It is a mother f***ing mess, and you don't need to apologise for yr attitude.
I've been sick 16 years, I saw Lapp once, Brewer a couple of times. I finally wound up on amy yasko's protocol (
I basically think Rich Van K (he posts on this website) and Amy Yasko have nailed it.. I think whatever the original trigger, we all wind up with compromised immune systems and broken detoxification systems, mitochondria that don't work, and screwed up hormones, no stage 3&4 sleep, no growth hormone, low blood volume and on and on.
In short, a methylation cycle that isn't working.
The question is what's the best solution? what's the optimal treatment?
You can see from this site that ppl are doing anything and everything, with varying degrees of success.
A lot of ppl go after the pathogens aggressively, but I worry that if the underlying immune system is broken that you[re putting the cart before the horse.
I read somwhere on here that Prof Nancy Klimas in Miami tries to build the immune system up with immune modulators before she brings on the big guns.. the antiviral drugs or whatever.... I believe her rationale is that she wants to save the drugs until they can be used to best effect by the body so that a person doesn't develop resistance to them.
I think the poster goldiland posted this..
I would think you would also want to use these drugs for the shortest period possible... because valcyte esp. is very toxic.
Furthermore, I worry about long-term abx destroying the gut ecology.. and some antibiotics have immune modulating properties...Difficult to know if one is feeling better because one is killing off an infection..or just modulating the immune system.
Also Valtrex modulates adenosine and high adenosine can inhibit methylation.....
I realise some of this will sound like greek to you...but just putting it out there for thought.
I think the timing or sequencing of treatments may be important...Like should you make sure your detox pathways in the liver are functioning before you attempt drugs that could cause die-off.?
I'm still working my way thru this maze.
If you search MoJoey on this site, you will see he has seen most of the top cfs docs in the country and aggressively researched txts. He's got an interesting story.
also jamie deckoff jones recently had a v. interesting piece on aggressive antibiotic (abx) protocols on her blogspot.
ok, if you're still reading, I just wanna finish by saying that I think the autism folks.. the DAN folks are years ahead of the CFS docs...and it can be helpful looking at what they are doing.
Yes... i think autism and CFs are pretty much the same thing ...(thanks Rich and Amy).
good luck