Here’s what I’ve learned so far .

Haven’t checked this message board in a while, hope everyone is doing OK.

anyway I thought I would share what I’ve learned the past few years.

some basic fundamental health information to start with…

All disease is caused by inflammation . All inflammation is caused by infection . Most of us here are dealing with chronic viruses.

viruses aren’t a problem unless immune function becomes compromised. Some common immunosuppressive triggers…

1. Stress and trauma - Psychological stress or a severely traumatic event will impair your immune function allowing dormant viruses to reactivate which can enter organs , establish latency , and generate low grade inflammation.

2. Heavy metal toxins - toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. cause hormone problems, nervous system issues, and poor overall immune function. We are being exposed more and more. I recently read an article on CNN how the four biggest baby food manufacturers are currently all selling baby food that contain high levels of these toxins. Chronic, low-grade exposure to heavy-metal toxins causes a cumulative buildup in the body and organs. when body is heavy toxic viruses can disseminate in various organs (primarily the liver , gallbladder and pancreas ) and generate low grade inflammation which results in poor digestion , poor detoxification, hormonal imbalance and poor T cell function .

EMF/ RF exposure - exposure to these types of radiation causes viruses to reactivate. EMF and RF exposure screw up our nervous system’s and put immune systems into a state of artificial stress. If you have latent or chronic viral infections you will see a substantial inflammatory increase with prolonged exposure to EMF and RF. When histamine is high emf and rf sensitivity get much worse .

histamine and allergic reactions - Histamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and by all production is reducehistamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and bile production is reduced histamine becomes an issue . When you have virus in liver you need to keep histamine high though, or suppressive inflammation will shut down liver function even further greatly impairing detoxification and raising risk of various types of cancers. Low histamine diet should only be used during flare ups and short term . Low histamine diet will make body very toxic which will decrease inflammation but cause wirse

The main areas of concern for all of us are the liver gallbladder and pancreas. When these organs are under low grade inflammation it creates poor metabolic function and poor overall immune function. without adequate bile and digestive enzyme production you get very poor digestion. This results in poor nutrient absorption and creates a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, and fungus in your intestines. Your food does not break down and rots . This is known as autointoxication.

your hormones play a major part in immune function. Your thought process plays a major part in your hormone function. Masturbation and sex will flare viruses up , but abstaining too much will cause toxicity .

Light, goal exercise relieves inflammation and stress. it pushes lymph fluid, opens up detox pathways and allows body to excrete toxins . As you detoxify chronic inflammation reduces and acute inflammation increases .

will continue tomorrow …

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
Haven’t checked this message board in a while, hope everyone is doing OK.

anyway I thought I would share what I’ve learned the past few years.

some basic fundamental health information to start with…

All disease is caused by inflammation . All inflammation is caused by infection . Most of us here are dealing with chronic viruses.

viruses aren’t a problem unless immune function becomes compromised. Some common immunosuppressive triggers…

1. Stress and trauma - Psychological stress or a severely traumatic event will impair your immune function allowing dormant viruses to reactivate which can enter organs , establish latency , and generate low grade inflammation.

2. Heavy metal toxins - toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. cause hormone problems, nervous system issues, and poor overall immune function. We are being exposed more and more. I recently read an article on CNN how the four biggest baby food manufacturers are currently all selling baby food that contain high levels of these toxins. Chronic, low-grade exposure to heavy-metal toxins causes a cumulative buildup in the body and organs. when body is heavy toxic viruses can disseminate in various organs (primarily the liver , gallbladder and pancreas ) and generate low grade inflammation which results in poor digestion , poor detoxification, hormonal imbalance and poor T cell function .

EMF/ RF exposure - exposure to these types of radiation causes viruses to reactivate. EMF and RF exposure screw up our nervous system’s and put immune systems into a state of artificial stress. If you have latent or chronic viral infections you will see a substantial inflammatory increase with prolonged exposure to EMF and RF. When histamine is high emf and rf sensitivity get much worse .

histamine and allergic reactions - Histamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and by all production is reducehistamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and bile production is reduced histamine becomes an issue . When you have virus in liver you need to keep histamine high though, or suppressive inflammation will shut down liver function even further greatly impairing detoxification and raising risk of various types of cancers. Low histamine diet should only be used during flare ups and short term . Low histamine diet will make body very toxic which will decrease inflammation but cause wirse

The main areas of concern for all of us are the liver gallbladder and pancreas. When these organs are under low grade inflammation it creates poor metabolic function and poor overall immune function. without adequate bile and digestive enzyme production you get very poor digestion. This results in poor nutrient absorption and creates a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, and fungus in your intestines. Your food does not break down and rots . This is known as autointoxication.

your hormones play a major part in immune function. Your thought process plays a major part in your hormone function. Masturbation and sex will flare viruses up , but abstaining too much will cause toxicity .

Light, goal exercise relieves inflammation and stress. it pushes lymph fluid, opens up detox pathways and allows body to excrete toxins . As you detoxify chronic inflammation reduces and acute inflammation increases .

will continue tomorrow …
Nice to see you!
Could you give us source information?
When you say “all disease”... Where is the inflammation in cancer for example?
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Nice to see you!
Could you give us source information?
When you say “all disease”... Where is the inflammation in cancer for example?

it’s well known that cancer is caused by chronic inflammation. There are established links between viral infections and all sorts of cancers. HPV is known to cause cervical cancer and head and neck cancer for instance. Go on pub med and search viral infection and cancer and you will see a wealth of clinical data regarding this issue.

The problem most people here are dealing with is that they have systemic viral infection that compromises digestion and detoxification which also throws off the hormones, nervous system, and overall immune function. Most people with these issues don’t get acutely sick. Your immune system gets stuck in a stalemate with the virus.

in a nutshell, when you catch an infection you should get acutely sick and than go into remission from it . We don’t , our symptoms are chronic and wax and wane with histamine reactions , hormonal fluctuations , stress , seasonal change etc

I was in the process of being diagnosed with ALS when I was at my worst . All of my symptoms are pretty much in remission and I’m working full-time again and I have some quality of life.

for me it’s all about balance, if I get too healthy I get inflammatory response to my motor neurons…. No bueno .

a huge aspect to me staying functional is smoking cigarettes. The toxins and the tobacco reduce immune response and allow me to be much more functional
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I’ll add one thing. Through all of my time dealing with this chronic illness I could never feel love. Even now I can’t feel it, ever . I was stuck in a state of anxiety and overdriven nervous function or depression and numbness. When my liver and gallbladder started working again I started getting sick with cold and flu symptoms which I hadn’t had in like a decade and at the sand time I could feel love again . My nervous system calmed and my hormones balanced and I felt love and warmth running thru my veins . It was incredible to feel love again after going so long without it .

nowadays everything is pretty much binary, I feel like a robot and feel emotionally dead and numb . Anytime I start feeling good the inflammation gets worse and I have to Backstep and suppress immune function .

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I’ll add one thing. Through all of my time dealing with this chronic illness I could never feel love. Even now I can’t feel it, ever . I was stuck in a state of anxiety and overdriven nervous function or depression and numbness. When my liver and gallbladder started working again I started getting sick with cold and flu symptoms which I hadn’t had in like a decade and at the sand time I could feel love again . My nervous system calmed and my hormones balanced and I felt love and warmth running thru my veins . It was incredible to feel love again after going so long without it .

nowadays everything is pretty much binary, I feel like a robot and feel emotionally dead and numb . Anytime I start feeling good the inflammation gets worse and I have to Backstep and suppress immune function .
Ok my main symptoms are:
Extreme weakness
Blurred vision
Air hunger

Bedridden, tube-fed.
I think you are right with your assumptions. And I want to supress my immunesystem but don't smoke, Alcohol - I know is also an immunsupressant, but it gives me other nasty side effects.
Any ideas how to supress immunereaction besides nicotine/alcohol?


Senior Member
That does seem to line up with my experiences, I usually feel a baseline level of debilitation that never goes, some sort of limitation, with varying issues that ebb and flow like OI or lactic acid or aches, probably partly blood flow related, then I also experience things on top of that that seem more inflammation related, or immune system modulated fatigue. since the start I put it all down to a dysfunctional immune system, not knowing any better, I think thats why so many were rooting for Rituximab to work. Last year after walking a lot when I didn't want to, my leg muscles became really inflamed and sensitive to touch, couldn't walk well for a bit because it was painful. I used to sometimes feel like my arm muscles had been 'tenderized' with a hammer, that was when I struggled to use a mouse.

I do think it really could be viruses that often settle down ( but still cause some kind of partial lockdown state ), then flare up again with activity, becoming semi viral, but it never gets to the point where you start feeling like you definitely have symptoms of a specific virus, maybe when it flares up you just get various new problems like light sensitivity for a while or something else depending on where the virus is spreading. A full 'crash' where you cant do hardly anything and have very low energy could also be related to virus changing its behaviour. The timescale of how these symptoms change, and in response to what, is very indicative that it could be a virus. I've looked around and not many people seem to relate to the sexual activity thing but in my experience its really consistently associated with worsening health, going beyond a certain threshold in hours per week it causes an increase in illness level that lasts for weeks after, which I don't believe is simply a result of 'exercise', if I just do physical work ( which uses more physical energy ! ) it does affect me but not in the same way.
Would also be interested in your insights if you felt so inclined to assist!

Neurological: cognitive haze (memory, word finding, and processing issues); visual dysfunction (blurred vision, eye pain, depth perception off kilter, photophobia); touch and sound sensitivity

Miscellaneous: POTS; intransigent exhaustion; muscle weakness; PEM

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
it’s well known that cancer is caused by chronic inflammation.
Could you cite your sources? It may be well-known to you, but there's a lot of divergent thinking on this subject .....

Yes, HPV can cause cancer. So can a lot of other things, including genetics in some cases, chemical assaults in others, continual stress in still others ....

The examples you referenced all have inflammation as a reactive response, conditional to other inciters ....

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
And I want to supress my immunesystem but don't smoke, Alcohol - I know is also an immunsupressant, but it gives me other nasty side effects.
Any ideas how to supress immunereaction besides nicotine/alcohol?

It seems preliminary info would suggest that THC and CBD maybe to doing this. Here is a link discussing some of that with some references attached. Preliminary because there is still very little study of the plant.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Like smoking for instance.
Or smoking could help due to:
Nicotinic Receptors
acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are receptor polypeptides that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors also respond to drugs such as the agonist nicotine. They are found in the central and peripheral nervous system, muscle, and many other tissues of many organisms.
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Wikipedia, or nAChRs,other tissues of many organisms.

I remember Dr. Cheney telling a patient friend (phone consult) "go smoke a cigarette and call me back and tell me if you feel better or not." (paraphrased)

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
I remember Dr. Cheney telling a patient friend (phone consult) "go smoke a cigarette and call me back and tell me if you feel better or not." (paraphrased)
Well, I guess it's cheaper and faster than a lot of random lab tests ....

That was an interesting post, @Sushi .... will have to re-read it when I have a brain, hopefully tomorrow :xeyes::xeyes::xeyes: ...


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I dont get smoking. It would increase inflammation all through the airways. Oxygen will be displaced from the hemoglobin by the carbon monoxide inhaled. Less oxygen being carried could cause greater fatigue.

Ive heard people getting ok effects from nicotine through nicotine gum or similar.