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histamine level question

Hello all

Started b12 up to 5000mcg a few weeks ago along with methylf... 1000mcg... Felt better for a while and then came bad headaches and seemed to cause worst depression and a crash.. exhausted all the time.... Should I come off it all and start again very slowley... Was also having tremors in legs..

Also does anyone know if this is a low histamine reading or normal or high..

6.6 mcg/g creat

This is what my urine was measured at ?

I am awaiting my genetic testing results ...


Senior Member
Maybe you were undermethylated, at some point hit your optimal levels, then overmethylated. Maybe start again with a lower dose?
I have started back today with 1000mcg mb12 and will add folate at 100mcg after a few days and see how it's goes... Am also going to take...b5,b3, don't tolerate others b,s at all..

Really want to know what that histamine level is now.. can't find much info online


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Also does anyone know if this is a low histamine reading or normal or high..

6.6 mcg/g creat

This is what my urine was measured at ?

Every lab has it's own reference range. Look at your lab report and it should say what the reference range is. It's only low, normal, or high compared to that lab's reference range. Sorry not to be of more help.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Yes there is a range on it in tye corner.. it's says.. 8-53.. so I guess that means I have low histamine.. opposite of what I thought lol
Well, this is what I don't know about urine tests: Does it being low in your urine mean that it's low in your body? Or does it mean that you're having trouble getting rid of it, so it's high in your body? beats me.

Did stopping everything before you started again help? How are you doing now?
That's actualy a good paint never though about it that way.. may be I will have a blood test done on histamine next and compare the two... I have started back at 1000mcg of mb12. Not feeling great but no worst or better than I was... I am having a bad time at the momment... So going to stick at this for a week and then add mfoliate slowley... Also some b6.. and b3 .. not niacin the other form.. as that can work for anxiety.. and I suffer from it... I am 2 years off citalopram... And have experienced bad depression and anxiety since stopping it... far worst than any thing I had before taking it... Was on it for 4 years at 10mg.... I don't respond to medication well at all now.. citalopram withdrawal sensitized my system badly... Wish I knew then what I know know... And how much doctorst withhold before offering drugs... Rant over lol