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Hospital appointment experience


Senior Member
Hi 4 wks ago I was taken into women's hospital as an emergency .. bleeding . Luckily I had some stability with the m.e CFS .
I had a biopsy and am awaiting the results .
I was due to go there as an outpatient next wk for an internal camera but am still unstable with flare symptoms and want to be more stable before breaking being housebound again .
The new appoint is for 3 wks time . If I don't attend they may send me back to the GP .

What the hell do we do when our health is bad but we need medical attention ? It's important I have the tests as they need to rule out cancer . .

I've booked a carer to meet me there and push me in a wheelchair . I can wear dark glasses keep things to a minimum etc ...

Anyone have experience of this ?


Senior Member
I haven't found hospitals or doctors to ever accomodate my medical condition such as not to make me worse. I could for example attend whatever appointment they like if they took me out horizontally with shades and noise cancelling headphones on, travelled me to the point they needed me and brought me back all as gently as possible. But instead they require me to sit up and walk into the ambulance and then stand in reception for half an hour with noise everywhere and bright lights and no where to lay down. My GP's over the past few years have refused house visits so I simply no longer have access to medical care of any kind, I am just too ill for doctors and hospitals.


Senior Member
I am just too ill for doctors and hospitals.

This is how I feel now. Ironically, I became too ill partially because I was too stubborn to accept my situation and I kept seeing neurologists and rheumatologists and ID specialists and orthopedic specialists and naturopaths and immunologists and pulmonologists and so on, sure that I would eventually figure out something about what was going on. Of course I never 'found' anything, and those exhausting appointments contributed to my current situation of being bedbound or housebound. Thus now I lack access to any care for any other problems. If and when I really need care, I have no idea what I'll do.


Senior Member
Ironically, I became too ill partially because I was too stubborn to accept my situation.

Mine was more direct, I was made worse by Exercise therapy instigated by a physiotherapist as advised by my doctor and vestibular training is what tipped me over the edge as they tried to cure my headaches.


Senior Member
Mine was more direct, I was made worse by Exercise therapy instigated by a physiotherapist as advised by my doctor and vestibular training is what tipped me over the edge as they tried to cure my headaches.

Sorry to hear. Mine was pushing myself for years, often on the advice of doctors that at least there was no risk of pushing through (which I asked numerous times). Combined with one particular doctor who 'examined' me so forcefully that he left me permanently disabled. And that was the CFS/fibro specialist who should have known better.

Then they wonder why we're so skeptical of physicians. I would unquestionably be far better off if I never saw a single doctor in my life. Of course we see them because we don't want to miss some obvious treatable illness, but on the whole I wonder if the profession does more harm than good (opiate deaths, medical malpractice, medical bankruptcy, unnecessary surgeries, and on and on).


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Hi 4 wks ago I was taken into women's hospital as an emergency .. bleeding . Luckily I had some stability with the m.e CFS .
I had a biopsy and am awaiting the results .
I was due to go there as an outpatient next wk for an internal camera but am still unstable with flare symptoms and want to be more stable before breaking being housebound again .
The new appoint is for 3 wks time . If I don't attend they may send me back to the GP .

What the hell do we do when our health is bad but we need medical attention ? It's important I have the tests as they need to rule out cancer . .

I've booked a carer to meet me there and push me in a wheelchair . I can wear dark glasses keep things to a minimum etc ...

Anyone have experience of this ?

Take drugs that day, something not too sedating. Maybe some water loading the day before for pots/oi and sipping water during the day of appointment.
Take a friend who u are comfortable with into the appointment as they may pick-up on something you didn't. Note bad for questions u want him to answer and any good info from him you can write down.🤞


Senior Member
Hi @Emmarose47.....I'm sorry that you're having a bad time of things at the present.

I think too many doctors can be way too tiring for us. Personally, when I'm in the hospital, I feel it's best to have as many tests as they want because a.) They aren't going to release me and b.) I think I may as well have one perhaps longer recovery than take a chance on even recovering and then going in for more testing.

Going to the doctor is a pest, no doubt of it, and I can get very worn out. Some tests are absolutely necessary, whether we want to have them or not and we're slotted in as emergencies so they can be performed right away.
I'm always glad to get back home....and have been helped/saved many times by having the suggested tests. Some I won't have again b/c they'll break another vertebra or really make my knee problems much worse. However, if there is a baseline that's not too old, then I ask for that to be used.

I know the system here is not going to wait for us to feel better, our individual doctors may postpone an appt., but if tests are required it's b/c they need answers.

Good luck and let us know how you fare. Yours, Lenora


Senior Member
Thanks Leonora
I just so worry I'll decline and not return .
The emergency hosp admission was 1 mth ago and I'm really in a flare still
All you can do is your best and take it as it comes. You obviously feel you need to know so going is warranted regardless of how ill you could get, take it one step at a time and get those answers you need. You will feel better for it psychologically which can make all the difference when recovering from crashing ect
I am sorry you are going through this right now and wish I could help in some way.

If I was too ill to go I did not go like many of us and they only see me on good days. A certain day an ambulance person makes prejudise comments (suggests I could get a job like him) and nurse gets aggressive and shouts at me when I ask if they can wheel me to the room, I have to forcefully explain I am disabled and cannot do it myself in the condition I am in currently (I could not use crutches too weak) and actually got some help after she realises the situation. We should not have to deal with this.

I have a small lump on the back of my leg, its probably a sebaceous cyst but I cannot be sure and pain has been in that leg recently. My GP does not think Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS diagnosis mean I have a neuroimmune condition and anything I ever bring up its your Fibromyalgia or ME/CFS. Why would I want to go.

For me I accept what may come on my terms, what I am comfortable with. After mant years I know how futile a visit to a medical proffessional can be. But this is about a different condition that they can and should look into for you so good luck and I want only a positive outcome for you. Please do let us know how you get on.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Thanks for sharing
I need to get cleared for cancer so really I don't have a choice ....

I"m sorry these challenges are arising, how hard.

Lately I ask own self to simply Come Through for Me. Challenge lies before me. I want to flee, or detour. Challenge is still there. OK OK OK.

I'll Rise To the Challenge. Pat yourself on the back for having gotten this far. You've managed a LOT. This will work itself out.

You can do it.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
We should not have to deal with this.

I have to go to the dermatologist and I don't want to. I got a bunch of dental work done, behind me and I want to feel better. I want to enjoy I got through the dental work (five months including a two month replapse).

Everything about somebody might want to come at me with a knife is entirely VETOED. And I don't know this doctor at all, and was already traumatized at a dermatologist by a technician. No doctor ever appeared and I had to flee the office.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
its probably a sebaceous cyst

I had one of those....it never really hurt especially as its a rather supervcial thing, but it swelled up impressively.

(had to take some antibiotic, that didn't really do much noticeably to my intestines as I recall)

I did get elbow bursitis: a totally bizarre experience I'd prefer never come back. That took a remarkable amount of time to clear out.


Senior Member
I had one of those....it never really hurt especially as its a rather supervcial thing, but it swelled up impressively.

(had to take some antibiotic, that didn't really do much noticeably to my intestines as I recall)

I did get elbow bursitis: a totally bizarre experience I'd prefer never come back. That took a remarkable amount of time to clear out.

I can't believe it, seemingly out of nowhere I have developed elbow bursitis! There is also something wrong with the bone of my forearm. This is so frustrating.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
There is also something wrong with the bone of my forearm. This is so frustrating.

are you kidding? Thats wrong here too!

Something elbow bursitis is still actually wrong. My left elbow hurts much of the time. The nature of that hurt is very odd, superficial, not in the joint or muscles, its this bursa thing...is acutely sensitive . And the bone my forearm...near the elbow, but running up my forearm...is where this pain seems to emerge from

I stare at my own elbow, at this odd pain, and my elbows can't be near the laptop or phone: it really hates the EMF.

So this membrane can pick up on the EMF.

Its been two years I think since my right elbow got fluid. It never hurt. I got it drained, it cleared out.

the left elbow never got fluid, but hurt worse. And still does.

- I've decided this is a whole piece of anatomy doctors don't understand. Now its lymphatic- per TCM, its a type of stagnation. And we are full of stagnation.

-I decided I"d cleared the acute care of bursitis away, by doing some HUGE STRETCHES of my arms and spine. After doing a major focus on this arm stretching, the fluid build up ended.

Well, so much for the thread topic, hospital experrineces!


Senior Member
are you kidding? Thats wrong here too!

Something elbow bursitis is still actually wrong. My left elbow hurts much of the time. The nature of that hurt is very odd, superficial, not in the joint or muscles, its this bursa thing...is acutely sensitive . And the bone my forearm...near the elbow, but running up my forearm...is where this pain seems to emerge from

I stare at my own elbow, at this odd pain, and my elbows can't be near the laptop or phone: it really hates the EMF.

So this membrane can pick up on the EMF.

Its been two years I think since my right elbow got fluid. It never hurt. I got it drained, it cleared out.

the left elbow never got fluid, but hurt worse. And still does.

- I've decided this is a whole piece of anatomy doctors don't understand. Now its lymphatic- per TCM, its a type of stagnation. And we are full of stagnation.

-I decided I"d cleared the acute care of bursitis away, by doing some HUGE STRETCHES of my arms and spine. After doing a major focus on this arm stretching, the fluid build up ended.

Well, so much for the thread topic, hospital experrineces!

That's so weird that there's something wrong spreading into the bone of your forearm, too! It doesn't hurt unless I press on it. It's a lump that feels like solid bone.

I've been picking up and carrying my dog with my left arm, but it seems strange that that could cause this. I have trimmed azalea bushes and not had this happen.

I have had lymphatic congestion cause severe issues in my legs, I'm not used to it happening in my arms. I'll make sure to do the stretching you found helpful.

And I have an herbal tincture for lymphatics that I'll get serious about.

So far I have tried frankincense and peppermint essential oils. I don't see any improvement.

Have you noticed any connection to your diet? I did add a few things in the past two weeks and now I am wondering if that has something to do with it.
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