Brilliant! Can someone ask him to put in a font that's readable by ME/CFS patients?
This is interesting to me, as my ME/CFS was triggered by my cancer treatment, a significant car accident, and the tragic death spiral of my sibling. The viruses and bacterial infections I had came years before, but rose up again when my body wasn't able to fight.
So, it seems there's more than one route into this disease.
As for the cure, the devil is in the details. It would depend upon which secondary defects and metabolic changes occur. From my experience, these seem to have a cascading effect, where one change/defect leads to others, which, in turn, lead to still others. And so on.
Even if one fixes the problem with the innate immune system, unrolling all of the multiplied changes/defects might not be straightforward. There are no doctors with expertise in mitochondria and metabolism for acquired mitochondrial or metabolic pathologies - I've looked. There are endocrinologists but they are extremely limited in scope. And all of the major mito specialists, who are very few, deal mainly with children with genetic mito diseases and are impossible to get into if one doesn't have a lot of data, preferably genetic and a muscle biopsy.
Functional medicine, looking at the body as a system of interrelated systems, offers the most hope, but resources there are pretty rare in most areas.