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High Citrulline Level


Senior Member

just received some new results.

Some weeks before I got these:

GSH cellular (CD3): high end of scale (norm >650, me: 1500)
B12: normal/high
Holo-transcobalamin: high end of scale (norm >35, me: 90)
sIgA saliva: high end of scale
sIgA intestine: nearly non existent
total IgE: high end of scale


KPU: negative (4.7 g/dl while norm is smaller 13)
Methylmalonic acid: normal/low (0.69 mg/g Creatinine while norm is smaller 2)

Citrulline: high (187.2 mol/g Creatinine while norm is smaller 100)

It is said that citrulline is high during l-arginine or l-glutamine supplementation but I take no supplements at all. Moreover citrulline can be reduced through B12 supplementation. When arginine gets transformed to citrulline the byproduct NO is produced. Does anyone have any ideas on what tests I should do in order to find out the cause of high citrulline? Is it worth to find out why citrulline is high?
High citruline usually means you have nitrostative stress, which needs to be treated. Typically, this is treated with B12 supplementation, but you seem to be OK there. Pall describes quite well how nitrostative stress is treated. Maybe somebody can give you feedback as to what needs to be checked to find the cause.


Senior Member
Hi, waverunner.

Low magnesium can cause high citrulline, because it's needed by the enzyme in the urea cycle that uses citrulline.



Senior Member
Thanks a lot for your answers. I remember that I had problems with cramps before and on the day the test was done so it really could have been low magnesium, Rich. I take magneisum and B12 and a multi mineral with no iron now.