I think a big part of it is the POTS/OI - but also just straight up fatigue.
I am at a bit of a loss as to which protocol or treatment or med to pursue and try next ..
If you have OI or POTS, that is probably where you should start (or anti-virals if you have issues there as virus's can give one POTS)... POTS can also give one a lot of fatigue when doing something like just sitting if its bad enough.
So I suggest to find out what kinds of OI you have and get them treated as much as possible.
I have noticed a lot of people on here while still very sick refer to their "worst times", and seem like they have had some success even if it is small '
so my question is what did you do that helped you get out of bed???
My worst times though Im bad now (can hardly do anything physical at all), my worst times were far far worst. I was stuck in bed for 9mths not even being able to walk to the toilet much of that time, had trouble even sitting or holding my head up. I was so weak my head used to flop, it used to hang to the side if I was propped up, I could only hold it upright for a few seconds.
My improvement came from accepting the level of my disability I had and not pushing and trying to do more then I should. I only sponge bathed once a week if that, didn't brush my teeth or do hair or get dressed, didn't wash hair.
I even had to restrict my meals due to the post exertion which would come on just from trying to feed myself with a fork. I ate for about 5 mins once a day (if I woke up and even ate at all) as the exertion from eating would crash me. At one point I started sleeping up to 3 days at a time without waking up at all (in comatose states). Aggressive rest therapy for the bedbound one could say I think saved me.
I had to stop people from speaking to me or visiting me and was cared for by my child.
I think if I'd been trying to eat 3 times a day, do things like brush teeth and all those other things people do in bed, I honestly do not think I would of ever recovered as I crashed more from any of those things. Doing the very slightest thing worsened me. So in the end I just slept and it was either a case of that I was going to live or die (9mths of that. Daughter would leave a potty by the bed when she went to school and drinks and snacks there and I'd use them IF I woke up.
A friend of that time shopped and left the groceries by the front door for my 10year old daughter carer to put away. I had been abandoned by doctors just before I got that bad "there is nothing we can do for chronic fatigue syndrome")
Im sure if I tried taking stimulants in the terrible way I was, it would caused me certainly to over do and if I was any worst then I was, I would of ended up dead. I consider myself to be lucky to have survived the severity I was at. (I was even getting to the point where I was experiencing paralyses of my arms, legs and fingers etc when I crashed more. I was having occasions were I couldn't even hold my eyes open and struggling to open them when I was trying very hard to do so.
So in my case aggressive rest therapy