Does anyone know if this herpes virus activity with heparan sulfate would raise blood viscosity?
There are at least five viral envelope
glycoproteins involved in a virus’s attempt to invade a host cell. They can recognize homologous receptors on the surface of host cell, such as
heparan sulfate, and this specific recognition facilitates
membrane fusion.
Adherence to heparan sulfate is mainly mediated by glycoprotein gC in HSV-1 and glycoprotein gB in HSV-2.
After adsorption, the four glycoproteins (gD, gH, gI, and gB; gD being the most important glycoprotein in viral penetration) interact synergistically with the herpes virus entry medium (HVEM), nectin-1, nectin-2, and 3-O sulfated
heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). This process triggers the conformational change in the virus and plasma membrane results in membrane fusion. Then the virus enter the cytoplasm and complete the invasion step.