How do we stop heart disease (Atherosclerosis, Arteriolosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, calcification)


Senior Member
A diet adjustment is less of a band aid than taking supplements... You might lower your bad lipids with this and that, but when you stop taking the supps they will raise again if diet doesn't change.
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Senior Member
You might want get an insulin assay after watching this video.

For the low-fat approach read here. (very interesting comments section)

That's an excellent video. It essentially said ...

THE 5 HOUR GLUCOSE TEST IS MORE ACCURATE. (I'd go the route of pamajjo in just measuring glucose levels. That would be a better indication. I probably don't need a diagnosis because as far as I'm concerned, neuropathy is a lot of evidence itself).

DIABETES/HYPERINSULEMIA IS PRIMARILY DRIVER OF ARTHEROSCLEROSIS THAT EFFECT VASCULAR SYSTEM (another piece of evidence why i probably have diabetes. i care less about what some test says. probably had it for a couple decades)


DIABETES is diagnosed only when a person has had it usually a very long time


He also just confirms to me that a person afflicted with diabetes is on their own most of the time to figure this out how to approach the disease. Putting ones faith in a doctor is like russian roulette with more bullets in the chamber.

He says the public needs to inform themselves about diabetes. They certainly aren't being informed by their doctors.

That other link made some point that got buried under a lot of technical information so can't evaluate it. At the end he used a A1C test to indicate success or failure of something. That makes me leery about any conclusions there.

I think you may have meant this link

Great video.
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Senior Member
Beans drive my postprandial glucose close to 200 mg/dl. So if you do, do test too.

This isn't a band aid. It's not putting firewood to feed the fire!

Interesting. So how do you do the glucose test, what readings do you look for and what is best meter to use. Do you test each food separately and what about combos. What happens if every food raises glucose, do i take up sun gazing to get nutrients. Do you take any supplements that help the blood readings.
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Senior Member
A diet adjustment is less of a band aid than taking supplements... You might lower your bad lipids with this and that, butu when you stop taking the supps they will raise again if diet doesn't change.

but if I can eat a large strawberry shortcake and chocolate cream pie without damage just by taking a supplement that day, i can live with that ... LOL ... i understand, that's why i already restrict my diet.

P.S. how does one know when a kidney infection has ended beside pain. i assume UTI test is sufficient
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Senior Member
Interesting. So how do you do the glucose test, what readings do you look for and what is best meter to use.

Good questions. Fasting would be ideal below 90 mg/dl. Or 100 by conventional medicine, above is prediabetic. >125 T2D. Dr. Davis considers any rise after meals problematic for driving arteriosclerosis - but then one would have to really take up sun glazing only.. So simply look where you are at, and see if it goes up or down from there. I'm already over-joyed with a postprandial of 110. 140 means serious damage is accumulating. All meters are about +/- 5 mg/dl, that's not much of an issue and averages itself. You can save a lot of money with a meter for which you can get the test-strips the cheapest.

Do you test each food separately and what about combos. What happens if every food raises glucose, do i take up sun glazing to get nutrients.

Once in a while, at least each half year, I test each fasting and postprandial for up to a month and average the numbers out in a spreadsheet. Really helps to get better control, after fooling oneself sometime without measuring again. The first times take a few readings around 1 hour after finishing your meal, since it peaks at not exactly the same time for each individual. And then always at your particular time it peaks for you (exactly 1 hour for me). I simply test each meal, and with each meal vary the constituents and their amounts (which happens naturally anyway), and with growing experience you learn to differentiate by this dynamic process itself.

Most likely will not only every food raise your blood-glucose (if you take the effort and weight each food you eat and enter it into a software like Cron-o-meter, you would see which macro-nutrients the most; for me clearly any carbs), but even overnight fasting. Just watch how your dietary modification affect that too.

Don't despair. It only can get better from thereon, and your abandoning any dietary advise, but follow your blood-glucose readings. Then there is alway stevia extract for a sweet tooth, and dark chocolate. :)

Do you take any supplements that help the blood readings.

When I take my yearly vacation to high-carbing India I double all my glucose lowering supplements and even add metformin. However, I still have to stay strictly off any rice or chapaties (wheat). Since vegetable curries most of the times are fiery hot, and aren't really possible to eat without something to dilute the spiciness, tried Dosa for that. However, found I have to limit that too. Despite the whooping doses of supplements including metformin, to stay in a range possible at home with dieting mainly. Supplements in my case give a tiny benefit only. But maybe you're more lucky in that regard..
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Senior Member
When you say that you test each fasting ... what does that actually mean ... do you mean before you eat ...

before i even think about doing anything for this blood glucose stuff, i still need 40,000 foot view so will peruse a lot of info on diabetes to see what other perspectives are out there. i need to understand all the different diets that work and why. also different categories of diabetics spectrum.

P.S. more importantly, i need to get my kidney and other organs healthy from infection. Ideally like to clean out any gravel and stones too including gallbladder and make sure I never have another kidney stone attack. my goal about 3 months ago was to cleanse those organs for preventative but that liver inflammation and kidney infection came out of nowhere so lost a lot of weight trying to diagnose and figure solutions to these things out. if i resolve this stuff, i will know how to fix it if it happens again. sadly the medical system is all screwed up so i have to become self sufficient.
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Senior Member
When you say that you test each fasting ... what does that actually mean ... do you mean before you eat ...

Fasting glucose you take only once a day, and that when you have fasted the longest. Usually that is after sleeping.

P.S. more importantly, i need to get my kidney and other organs healthy from infection. Ideally like to clean out any gravel and stones too including gallbladder and make sure I never have another kidney stone attack. my goal about 3 months ago was to cleanse those organs for preventative but that liver inflammation and kidney infection came out of nowhere so lost a lot of weight trying to diagnose and figure solutions to these things out. if i resolve this stuff, i will know how to fix it if it happens again. sadly the medical system is all screwed up so i have to become self sufficient.


“I started using vitamin C in massive doses in-patients in 1969. By the time I read that ascorbate should cause kidney stones, I had clinical evidence that it did not cause kidney stones, so I continued prescribing massive doses to patients. To this day (2006) I estimate that I have put 25,000 patients on massive doses of vitamin C and none have developed kidney stones. Two patients who had dropped their doses to 500 mg a day developed calcium oxalate kidney stones. I raised their doses back up to the more massive doses and added magnesium and B6 to their program and no more kidney stones.

If I've been you, I would have started ascorbic acid already yesterday.


Senior Member
... According to Denise Minger, who reads all the research, this is a mere band-aid, and a full remission to carb tolerance can only be reached by a starch-only dietary intervention (e.g., rice or potato diet with not even salt added to it).

I haven't looked into it to find out who would be the best candidates for it...

I'd guess you'll want lots of dietary fiber and a healthy microbiome.

Dietary Fiber for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis

Richness of human gut microbiome correlates with metabolic markers

Microbiota and diabetes: an evolving relationship.

Even a standard diabetes drug may be relying on the gut microbiota.


Senior Member

I agree that your focus should be to rid this urinary infection that may be spreading .

Is there somewhere you can go for treatment ? Are you amenable to antibiotics ?

This infection is concerning on many levels. If you have diabetes, it makes you much more susceptible to infection.

Please take care.


Senior Member

I agree that your focus should be to rid this urinary infection that may be spreading .

Is there somewhere you can go for treatment ? Are you amenable to antibiotics ?

This infection is concerning on many levels. If you have diabetes, it makes you much more susceptible to infection.

Please take care.

i'm not amenable to antibiotics except maybe amoxicillin/penicillin and I have those on hand. i feel somewhat better after taking mannose and garlic capsules but until all the pain (it's less pain unlike before so maybe progress, who knows) on side is completely gone, i will have to consider the infection still present until . i just added origanoX (oragano) last night. also taking saw palmetto, pollen etc for uti. i'll add other things to mix e.g. probiotics, vitamin C etc. i've only really been at this for about 2 days. i'll get one of those online uti tests and go to local lab to verify what bacteria at some point. i wish there were places i could go to and get healed but they don't exist ( except maybe in small nooks and crannies somewhere out there). whenever i meet something new, there is the unknown which means uncertainty. it may just take time. I will have to play it by ear.

even if i seek out external help, besides destroy my gut flora with antibiotics and other harmful things, what could they do. i'll have to figure it out like i have done countless other health problems throughout my life. i'm pretty sure using more natural stuff is the way to go but it will be trial and error approach and I hope (no guarantees) it works out eventually.
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Senior Member
It'll show abnormalities within 3 months, at the most. And it would only take that long if it was pretty mild.

According to Kraft and others, anybody who has heart disease has diabetes, diabetes begins way before (maybe decades) that A1C test becomes positive. Many have no other external symptoms. even their blood sugar may seem normal. I don't trust that a1c test at all. I don't have any other overt external symptoms except neuropathy. Kraft is sincere and looks like he did his homework so I trust him. Did you look at that video link where he got interviewed.


Senior Member
According to Kraft and others, anybody who has heart disease has diabetes, diabetes begins way before (maybe decades) that A1C test becomes positive. Many have no other external symptoms. even their blood sugar may seem normal.
If he thinks blood sugar can be normal with diabetes, he doesn't know what diabetes is. There are other diseases which might lead to diabetes, or increase the risk, but there is no diabetes mellitus unless there is hyperglycemia.

If he's proposing a different disease categorization, he should not be calling it diabetes. It's inappropriate and dishonest in the same way as claiming the brainwashing of ME patients is CBT.


Senior Member
I understand your opinion about antibiotics.
I held it for decades. Took a lot of goldenseal.
Still wound up with many infections.

With your flank pain, etc., it raises a red flag in my mind.

I really hope the supps. knock the infection out.


Senior Member
I understand your opinion about antibiotics.
I held it for decades. Took a lot of goldenseal.
Still wound up with many infections.

With your flank pain, etc., it raises a red flag in my mind.

I really hope the supps. knock the infection out.

flank pain translates into kidney infection. it definitely needs to be addressed. i will come at it from many directions. what was your experience with infection
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Senior Member
If he thinks blood sugar can be normal with diabetes, he doesn't know what diabetes is. There are other diseases which might lead to diabetes, or increase the risk, but there is no diabetes mellitus unless there is hyperglycemia.

If he's proposing a different disease categorization, he should not be calling it diabetes. It's inappropriate and dishonest in the same way as claiming the brainwashing of ME patients is CBT.

Kraft spent his entire life researching diabetes. It is obvious to me he is sincere and ethical. He has been an out of the box thinker when it comes to diabetes and that has never gone to well with his fellow colleagues. the first signs of diabetes seems to start in the kidney long before official diabetes comes about. the way kraft defines when diabetes start will over time become more accepted. the conventional view of diabetes is bankrupt since it keeps people dependent on drugs and don't heal.


Senior Member
flank pain translates into kidney infection. it definitely needs to be addressed. what was your experience with infection

I've had oral infections, SIBO, sinus, ear, conjunctivitis etc. Angular chelitis. Probably uti, symptomatic. The only diagnosis that any doc gave was when a dentist saw a bunch of pus. Blood tests have been abnormal, but , ?.

At one time, I had severe flank pain and thought, either kidney stones or infection. Had a CT scan.
Turns out, it was a lesion on the posterior of the liver, which is in the kidney area.

I've also been forced to diy my health. It's a pain, but necessary for survival.


Senior Member
the conventional view of diabetes is bankrupt since it keeps people dependent on drugs and don't heal.
Well yes, a disease is much easier to "cure" when it doesn't exist yet. I haven't seen any support for his claims, however, so I don't believe that what he is supposedly curing is diabetes.