Peptides are an exciting area of research / treatment, and these peptide shots may indeed help some people, but I want to clarify a couple of things about "Oxford Peptides".
Let me precis this by saying I am no fan of Stephen Barret or quackwatch, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and he has an interesting document sent to physicians by "Oxford Peptides":
You can see that the address given for the organization behind "Oxford Peptides" is
which is somewhat suggestive that this product is somehow affiliated with Oxford University. It is not. There is no such thing as the "Oxford centre of molecular immunology". Do a web search for it if you don't believe me.
Clarendon House is basically an office complex, where anyone can hire an address. If this organization were in any way legitmately affiliated with Oxford University it would have either a University or a Business Park address. It wouldn't have a random office address on Oxford's main shopping street! Also no website. Really? In this day and age?
The Document also states:
"Medical researchers in the ancient university city of Oxford, England, in association with a group of their Swiss colleagues, completed a medical research venture which had lasted for over twenty five years. The result of this project is a new, completely non-toxic and extremely effective therapeutic approach to some of the most serious diseases which could not be effectively treated in the past."
The above is a masterclass in pure spin / mythology! You have to hand-it to whoever wrote that. Just look at the terms they use: "ancient university city", "Swiss Colleagues", "medical research venture which has lasted over twenty five years". I'm surprised they didn't mention Mount Olympus or the Holy Grail.
The stuff about self/non-self and treating autoimmunity is ok, but the document doesn't actually explain how these peptides address any of these issues. All we are told is that magically:
"Solutions of Peptides had finally been developed for several serious diseases which could not be effectively treated until now"
We are also told:
"Subsequent clinical trials, where more than 15,000 patients had been treated, established the fact that this form of therapy is completely safe (there had been no fatalities associated with the treatment - and not even one single adverse reaction was recorded which would necessitate a discontinuation of the treatment, throughout the entire five years of clinical trials.)"
So lets get this straight. Clinical trials involving 15,000 patients (who does clinical trials with 15,000 patients???) over 5 years, and not one single adverse reaction? Also apparently not one single publication. If these were actual clinical trials (rather than made-up fictional trials) there would be all kinds of ethical hurdles which means they would a) have to disclose what these peptides actually were and b) have to publish safety data.
They go on claim:
"96 per cent of patients responded to the therapy, most within days of being commenced on the treatment."
Only 96%?! Why not go for 100%!!!
Finally we are told just how lucky and special we are to be receiving this treatment because apparently:
"This therapeutic modality is presently confined to only few selected medical centers - and it will be so for approximately another one year. Only limited amount of this therapeutic material can be produced and so only those patients who do not respond to the various symptomatic treatments currently available are normally chosen for this therapeutic regimen."
Again this is pure bullshit. Create a false sense of scarcity. The thing about peptides are that they can be produced in any quantity whatsoever since they are just made up of amino acids, and unless there is suddenly a worldwide shortage of a particular amino acid which nobody told me about (in which case we are all in trouble!) it is pure fabrication. The only limiting factor in creating peptides is the difficulty of the procedure, which would be reflected in cost. Scarcity never comes into play. In fact the more you make, the cheaper they get.
I'm not even suggesting that these peptides don't have any therapeutic value. I am suggesting that they are vastly overpriced and being peddled by a company which is playing fast and loose with the truth. And at the end of the day, they could contain absolutely anything. Which I think for the business is key. Because if they can contain anything, then they can't be copied, and actually even if they did produce miracle recoveries, we have no idea what is actually being injected into these people. A very scary situation indeed.
I am not averse to injecting varied stuff into my body, but I am averse to not knowing (at least roughly) what is being injected into me. I would never inject a proprietary formula of any sort. And medically it is highly unethical as how can a patient give informed consent without knowing what they are being injected with?
Forget Swiss colleagues, this thing has more holes in it than Swiss cheese!
Anyway Barret has a few more lurid details on the doctors behind this in case anyone is interested:
I sincerely hope this is the first and last time that I have to quote quackwatch! Please people, do your own due dilligence and don't let some doctor inject stuff into you without knowing exactly what it contains. So then if you do happen to have a miracle recovery, at least you can say what exactly caused your miracle recovery.