@Valentijn -here's the thing Val....I don't have the inclination, or desire to learn the ins and outs of SNP's and methylation. You are not in tune with the CBS aspect of 23 and Me or Yasko's beliefs on that matter. I respect that, please respect that I am following them.
I would rather be at the pool, which is where I was today, then studying every aspect of this illness.
My above post was a response to Mary...it had nothing to do with you, but you keep wanting to beat it down my throat that this whole CBS and ridding myself of sulfur or ammonia is a bunch of BS...okay, so that's your opinion or stance.
This is something you only do for 8 weeks to 12 weeks, not a lifetime.
This is my body and I am really tired of people/patients (on here) who aren't physicians saying my doc doesn't know what he is talking about, or that he is wrong. And all over me following Yasko's ideas. I shouldn't get off mag sulphate...said another member and that "your doc doesn't know his biochemistry" and then this. All over Yasko....to me, that is hysteria. Not my doc, not Yasko, but how others on here feel I need to follow "them." The patient with CFS....follow us, MT.
Again, I wasn't asking for anyone's opinion. I don't think an 8-12 week deficiency in B6 is going to kill me and I seriously doubt I am getting a deficiency anyway....could be wrong, but... I guess I will find out.
I think people on here need to remember...
you are sick yourself..if you knew everything, you would be well! It makes it very hard to be on this site. I am not liking Phoenix Rising anymore due to some members acting superior, or like they know everything. I can't take it.
I want to be able to come on here and talk about what I am trying or doing without people going at me because they don't agree. Say what you feel once and leave it alone. We are all free beings and should be allowed to do what we want.
It makes me sad that I don't even want to post, or be on here anymore.
Signing out.....