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HLA DR and predisposition to mold toxicity?


Senior Member
West Coast USA
I know Lisa mentioned there was a thread on this, but using the search box I get null return on such a query.

I am trying to figure out if this test and related interpretation table (mentioned here
http://www.survivingmold.com/diagnosis/lab-tests ) is something already provided by the 23andMe results.

If it is part of the 23andMe results, I need to figure out how to find it and interpret it.

If it is not covered by 23andMe results I need to know how to test for it -- the Shoemaker site is unclear on that point.



Senior Member
I know Lisa mentioned there was a thread on this, but using the search box I get null return on such a query.

I am trying to figure out if this test and related interpretation table (mentioned here
http://www.survivingmold.com/diagnosis/lab-tests ) is something already provided by the 23andMe results.

If it is part of the 23andMe results, I need to figure out how to find it and interpret it.

If it is not covered by 23andMe results I need to know how to test for it -- the Shoemaker site is unclear on that point.

23andMe should have some SNPs on all of the genes listed there. Whether or not there's research showing that the 23andMe HLA SNPs are relevant to mold illness issues would require searching for the research on each SNP and reading it all to figure it out.


Senior Member
Midwest USA
You can test for this at any LabCorp. Probably at Quest too.


I'm not aware of it being a part of the 23andme data but I am not that well versed in that even though I've had the testing. If you find out that it is, please let me know!

I know I started a thread to ask about my friend's results a while ago. I'll see if I can find it again now.



Senior Member
West Coast USA

The Google site search works MUCH better than the built in search function.

Thanks Ema!! Great suggestion and thanks for the find.

As an update, I found out that while Dr. Shoemaker is not taking new patients, he will recommend labs as long as your doctor is ok doing the ordering, and then he's glad to provide some interpretation to inform your Dr.'s treatment options. I'm pursuing that now.