How To Donate Shoes for the ME Action #Millions Missing Protest in DC


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I think as long as it arrives by May 25, it should be okay. However, some methods of mailing take up to 10 business days, hence the deadline.

As I'd this point, I'd say anything that says 7 to 10 business days should work out!



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Well, that was an interesting exercise in spoon allocation. Just doing this simple thing highlights what life with this illness is like:

1) Find a day when there are enough spoons available
2) Pack a pair of shoes (find a box, labels, tape...)--when did it become such a big deal?
3) Check the post office hours
4) Drive there
5) Stand in a long line
6) Interact with the bored, irritable postal person
7) Drive home

Sit down and sigh in satisfaction at completing a big task.:oops:


Senior Member
I think as long as it arrives by May 25, it should be okay.


When is the person collecting the shoes going to DC?
Just thinking that since the demonstration is the 25th, and that person has to travel to DC, the shoes have to get to them before they travel.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
@Richard7 Your brown hiking shoes would better represent the "me that is missing". But, I'm definitely not a woman who says "I wish I'd worn more purple"! And, I'm hoping this initiative gets so much attention, there's a chance I'll be able to pick out my colourful shoes in the press photographs.

Great idea, @Old Bones!:) Wish I read this sooner. Well now come to think of it I did days ago, and forgot about your idea of hopefully being able to pick out your colorful shoes in press photos. I'll be looking for them, too.

I really wanted to participate in this but couldn't ship any shoes nor have the ability to do Amazon.
Good news, a nice PR friend is sending some from Amazon for me! They only cost $1 before shipping, and the shoes are representative of me!!

I love this idea of the millions missing shoes. It reminds me of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Very powerful, representative, and moving.

Wiki says: Goal and achievement The goal of the Quilt is to bring awareness to how massive the AIDS pandemic really is, and to bring support and healing to those affected by it. Another goal is to raise funds for community based AIDS service organizations (ASO's), to increase their funding for AIDS prevention and education.

I see the same happening with our shoes (more awareness, education, support, funding and healing).

Thank you whoever thought of this and everyone for your efforts to make this happen.

Edit: added a comma, and (more awareness, education, support, funding and healing).
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Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I see a lot of parallels between our struggle and the struggle for recognition that other illnesses went through, especially HIV/AIDS. My hope is that we will continue taking lessons from others who have stood up to demand their illness be recognized.