How do we stop heart disease (Atherosclerosis,Arteriolosclerosis,Arteriosclerosis,calcification, endothelian dysfunction, calcification of heart valve etc)
This thread is an attempt to find an answer to that question.
From very limited data available, it says that people with ME/CFIDS will die of heart failure or cancer about 20+ years earlier than other people.
The core problem with heart disease endothelian dysfunction which causes inflammation in arteries which in turn attract plaque and calcification. The heart valves can calcify too. There can be other problems but I am ready to die when those problems come about anyway. For me, my objective is to avoid becoming too disabled and be able to take care of myself until the day I die.
Finding Serrapeptase and Nattokinase
I am 62 year old male. Around 15 years ago, I got to the point where I could barely walk. My arms and legs hurt. In the back of my mind I thought, I may have peripheral artery disease but I did not know what I could do. It also indicated that my risk for heart attack was 5 to 6 times higher. At some point I bit the bullet and confronted it. I researched for an answer for some period of time. I came across lumbrokinase studies in China. It was an enzyme that prevented heart attacks and strokes. Later I came across studies by Neiper on Serrapeptase in cleaning the arteries. I also came across Nattokinase. I did not have any ideas on dosage so I went high dosage on both (Serrapeptase 300,000 and Nattokinase 120,000 per day) and split the dosage up to 3 times a day. After one month, my peripheral artery disease symptoms disappeared. I took dosage for another 2 months then went on maintenance. i did try Nattokinase and Serrapeptase alone but it wasn't sufficient. I had to combine both and lowered to maintenance dose (40,000,20,000 per day) for many years.
The only symptom remaining was that if I over exercised my thighs and it didn't take much, I would get pain in the thighs and would take a couple days to stop feeling pain I couldn't identify what that problem was. I could exercise my other muscles and I wouldn't feel that. Just my thigh muscles. I was thinking that maybe the smaller arteries didn't heal. I don't know Never affected my daily living except if I stooped up and down and put muscle constant exertion on my legs where I build up lactic acid. Tried creatine to resolve it. So I moved on.
In the last year or so, I moved my maintenance dose to more varying levels because if the dose was too small, I would feel pain in my leg. So I will go to 120,000 for Serrapeptase at times for a dose. The Nattokinase I won't go over 40,000 because there is a limit to what it can do so I stick around 20,000. Each person needs to ballpark what i right for them at any given time and must be taken on empty stomach. I find it takes 15-20 minutes for me to absorb then I can eat.
I don't go to doctors so I have no idea what all my arteries look like. For all I know, I could drop dead at any moment. Many heart attacks are sudden and unexpected. I just hope it is quick. Of course, many other things could cause my ending. I don't plan on having any bypass surgery or anything to try to save myself. Bypass and stents make implementing natural solutions harder and only delay the inevitable. It is a financial boom to doctors.
Supplements that promote nitric oxide are very limited in what they can do due to the rate limiting factor. In studies, supplementation did not stop arteriosclerosis. It will make the arteries a little more flexible hence bring down blood pressure so take some stress off arteries but does not stop the underlying disease progression. It's just buying a little more time at best I think. It works well superficially in that it brings blood pressure down and keeps doctors from suggesting Statin drugs but for me, that just doesn't cut it if it is not stopping progression of arteriosclerosis. Many supplements help with nitric oxide.
I don't see the enzymes as a solution. I see it as just another tool. The underlying cause will be inflammation. As we age, the inflammation process can pick up steam. Having a disease will make inflammation worse also. If the inflammation is not addressed, enzymes will not be enough especially post 60 years old.
The best write up on inflammation has been by Dr Sinatra
Here are the key points
Cholesterol is not culprit. French averaged 250 cholestrol level
You want no more than .8 mg/dL of CRP in your system, and any amount over that signals that your inflammatory process has gone into overdrive and you’re in a state of inflammation overload. In multiple studies, CRP has been identified as a potent predictor of future cardiovascular events in otherwise healthy men and women—one that’s far more reliable than elevated cholesterol levels. For example, one study of CRP in 28,000 American women determined that CRP (and not cholesterol) was the best indicator of cardiovascular risk. And, by the way, high CRP levels also predicted greater risk for men.
Sugar contributes to inflammation of the arterial walls by generating an insulin spike. When insulin spikes, it damages the endothelial lining of blood vessels, thus leading to heart attack or stroke.
The unnatural trans fatty acids used in processed foods ignite inflammation,
raise Lp(a) (a highly inflammatory form of cholesterol), promote cholesterol oxidation, and lower beneficial HDL cholesterol
High blood pressure damages arterial walls, leading to arterial damage and
atherosclerosis. It can also enlarge the heart, creating an extra oxygen demand. So, to keep inflammation at bay, you want to maintain normal blood
pressure levels.
X-rays and other medical procedures that use radiation have the potential to
damage the sensitive lining of arterial walls. So, ask your doctor if the tests that he or she is requesting are truly necessary, or can be replaced with diagnostic tools that won’t expose
Stress hormones promote inflammation, as well as arterial constriction, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, cholesterol oxidation, and blood clotting. Acute stress, such as anger, can cause heart attack or stroke.
4 powerful nutrients that can help you maintain good cardiovascular health
If you’re over 60 or on a statin drug, I recommend increasing your CoQ10 intake to 100 to 200 mg daily.
I'd also recommend dividing the dosages, taking half of your daily CoQ10 in the morning and the rest in the afternoon. That’s because when CoQ10 is taken twice a day, as opposed to one, the blood levels are much higher. That’s also the same for many other heart vitamins.
L-carnitine, a water-soluble nutrient produced from the amino acids lysine and methionine, is found in all living tissue. It helps deliver extra oxygen to blocked arteries. It also prevents the production of toxic fatty acid and helps circulation problems, as it improves blood flow by supporting better use of oxygen in the tissues.
How much L-carnitine should you take?
Take 400–1,200 mg in divided dosages, depending upon your clinical status. Start at the low end of the dosage scale and work up until you achieve the desired effect. Like CoQ10, L-carnitine may require fine-tuning to obtain the optimal therapeutic blood level.
Magnesium is essential to healthy heart function, yet low magnesium is one of the most underdiagnosed electrolyte abnormalities in clinical practice today.
There is a direct relationship between low magnesium and high blood pressure. Over time, low magnesium levels may predispose the interior of your vessels to contract (go into spasm) and, eventually, high blood pressure can result. Magnesium can come to the rescue of contracted blood vessels and even reverse some of the damage.
How much magnesium should you take?
To replenish low magnesium levels, take 400–800 mg of magnesium daily. Although
magnesium oxide is a common form used in many supplements, I have found it is not easily soluble or well absorbed by the body. I recommend magnesium citrate, taurinate, or orotate.
Investigators believe that under certain cardiac conditions—especially during ischemic episodes like angina and heart attack when the heart is deprived of oxygen—there’s a profound depression of the high energy compound, ATP. With a drop in ATP, the heart struggles to pump.
However, when oxygen-starved hearts receive supplemental D-ribose, energy recovery and diastolic function often return to normal in several days or less.
How much D-ribose should you take?
Depending upon your own particular situation, I recommend taking a total of 10–15 grams of D-ribose daily. Take in divided dosages of 5 grams each with meals.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is supplemented in two forms MK-4 and MK-7.
You need both MK-4 and MK-7 (particularly MK-4)
These are very different molecules with different structures and different functions.
Based on all of the above, you could make a compelling argument that MK-4 is much more important than MK-7.
Also discussion at
Here is Chris MasterJohn link on vitamin K2
Enough Vitamin D3 is important for K2 utilization. Bio available silica is critical to curing brittle bones. Look at the back label of Jarrow's Ultra Bone Up for bone cofactors. Borax (boron) is important nutrient for parathyroid gland which controls blood calcium levels.
I've looked into calcium scans and decided that they have their limitations. They really don't give the true status of calcification from what I have been able to research since the scans won't detect all the calcium forms. There are different scans and can be cost prohibitive or non-accessible.
I usually try to cure something before posting but this is one of those exceptions. Unless I had a home method for figuring out whether I am removing calcium from arteries. I have no reliable method for seeing if something is working. I don't know the degree of blockages i have either. Arterial blockage especially on larger arteries is silent so not easy to know. If I get abnormally very tired then probably the end is near. All I can do is put as many known factors in my favor as possible.