Hi Everyone,
I think my story is too long and I'm just too tired to tell it right now, but it started out when I was only 18 years old and had a severe case of mono... followed by valley fever (coccidioidomycosis). After I had both of these infections, I had felt that I had never fully recovered. In fact, for at least a year later... I was seen in the Urgent Care or ER every month needing antibiotics for frequent infections (URI's, sinus infections, bronchitis, etc.)
It took me 18 years to finally get a diagnosis and by the time I was diagnosed... my health had taken a turn for the worse and I had POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and secondary adrenal insufficiency.
What is restoring my health is seeing an acupuncturist who does EAV testing and also has training in CAM and homeopathy. EAV testing is amazing. I really can't explain it, but basically.... it diagnoses you (although legally they aren't allowed to say that). You can do some google searching to find out more about it. I just know that it has always been accurate with me. My Endocrinologist was so impressed with my EAV testing results, that he agreed to go with me during my next session !!!
This is the current treatment plan that I've been on that is helping me a great deal (and also put me into remission in the past).
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_639.html - UNDA # 2
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_743.html -- UNDA #710
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_715.html --- UNDA # 48
In addition to the UNDA formulas, I also take some PLEO formulas as well:
Pleo Not (also good for LYME disease) http://www.drz.org/asp/store/DetailP...?ProductID=501
Pleo Mucedo https://www.drz.org/asp/store/Detail...?ProductID=618
Pleo Nig http://www.drz.org/asp/store/DetailP...?ProductID=500
I honestly can't tell you how these homeopathic formulas work.... only that they do (at least for me). Cher actually has said that she has used homeopathic formulas and flies to Germany for her CFS/Chronic EBV treatments. I actually have herxing symptoms (just like with the antibiotics) and when I originally started taking them, I had tachycardia. Of course this was because it was just too much for my system. I've since decreased the dosage and can tolerate the herxing symptoms just fine now. The results have been amazing ! It really makes me wonder why people don't know about these alternatives ?? It sorts of makes me upset and I see now that we've become too dependent on the pharmaceutical companies.
So that is part of my story... the most important part. I also take many supplements. As a result of these therapies, I have more energy, my muscle aches are almost gone completely and I rarely have blood pressure / tachycardia symptoms now !
I think my story is too long and I'm just too tired to tell it right now, but it started out when I was only 18 years old and had a severe case of mono... followed by valley fever (coccidioidomycosis). After I had both of these infections, I had felt that I had never fully recovered. In fact, for at least a year later... I was seen in the Urgent Care or ER every month needing antibiotics for frequent infections (URI's, sinus infections, bronchitis, etc.)
It took me 18 years to finally get a diagnosis and by the time I was diagnosed... my health had taken a turn for the worse and I had POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and secondary adrenal insufficiency.
What is restoring my health is seeing an acupuncturist who does EAV testing and also has training in CAM and homeopathy. EAV testing is amazing. I really can't explain it, but basically.... it diagnoses you (although legally they aren't allowed to say that). You can do some google searching to find out more about it. I just know that it has always been accurate with me. My Endocrinologist was so impressed with my EAV testing results, that he agreed to go with me during my next session !!!
This is the current treatment plan that I've been on that is helping me a great deal (and also put me into remission in the past).
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_639.html - UNDA # 2
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_743.html -- UNDA #710
http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/Und...yal_p_715.html --- UNDA # 48
In addition to the UNDA formulas, I also take some PLEO formulas as well:
Pleo Not (also good for LYME disease) http://www.drz.org/asp/store/DetailP...?ProductID=501
Pleo Mucedo https://www.drz.org/asp/store/Detail...?ProductID=618
Pleo Nig http://www.drz.org/asp/store/DetailP...?ProductID=500
I honestly can't tell you how these homeopathic formulas work.... only that they do (at least for me). Cher actually has said that she has used homeopathic formulas and flies to Germany for her CFS/Chronic EBV treatments. I actually have herxing symptoms (just like with the antibiotics) and when I originally started taking them, I had tachycardia. Of course this was because it was just too much for my system. I've since decreased the dosage and can tolerate the herxing symptoms just fine now. The results have been amazing ! It really makes me wonder why people don't know about these alternatives ?? It sorts of makes me upset and I see now that we've become too dependent on the pharmaceutical companies.
So that is part of my story... the most important part. I also take many supplements. As a result of these therapies, I have more energy, my muscle aches are almost gone completely and I rarely have blood pressure / tachycardia symptoms now !