Hi CBS, just to clear things up i wasn't meaning that the cause of DI was drinking excessive amounts of water, Im well aware of that it is caused by pituitary damage causing a lack of Vasopressin etc, etc
Forgive me if i didn't make it clear but i was trying to explain the difference between the symptoms of DI, abormal increase in urine output, fluid intake and often thirst, compared to the symptoms of Adrenal proplems needing more salt, not able to retain extra liquids when consumed.
Emootje is right DI causes hpernatremia not hyponatrmia
The symptoms of Di are
Universal Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus
Increased thirst
Increased drinking
Increased urination
Variable Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus
Getting up at night to urinate
The Universal and Variable Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus occur:
in the absence of high blood and/or urine sugar
are sometimes associated with various other symptoms due to concomitant damage to other hormones or organs.
Potential Results of Increased Sodium Levels:
An unmanaged sodium level may result in dehydration. A sodium level greater than 140-150 mEq/1 indicates dehydration. If it gets no higher than 155 mEq/1, the dehydration is relatively mild and is unlikely to cause a severe problem but it could and probably would produce slight brain damage that could gradually increase over long periods of time. Therefore, an effort should be made to keep the sodium below 150 mEq/1.
To use Cort as an example he's saying he has salt cravings and increased urination only when he's consumed extra liquids. Which fits with the symptoms of Adrenal problems, for example some of the multitude of symptoms of Addison's include severe fatigue and weakness, loss of weight, increased pigmentation of the skin, faintness and low blood pressure, nausea, salt cravings and painful muscles and joints. Which are very likely to be confused for those of CFS, and people do get misdiagnosed with CFS when they have Adrenal problems
Going of at a slight tangent did you ever find the cause of your low ceruloplasmin results if not here's a link to the conditions that cause it http://en.diagnosispro.com/differential_diagnosis-for/ceruloplasmin-lab-decreased/11941-153.html
If anyone reading this thinks they might have either of these conditions they can be tested for and treated how to test for Diabetes insididus can be found here http://www.diabetesinsipidus.org/diagnostictests.htm Ive put links to information on tests for Adrenal problems on page 8 of the salt poll tread in the lifestyle management and on page 4 of the known cfs misdiagnosis tread in the diagnostic guidelines section
All the best
Forgive me if i didn't make it clear but i was trying to explain the difference between the symptoms of DI, abormal increase in urine output, fluid intake and often thirst, compared to the symptoms of Adrenal proplems needing more salt, not able to retain extra liquids when consumed.
Emootje is right DI causes hpernatremia not hyponatrmia
The symptoms of Di are
Universal Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus
Increased thirst
Increased drinking
Increased urination
Variable Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus
Getting up at night to urinate
The Universal and Variable Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus occur:
in the absence of high blood and/or urine sugar
are sometimes associated with various other symptoms due to concomitant damage to other hormones or organs.
Potential Results of Increased Sodium Levels:
An unmanaged sodium level may result in dehydration. A sodium level greater than 140-150 mEq/1 indicates dehydration. If it gets no higher than 155 mEq/1, the dehydration is relatively mild and is unlikely to cause a severe problem but it could and probably would produce slight brain damage that could gradually increase over long periods of time. Therefore, an effort should be made to keep the sodium below 150 mEq/1.
To use Cort as an example he's saying he has salt cravings and increased urination only when he's consumed extra liquids. Which fits with the symptoms of Adrenal problems, for example some of the multitude of symptoms of Addison's include severe fatigue and weakness, loss of weight, increased pigmentation of the skin, faintness and low blood pressure, nausea, salt cravings and painful muscles and joints. Which are very likely to be confused for those of CFS, and people do get misdiagnosed with CFS when they have Adrenal problems
Going of at a slight tangent did you ever find the cause of your low ceruloplasmin results if not here's a link to the conditions that cause it http://en.diagnosispro.com/differential_diagnosis-for/ceruloplasmin-lab-decreased/11941-153.html
If anyone reading this thinks they might have either of these conditions they can be tested for and treated how to test for Diabetes insididus can be found here http://www.diabetesinsipidus.org/diagnostictests.htm Ive put links to information on tests for Adrenal problems on page 8 of the salt poll tread in the lifestyle management and on page 4 of the known cfs misdiagnosis tread in the diagnostic guidelines section
All the best