how long


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
How long does it take to notice an effect from sublingual methyl b12, is it within hours or by taking it daily for several weeks before noticing a difference. Is it better to take in the morning or at night. I am still waiting for my b12 supps to arrive which are 5000mcg per tab.
Thanks for any replies.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
How long does it take to notice an effect from sublingual methyl b12, is it within hours or by taking it daily for several weeks before noticing a difference. Is it better to take in the morning or at night. I am still waiting for my b12 supps to arrive which are 5000mcg per tab.
Thanks for any replies.

Hi Heapsreal,

In myself, and my adult children, not one of us didn't have a response within 15 minutes. I started a response within 5 or 6 minutes. Of more than 1000 people I have observed face to face taking their first b12 of 1000mcg or 5000mcg, Jarrow or Enzymatic Therapy or 3000mcg Adb12 country life, or both kinds, of those with suitable symptoms, for well more than half response occurred within 60 minutes. Many times I had to question them after a "no" and then they would say "Oh, I didn't know you meant that" meaning a brightening of mood or increase in energy or increase in well being. Generally the people who have a quick response have certain types of functional deficiencies that just need a little b12 to react. Damage, even very serious damage can take days to weeks to months to respond. When taken with the cofactors, like both kinds of b12, and methyfolate and b-complex 2-3 hours before and l-carnitine fumarate before a meal or 2 hours after a meal and 30 minutes before the b12s raises the response rate inside the first hour to over 80% of those with suitable symptoms.

Some people have to take it for daily for weeks to notice an effect or start the right cofactors.

Generally people without symptoms notice no effects.

Morning is a better time in terms helping to normalize sleep patterns as mb12 helps generate melatonin later in the day.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
first dose

Took my first dose of methyl b12, 5mg sublingual, within half hour my head felt clearer and felt more focused for about 4 hours. Will do the same again tomorrow and see if i can reproduce the same results. Hopefully by taking it regularly will get more long term results.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Took my first dose of methyl b12, 5mg sublingual, within half hour my head felt clearer and felt more focused for about 4 hours. Will do the same again tomorrow and see if i can reproduce the same results. Hopefully by taking it regularly will get more long term results.

Hi Heapsreal,

It sounds like you are off to a good start. Be aware that duing the startup period that symptoms can change rapidly and intensify. When neurology heals moods can shift strongly. Neurological pains can intensify considerably as feeling and nerve function returns. That's not a bad thing. it indicates changes are occurring as healing occurs. Just be aware of it. Good luck.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
thanks freddd

Just read your post, late this afternoon i did start to get an annoying nerve pain accross my shoulders and lower back, abit worse then normal and then had a 20 min nap which i havent done for along time, this maybe that neurological symptoms you are talking about. Pain seemed to ease after the nap too.
I have had good improvement in the last 12 months with antivirals, hopefully by lifting the mythlation block can help imrove my immune system to keep ebv infection under control and to help heal any neurological damage I have from ebv.
Your advice is appreciated.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Just read your post, late this afternoon i did start to get an annoying nerve pain accross my shoulders and lower back, abit worse then normal and then had a 20 min nap which i havent done for along time, this maybe that neurological symptoms you are talking about. Pain seemed to ease after the nap too.
I have had good improvement in the last 12 months with antivirals, hopefully by lifting the mythlation block can help imrove my immune system to keep ebv infection under control and to help heal any neurological damage I have from ebv.
Your advice is appreciated.

Hi Heapsreal,

I had EBV many years ago. It caused a crash that lasted nearly a year for me, the longest one before the one that lasted 16 years. Normalizing my immune system has made a huge difference for me. Healing my damaged neurology took much longer than everything else and is still going on. All the the minor neurological damage clear in the first year.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
May I ask which anti-virals you take? I am considering taking that route, but have no idea where to start.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

Famvir is what i use, another is valtrex, these 2 can be used against ebv. Valcyte is another very expensive one which is used for hhv6, cmv and ebv viruses. Results arent seen straight away. I realised it had been working when after 2 months i hadnt crashed and brain fog started to clear. I went about 6 months before having a crash, but it was short and not as intense as pre AV's and i was probably pushing it a bit to much. I went from a 4 to an 8 on dr lerners fatigue rating system.
good luck


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

Its been 2 months since been on sublingual methylb12, adb12 and methylfolate. I cant say i have noticed anything positive at all. Not knocking it but dont think its for me.

In the past have noticed some energy improvement with hydroxy b12injections


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Its been 2 months since been on sublingual methylb12, adb12 and methylfolate. I cant say i have noticed anything positive at all. Not knocking it but dont think its for me.

In the past have noticed some energy improvement with hydroxy b12injections

Hi Heapsreal,

Well now, a few questions. How long did you let the b12 tablets stay under your upper lip pr tongue, at least 45 minutes? Did you use the brands specified?. Have you been taking the other critical cofactors, the ones without which the b12s might not do much?

For various people these include minimum 3000 IU of D3, magnesium, 50mg zinc, SAM-e (200-400mg), L-carnitine fumarate (NOT ACETYL), b-complex preferably twice a day. Then while taking all of the above critical supplements and the rest of the necessary basics, a, e, c, calcium, titrating up to 4x 5mg mb12 per day and 4x 3mg adb12 per day.

Effectiveness of the active b12s and folate have been dependent on any or all of these critical cofactors being present for quite a few people and some require higher dosage levels for effectiveness.

Considering that the active b12s are a minimum of 100x more effective than hydroxyb12 this is a bit surprising. However, if all of the above specifics are satisfied then there is an additional possiblility. Because it is an injection and puts a much higher serum level into the blood for a short time the b12 can penetrate the cereberal spinal fluid by diffusion whereas a smaller dose or a normal sublingual dose would not. As studies have shown that CFS/FMS patients have a much lower CSF cobalamin level no matter what the body level is this can be the case. So therefore a 50mg single dose of mb12 and a 51mg single dose of adb12 each retained for a 2-3 hour period is the final test as the deficiency can be either one or both. As with the body test, any result, often an increase in energy or increase in clarity can be the result. If the basics and critical cofactors are not all being taken this test will be no more successful than the other trial of the more usual amounts as the critical cofactors really can be critical and the basics really are needed for tissue healing.

It might have helped if you had communicated along the way so that all these things could have been made sure of before now because from the way you say it I suspect that you have not followed the recipe which can be at least as critical as in baking a cake from scratch. Leave out the eggs or the flour or whatever in a cake and it doesn't work. Same here. So let's go over what you have been doing and make corrections and then try it, assuming you want it to work or at least to be sure that it really doesn't.

If you had some results from hydroxyb12 you ought to have much more from this except in the CSF case I explained above or unless that injection exhausted one or more cofactors, which can also occur. Let me know. Good luck.