I guess l just have a different mindset. I find a natural means of treating symptoms and don't accept that anything cannot be cured or put into remission given time. I do not depend entirely on food and use herbs, rife etc. If l had cancer l would expect to be able to cure that. I have heard of people with all sorts of things heal themselves and they will all say work to get off meds if you want to do it too.
Brenda.. didnt I see on you post on that thread asking who has had ME/CFS for over 20 years and you said you have. Ask yourself why you are still sick then? Is it truely due to your diet?? If so why havent you fixed yourself? If your theory is correct this must mean you are eatting "junk" (how you put it) or this theory is just wrong.
I myself was a health freak when I got sick (not health freak in a bad kind of way). I went to a yoga class, also a tai-chi class and also did a dance class every week (so exercised 3 days at least per week, I also liked to walk places). I didnt eat "junk" foods, I even actually sprouted my own sprouts and grew my own organic vegetables etc. I even baked my own bread at times, made my own cheese and made my own yogurt and drank Kambochi (not sure if I have the name right but that fermented health drink). Whenever I got sick I used natural medicine.
I would of had to have been within that top 5% of the population who was living a truely healthy lifestyle.. I also avoided bad chemicals in my own home and made my own skin creams.. that was before I even had MCS). I was fit and VERY HEALTHY (except for memory issues since a teen due to severe EBV and I also had PCOS and of cause had Aspergers back then too).
Well health freak me, I then got ME/CFS and ended up declining to being bedbound within a year thou I was doing EVERYTHING healthy (except didnt know I should of been confining myself in bed when I first got this illness). This illness doesnt give a crap about a person eatting right and doing all the "healthy" things.
My sister who has this illness.. she was also a health freak where as my two sisters who eat a lot of junk food (they are at least weekly at Mc Donalds.. they are healthy and havent developed this illness.
Nowdays due to this illness and my insulin issues, Im on what many would view to be an overly excessive diet as this illness has caused foods which are healthy for most to actually make me sicker eg I need to stay away from bananas, corn and so many other things!
Are you aware that one study showed that around 50% of those who had ME/CFS had issues with fructose. So many of us have issues with dairy, gluten or other things. What is healthy to you may not be healthy for another with this eg I not long ago had a terrible reaction (mouth swelled) to what I think may of been a plum.. I did breach my diet that meal and did eat some other stuff not so healthy but I think my allergic reaction to which I nearly had to ring an ambulance was to the plum! I have food intollerences to some nuts too eg cashews, peanuts.
I also have the CBS mutation and have been getting reactions to sulphur foods. I think that was why I recently got stomach pains with brocolli on a couple of occassions (and this is also making me not feel so great when I eat eggs either). Cause of my insulin issues my specialists have told me to only eat a small piece of low carb fruit per day and I cant eat rice and grains. Your "healthy" diet would probably be quite harmful to me.
Its not nice that you are blaming people on being sick or needing meds for not "eatting healthy". If I ate at your place with you what you eat... I'd probably get quite sick to the point that I could end up in hospital. I didnt have any issues with foods before this illness!