg of Mb12. I have no idea what the relationship between amounts should be between them.
What are the normal start up detox symptoms?
Thanks for all of your help

Hi Liz,

How much potassium should I take per day?

I would titrate by effect, starting with 2 99mg tablets per day and increase each day until there is no more effect, and be aware that this need can fluctuate as healing of some things complete or change stages or other things are added that increase some healing or muscle building.

is there a ratio of folate to Mb12 that you recommend?

As I have identified symptoms that occur within a few days of a shortage I use the same methods as for the potassium, I titrate by effect. I'm not really sure at all what ratio is required.

What are the normal start up detox symptoms?

In this situation I have not yet seen any specific set of symptoms that might be actual detox symptoms. So far most or many of those mentioned respond to getting off folic acid, folinic acid, NAC, glutathione and precursors and adding Metafolin and/or potassium. Also, unless mb12/adb12 are being taken many of the suspicious symptoms are still deficiency symptoms and yield to a change to mb12/adb12. Hycbl and cycbl leave about 2/3 of active b12 symptoms untouched for 100% and almost all the symptoms untouched for about 1/3 of people. There are probably some real detox symptoms hiding in there somewhere but these other things all need to be eliminated first as they are much more probable.