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Senior Member
Good Morning.....Interesting study. I'm 77 and you'd think menopausal symptoms would be in the past at this point of my life. Not so, although I'm sure that some are due to meds, etc.

Insomnia has been a major player in my life and it's good to hear that HRT may help. I have severe osteoporosis also, and I know it may help with that major problem.

Interesting about your feet, falling, etc. I have the same problem along with heart disease. Tomorrow I'll probably be getting my 8th and 9th stents. These will be in my legs, so we'll see if they help things.

Thanks for the info. That was quite a study and it may prove to be helpful. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Good Morning.....Interesting study. I'm 77 and you'd think menopausal symptoms would be in the past at this point of my life. Not so, although I'm sure that some are due to meds, etc.

Insomnia has been a major player in my life and it's good to hear that HRT may help. I have severe osteoporosis also, and I know it may help with that major problem.

Interesting about your feet, falling, etc. I have the same problem along with heart disease. Tomorrow I'll probably be getting my 8th and 9th stents. These will be in my legs, so we'll see if they help things.

Thanks for the info. That was quite a study and it may prove to be helpful. Yours, Lenora
Best wishes on your stint placement tomorrow! Insomnia seems to go with the age regardless of health. My husband's insomnia is like mine, only he's healthy. Then again, maybe it's my hot flashes all night that are waking him up. LOL!
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Senior Member
Hi @2Cor:12:19......My stents couldn't be done b/c of too much cholesterol (familial problem), so I had angioplasty and two other procedures. Really, they're quite a marvel, especially when I think of my father dying of a heart condition when he was only 40. Absolutely nothing as available, so I'm most grateful to modern medicine for this turn of events. Things have changed since I last had stents.....I'm glad that cardiology is getting the benefit of research, etc.

Anyway, I wasn't even kept in overnight (and I'm glad). I'm quickly recuperating at home. Believe me, a heart attack took me by surprise a few years ago. No pain, nothing.....I just couldn't talk for a short time. This is called "getting older." Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
@lenora I'm so happy to hear that you had the procedure done and didn't even have to spend the night!
It is so amazing what they can do now! My husband had a heart attack in 2022 and he has 2 stints. 2 arteries were blocked at 99% and 80% but thankfully no damage was done. He said the procedure was a piece of cake, he was awake for it and out running at the river 2 weeks later. So VERY grateful for that!