How to survive the Christmas holidays without meltdown/flare-up


Senior Member
I am glad that you found out about earplugs! I order a large box of them from Amazon; these earplugs are industrial strength, and help me sleep through the annoying sounds of my neighbors walking about upstairs at three o'clock in the morning. I am a light sleeper as well, and don't need any encouragement to break up my sleep!:cautious:


Senior Member
Oklahoma, USA
Gah, Christmas for me has always been a big hairy deal. It was around Christmas last year that I started getting sick. I was making a buttload of handmade things, treats, food, way overboard on the usual M.O. This year I couldn't do a 10th of my norm and I told myself that I would take better care of myself this holiday...I'm a big fat liar.

My younger daughter came in from out of state where she is going to college on Christmas Eve and I sent my older daughter on the 5 hour round trip to fetch her from the airport, good right? Problem was leading up to Christmas I went to town (30 miles away) on Tuesday to get stocking stuffers and stuff (90% of my gifts came from Amazon) and had many stops to make pharmacy, Walmart, groceries, Kmart, small specialty store and in my infinite wisdom I told my husband not to come with me to help and drive because I needed a few things for him. (I'm an idiot, really) Spent Wednesday wrecked with a big pile of presents to wrap and still hadn't decorated the tree lol. Wrapped a few things Wednesday and had my older daughter help me. Thursday made a cake and pie and wrapped the rest of the gifts and waited for the kids to get back from the airport. They finally rolled in around midnight visited for a bit and went to bed. Then I had to stuff stockings. Heavy sigh.

So I have my 20 year daughter here, (who's birthday is at the beginning of December and I completely forgot this year!!! Crushing blow to me that was, she was super understanding, I still cry thinking about it), my (bipolar-walk on eggshells and hope for the best) 26 year old daughter who lives about 25 miles away but it's tradition for them to stay out here on Christmas Eve, her husband and the beautiful little creature that is my profile pic who is now a very active 11 months old.

Can't sleep after stuffing stockings and no energy to do anything else but lay in bed (tree had a grand total of 4 ornaments and a topper lmao). Wrecked on Christmas but still happy to have everyone here and pushed myself to make a lasagna then stumbled to bed. Totally crashed. All noise and chaos, house not big enough to get away from it and feeling like crap because I don't see my younger daughter nearly enough since I got sick and haven't been to Colorado to see her since May (spent the whole 3 days that trip in the hotel bed, fun times!).

Then viola, we get a big storm, snow, ice, wind, power goes out which means no running water, generator and extension cords running everywhere, fireplaces going, really cool except for the packing in of wood (not me, too tired) and trying to keep the baby away from them, and humans hanging out and sleeping all over the living room cause the roads are too bad for the older ones to leave even if they were so inclined (which they weren't in the least) and by now it's Sunday and I'm just so over it all lol.

Finally, this morning after yet another night of sporadic sleep because my kids and the baby are all night owls, (my poor long suffering husband is not!) and no matter how kindly I ask them to shut the hell up (they too seem to have a short attention span problem without the benefit of an excuse other than being inconsiderate shits) I gently suggested that if the power didn't come back on soon they might be far more comfortable at their own house because I checked and they should have power according to the electric company website and now I have to admit that I *cough* may have thrown the breaker after I said that in the fear that the power would be restored! Does that make me a bad person? Nah. Anyways, I was right, the power came back on 10 minutes after they left lmao. My husband applauded me as he was seriously thinking of investing in a small travel trailer to flee to lol.

Off they went, big sigh of relief, I went back to bed and slept most of the day which is unusual for me as sleeping well is a problem, and now I'm spending the evening with my younger daughter who is much lower maintenance than the older and I'm just so freaking glad Christmas is over. Taking her to the airport tomorrow, which will be fun on the icy roads but we'll get it done and hopefully life goes back to normal after I hibernate for about a week.